God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 852: Don't be too optimistic

"I didn't expect such a simple method to make Shen Xue chaotic, and the effect is really good."

Xie Feng looked at the statistics in his hand and was very happy, because judging from the auction that ended in the morning, whether it was the number of transactions or the price of transactions, they were far better than yesterday. The most important thing is The number of antiques purchased by Shen Xue has dropped sharply, and the amount of the transaction is also very close to the auction company's estimate, which shows that the threat posed by Shen Xue is falling sharply.

"I really didn't expect the effect to be so good!"

Han Xue smiled and nodded. In fact, when she came up with such a method, she didn't expect such a good effect. However, when it was implemented, the lethality was so amazing, she really did not expect it.

"There will be an auction in the afternoon, and I think Shen Xue will definitely come again. If he comes, we will have to follow the prescription to get the medicine, and she will definitely not be able to let her run wild on our site."

Xie Feng waved his hand vigorously. The effect of this simple method in the morning was very good. If the premium comes from the auction in the afternoon, he must do it again. He knows very well that for a master auctioneer, once the psychology is affected. The impact will produce a series of chain reactions, which will definitely affect the state of the auction. This is definitely a good thing for myself, and there is no reason to give up such a good way.

"We cannot be so optimistic."

Han Xue immediately shook his head. According to my method, the effect is indeed very good, but if you think that such a method will definitely continue to be implemented, it is simply impossible.


"Why do you say that?"

Xie Feng felt like a basin of cold water was being handed over from his forehead, and his elation immediately disappeared.

"There are two reasons for this. The first is of course Shen Xue. It is definitely not a simple or ordinary person. As one of the most famous masters in the field of auction, she must know that her bidding this morning has been greatly affected. Psychological influence. Under this situation, if she comes to the auction again this afternoon, it is impossible without adjustment. The reason why the master is a master is not only because of her skill, but more importantly, her psychology will be extremely strong. Strong psychological support is the most fundamental reason for them to become masters. If the premium reappears in the afternoon, she must have adjusted everything a long time ago. We just caught him off guard in the morning. Such things are absolutely It can't happen again and again!"

Han Xue is really not as optimistic as Xie Feng. If Shen Xue is really able to deal with it so easily, it is absolutely impossible to become a real master.

Xie Feng's heart sank. Han Xue was not wrong at all. She was indeed too optimistic. It is absolutely impossible for a person like Shen Xue to be defeated so easily. No one can do this. , Including myself.

"You just said that there are two reasons. This is just one of them. What is the other reason?"

Xie Feng's face was sullen. For one reason alone, he couldn't handle it. If there were other reasons, all his plans to deal with Shen Xue would immediately go bankrupt.

"Another reason?"

"The other reason is the most troublesome, and it is an unsolvable reason."

Han Xue laughed bitterly. If Shen Xue could still deal with it, the other person was helpless and could not do anything.

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