God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 826: Song Yun's stupid question

"Don't they worry that we found a good antique but don't tell them?"

Song Yun has no reason to disagree with this approach, but he is very strange about this issue. You must know that when buying antiques, there are things I don’t say, and they don’t even know if there are real good things in them. Inside, if he didn't have such eyesight, he would have discovered it already.

Tang Miaomiao did not speak, but looked at Song Yun with very strange eyes.

Song Yun couldn't help but scratched his hair. He knew that he must have asked a very strange question.

"Isn't this a very real problem?"

Song Yun was at a loss, wondering what was wrong with his question.

"You and I, including Jumbo Pavilion, are now in the antique circle, they are already gold-lettered signs. What I said is right?!"

Tang Miaomiao didn't directly answer Song Yun's question, but instead asked.

Song Yun nodded. There is no need to think about it at all. There is no need to be humble. This is the fact. Jumbo Pavilion is indeed a well-known gold-letter sign. If it were not like this, how could there be so many people looking for Jumbo Pavilion to buy it? antique.

"This golden sign is very valuable, it can even be said to be extremely valuable."

"The people Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng knew must have been in the antique circle for many years. Not only do they have a large number of antiques in their hands, but more importantly, these people have a considerable position in the antique collection circle. They sell us the antiques in their hands. They don’t have to worry about what we do, because if they find that the antiques sold to us suddenly appear in the hands of another person, they will sell it at a higher price. Yes, we will definitely stab this thing out. If that happens, we will definitely not be able to eat and walk around. Think about it, do you do such a thing like this?!"

Tang Miaomiao knew that Song Yun must have never thought of this problem for a while.

Song Yun nodded, and Tang Miaomiao was right. As long as he agreed to this matter, it would be impossible for him to repent, and even more unlikely to move anything.

"We have agreed to this condition, we must make some preparations."

Song Yun immediately thought of this condition. In fact, although there is not much challenge for him, there are some other risks in it.


"Song Yun, did you think of something?"

When Tang Miaomiao saw Song Yun like this, he knew that he must have thought of some problems he hadn't noticed.

"There is no problem in identifying the antiques in those people's hands. I can guarantee that it is absolutely impossible to make mistakes, but if someone who has the intention to say what we have done or moved, I will be very terrible, just like us As said, the treasure pavilion is now a golden sign. If it is damaged because of something out of nothing, it will cost us too much."

Song Yun didn’t worry about whether he would mislead him or not. This kind of situation would never exist. The only worry now is that some people may deliberately say one of the antiques sold to him for various reasons. It's a rare treasure, deliberately not to say anything.

Tang Miaomiao immediately discovered that he was patronizing and excited before, completely forgetting a huge loophole like this, things like people's hearts are completely impossible to challenge.

"If this is the case, we absolutely cannot agree to the conditions put forward by Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng. The risk is too high."

Tang Miaomiao immediately shook her head. She hadn't realized this problem before, but now that she has realized it, of course it is impossible to agree.

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