God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 829: Can't think of any way

After Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng left the auction site, one person drove and the other called. After half an hour, they appeared in a quiet teahouse. After entering a box, three old men were already waiting inside.

As soon as Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng sat down, two cups of tea were placed in front of them, exuding a faint fragrance, and they knew that they were not ordinary goods.


"This tea is really good!"

"Fang Hua, you stingy old man can take out such tea for us to drink, it is really rare to see!"

As Zhu Deyuan said, he took a sip from his teacup, exhilarating.


"Looking at the face you are doing for us, I'll get some good tea today. If it's not like this, 10 yuan a catty is enough to send you away. Why don't you know how to drink tea?"

Fang Hua glared at Zhu Deyuan.

"OK OK."

"I said you two are annoying? We have known each other for a lifetime. Every time we meet, we have to quarrel. Is quarreling really so much fun?!"

Sikongtu patted the table lightly, his face was anxious, he wanted to know how Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng went to talk with Song Yun.

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. You are over 70 years old. Don't you even know the truth?!"

Old God Yu Hai, who was sitting next to him, was there, with no expression on his face, as if he didn't care about it at all.


"Is it necessary to wear such a superior look in front of us?!"

"Don't you say that you don't want to know what is going on in your heart?!"

Sikongtu turned his head and looked at Yuhai, he was shocked by a word, and went back.

Yu Hai gently put down the tea in his hand, and then sighed. Sikongtu’s words could not be reversed at all, because he really wanted to know the outcome of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng’s talks, they were all old friends. Si Kongtu naturally knew exactly what he was thinking in his heart.

After drinking the tea in the cup, Zhu Deyuan explained in detail the contact with Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao.

After the three of Yu Hai listened to this, their brows suddenly wrinkled into a huge bump.

To be honest, this kind of condition is a bit unfair. In the antique circle, eyesight is what you need to eat. As a person who has been playing antiques for a lifetime, it is impossible not to know this.

It is totally unreasonable to put forward a condition like this. The fundamental reason is that the ability to pick up the leaks is too great. If Song Yun really picks up the leaks, after the news goes out, it will definitely become a joke, face-slapped. Sounds, such a situation is absolutely unwilling to encounter.

"Is Song Yun really unwilling to let go?!"

Yu Hai was silent for a long time before speaking.

"Song Yun said very clearly. If we can come up with a way to solve his worries, there is no problem with the conditions we put forward, and he will immediately agree."

Zhu Deyuan immediately explained Song Ming's viewpoint.

Yu Hai, Fang Hua, and Si Kongtu. Look at me, and I look at you. Their faces are exactly the same and very ugly. It is impossible to think of a solution. This is definitely an unsolvable problem.

"Do you two old men have any good ideas?!"

Sikongtu simply gave up after thinking for a while. He felt that he was definitely not this piece of material, and it was impossible to think of a good way.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng shook their heads together. They had been thinking about it all the way when they came here just now. They didn't have a clue at all. How could they think of a way at this time?

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