God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 834: Made me look bad

When Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue arrived at the teahouse, they immediately saw that in addition to Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, there were three old men. After the introduction and shabby, everyone sat down.

Song Yun did not take the initiative to speak. In such a situation, he is a buyer, so there is no reason to speak in a hurry. In this situation, he is the one who has the initiative. If the antiques in these people's hands are so easy to sell , It is impossible to find one's head, things are so simple and straightforward, having friendship with Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng does not mean having friendship with these people.

When Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng saw such a situation, they all sighed in their hearts. Song Yun, Shen Xue, and Tang Miaomiao are all smart people. The situation before them or what happened is probably on the way back. Guess, the reason why I didn't take the initiative to speak at this time was because I knew what was going on.

"Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, I told you before that, old man Fang, they hope to stick to that condition."

Zhu Deyuan knows that there is no benefit in sticking to such a situation. If they do not speak, Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao will certainly not speak. Sikongtu and the others will not take the initiative to speak either. speak.

"This matter is indeed known, and I can clearly explain one thing, that is, it is impossible to agree to a condition like this. This condition is too risky for me, for Tang Miaomiao and Zhenbao Pavilion."

Song Yun saw that it was Zhu Deyuan who was speaking. This face must be given. When he spoke, he had a smile on his face, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"Song Yun, we have a lot of antiques in our hands. If you can collect all the antiques that we want to dispose of, it will be very good for solving the problems faced by newcomers to the Treasure Pavilion. This condition we put forward Although it’s a bit harsh, in order to be able to solve the problems you currently face, it’s not too difficult to promise our terms."

Si Kongtu was the first to speak, trying to convince Song.

"I never deny that you have a lot of antiques in your hands. If it weren't for this, we wouldn't be able to sit here and talk about it now."

Song Yun nodded first, never denying that it is very important for Jumbo Pavilion to do it this way. To be able to buy all the antiques they don’t want from Fang Hua’s hands. If done this way, it’s absolutely possible. In the shortest time to solve the situation of Treasure Pavilion, a lot of antiques in arrears.

"Elder Zhu and Elder Xu should have told you what I worry about. If you have a way to solve the thing I worry about, I will promise you if there is no problem."

Song Yun was very calm, this matter was so simple, there was nothing to say.

"How could we do such a thing?"

"In this circle, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng know what we are like. It is absolutely impossible for us to do something like this."

Sikongtu spoke.

Song Yun looked at Sikongtu and didn't say anything. This old man is really a bit bad. This kind of guarantee is that only a three-year-old child will believe that everyone is an adult and a business man. No one is a fool. I might believe in such a guarantee, not to mention that when Sikongtu said such words, he was clearly holding Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng as guarantees, and his heart was filled with bad water.

Sikongtu saw Song Yun not speaking, his old face flushed, and his face was a bit unbearable.

"Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

"You can go out and find out what kind of person our Sikongtu looks like."

Sikongtu's voice grew louder and he looked a little bit angry.

"To be honest, I really don't believe it."

Song Yun put down the tea cup in his hand and raised his head to look at Si Kongtu who was sitting opposite him.

"To do business, you have to use the method of doing business. We are not talking about a two-piece antique transaction. For such a large transaction, no one will believe in other people's guarantees."

"Your condition is too risky for me, Tang Miaomiao, and our Treasure Pavilion. If we promise you, what happens in the future, can you bear this responsibility?"

"If you can promise us something, for example, if someone says we lied to you in the future, you come out to refute the rumors or bear all the consequences, there is no problem, of course I can promise your terms!"

"Don’t forget, what we do in this business is eyesight. Antiques have been in your hands for such a long time. Whether they are good things or not, you should know that there is no reason for me to guarantee that when you buy it, if I have to tell you that I found it to be a good thing. Don’t you think such a request is very absurd and unreasonable?!

Song Yun is really not at all polite at all. Sikongtu intends to rely on his qualifications to be older, so he has to let himself agree to his conditions. If he really thinks like this, I am sorry, he will definitely not give him any face. .

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