God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 848: Shen Xue's speculation

Shen Xue is very cautious. Every time she takes an antique, she is very cautious. It doesn’t matter if she spends a little more money because of it. She believes in her instinct very much. Whenever she encounters something like this, it means there must be Big things happen.

"What is it like?"

"What exactly is waiting for me?"

Shen Xue was very curious, but she really didn’t quite understand what was waiting for her. The most important thing was that it caused her intuitive reaction. The only thing she can be sure of is this kind of thing. If she can’t handle it by herself Properly, it will definitely lead to serious consequences.

"It would be great if Song Yun was here at this time!"

Shen Xue didn’t know why such a thought came up in Shen Xue’s mind. At this time, she suddenly realized that Song Yun, a person younger than herself, had become the backbone of his life without knowing it. It's a bit unbelievable, but it's true.

Shen Xue shook her head. She knew the fundamental reason for this was that Song Yun was too authoritative in the field of antiques. As long as it was related to antiques, as long as he was next to him, there would be no problems.

Shen Xue suddenly thought of something. When he left the treasure pavilion this morning, Song Yun specifically told herself, except for those antiques on the list, except for those antiques that Song Yun had previously appraised. Don't buy antiques.

"Could it be that the problem is here?!"

Shen Xue frowned. She thinks that the only thing that might go wrong is here. You know, if a new antique appears at this time, an antique that Song Yun has never appraised, but this antique It’s very tempting. Maybe I would really take a photo. As long as Xie Feng took out a fake antique, if I bought it without knowing it, it would be very likely to cause it. The most direct consequence is of course the loss of large sums of money.


"It shouldn't be like this!"

"Xie Feng knows very well that I am definitely not an expert in appraisal. If Song Yun has not appraised a very precious antique, under such circumstances, I will definitely not be able to rashly deal with it unless this antique is genuine. It is very tempting, but there are not many antiques of this kind. It is impossible for Xie Feng to get such a thing in a hurry."

Shen Xue is now basically certain that Xie Feng used such a strategy to deal with herself. The crux of the problem is that it is not a simple matter to realize the strategy. She has never been an impulsive person, involving a large sum of money. Money transactions are even more so. If you want to use this method to dig a huge pit to make yourself jump, you are basically unlikely to jump.

"What kind of antique would Xie Feng use?!"

After thinking about it, Shen Xue couldn't understand what kind of antique Xie Summit had brought out. The charm of this antique was so great that she was desperate to buy it.

"Be careful, be careful!"

"You must be extremely careful!"

Shen Xue kept reminding herself that she must be very careful in dealing with today’s auction. Although she still doesn’t know what kind of trick Xie Feng used to deal with herself, she must have dug a hole and she must be very careful. That's good, absolutely can't be caught by Xie Feng's trap.

Shen Xue had a strong spirit. Under this situation, he did not kill the Quartet as before, unless it is an antique with full confidence, especially those that have been appraised by Song Yun without any problems. If you don’t, you won’t make a move easily.

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