God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 817: Song Yun is the root cause

When Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng saw Song Yun like this, they all shook their heads, and didn't say anything. Such things were not Song Yun's problem at all. Xie Feng made mistakes again and again, so no wonder other people.

"This auction tonight, are you still staying here?"

Zhu Deyuan couldn't help but ask such a question again. Actually, he had already asked it just now.

"What's the problem? Anyway, this auction organized by Xie Feng is indeed unprecedented in scale. Such an auction must be seen. More importantly, there are many antiques we want, Shen Xue. In charge of this, I have to see what the final result is."

Song Yun saw this matter very clearly. One yard goes to one yard. Now that he no longer cares about Xie Feng’s existence, he will do his best to make a deal. This is just a business. Since it’s a business, the purpose is Just to make money, of course there is no scruples about making money by yourself.

"I like this feeling so much. I thought I was friends with Xie Feng. When I made the plan, I would give it a hand. Now I don't care about this. This is a very gratifying fact."

What Shen Xue hopes most is this situation. If this happens, he can let go of those antiques that he doesn't like. This time, he will definitely gain something, which is a very important gain.

"Jumbo Pavilion has accepted more and more commissions during this period, and we have accumulated more and more commission orders. It is very difficult to find enough antiques. Xie Feng’s auction is ours. One of the goals, but because we were concerned about the relationship with Xie Feng before, we really did not intend to do our best to operate this matter because of our subordinates. Now it is not necessary at all. It is absolutely a very important thing for us. Good thing."

"It's just a relief."

"I really can't imagine any better result than this."

Tang Miaomiao said, and glanced at Xie Feng not far away. Xie Feng made a big hit and at the same time to determine the auction company's position in the auction house. This time, he made a lot of preparations. The most important point is I have prepared a sufficient amount of antiques. If there are still some scruples before, then you can let go now, and a considerable part of the demand for antiques can be solved. Otherwise, so many orders on hand are really a headache.

"I said, why do you have so many antiques and demand?"

When Zhu Deyuan heard Tang Miaomiao say more and more orders, he couldn't help but shook his head. In other antique shops, shareholders generally buy it for ten and a half days. Selling one is already incredible. But when you arrive at the Jumbo Pavilion, it is like selling Chinese cabbage. If you say that it was like this at the beginning, you can still say that it is past, but time has passed so long, it is still so popular, and it is getting more and more popular. It's incredible.

"It's nothing impossible."

Xu Desheng said while pointing at Song Yun who was standing next to him.

"The key lies in this trivial matter. Some of the things that happened before have already made Zhenbao Pavilion famous, and the recent incidents are even more so. Take Yuan Qinghua, this incident includes Zhenbao Pavilion, Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao. It seems very passive, but in fact, this incident also made them famous. As a result, more and more people are looking for antiques from them. Making money is definitely a cramp in the earning hands."

Xu Desheng knows that the root cause lies with Song Yun. Although many things have happened in the recent period, people who seem to be the same on the surface are burnt, but in fact they are different after the treatment. Song Yun still has the treasure pavilion and even Even Tang Miaomiao’s reputation can be further improved. Now in the antique collection circle, Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao and their Treasure Pavilion are the guarantee of quality and the guarantee of genuine antiques. People who play antique collection or are For those who buy antiques as gifts, everyone is most worried about buying fakes. Since Jumbo Pavilion can guarantee this, why not do it?

"In the final analysis, it is still too good to pick up leaks, this one is too convincing!"

Zhu Deyuan is very clear, the root cause is here.

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