God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 855: Put a horse

Xie Feng did not leave. He wanted to see what Shen Xue did in the auction this afternoon, but he was very disappointed in the whole process. Then my heavily influenced Shen Xue has disappeared, another one. The energetic Shen Xue is back.

Xie Feng was photographed by Shen Xue with piece by piece of antiques. Seeing that the entire rhythm of the auction was controlled by Shen Xue, his expression was terribly livid, and his anger surged upwards. In the end, he even went to the auction. It's not over yet, it has turned and left.

Han Xue sighed deeply. The situation in front of her was the last thing she wanted to see, but it happened again and again. It was really helpless, but she had to accept it.

"This is really offending!"

Han Xue really didn’t have any temper, and there was absolutely no way to reverse the situation. Song Yun was a firm master, and Shen Xue was a master at auction. The combination of these two people is nothing to lose. At least no one is their opponent at the auction.

Han Xue did not leave, but kept waiting until the auction was over. Two hours later, everything was over.

Shen Xue is very satisfied with today's harvest. All the antiques that he wants to auction off are all obtained. Of course, all of these antiques have been appraised by Song Yun, and he didn't do anything about those other antiques.

Shen Xue went through all the formalities after the auction ended, and when she was about to leave, she found Han Xue stopped in front of her again.

"What do you want to do?"

Shen Xue looked at Han Xue. She didn't actually have a holiday with Han Xue. In fact, he still admired Han Xue's ability very much. Now the two sides are opposed, it's just that each is the leader.

"Can you really not show mercy anymore?"

"I can say with certainty that if you continue like this, this auction organized by Xie Feng has no meaning. The fundamental purpose of Xie Feng's organization of this auction is to run a company that is important in the world. The affected auction company, I think this, even if Song Yun has a bad relationship with Xie Feng, he should be happy to see it."

Han Xue knew that it was useless to say anything to Shen at this time. The only reason that could convince Shen Xue and Song Yun was this. In fact, she didn’t want to say anything like this at all, but it’s already here. For this reason, there is no other choice but to speak out.

Shen Xue was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Han Xue to say something like this to himself.


"What I have to admit is that your sentence is indeed very convincing!"

"If China can have an auction company with a certain reputation in the world, this is indeed what I want to see, and Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao also want to see it."

Shen Xue shook her head lightly. She must admit that Han Xue is indeed a very persuasive lobbyist, and one reason for this is more convincing than any other reason.

"I will talk to Song Yun about this matter. If there are no surprises, I will show mercy in the next auction."

Shen Xue turned around after saying this, she didn't stay anymore, there was absolutely no need for this.

Han Xue looked at Shen Xue's hurriedly leaving back. The expression on her face was very exciting. She really didn't know how to describe how she felt in her heart at this moment. Shen Xue's attitude had clearly shown that doing what she did before was just a personal grudge , But after expressing his desire to become a world-renowned auction company, Shen Xue immediately said that he could let Xie Feng go.

Han Xue stood at the door of the auction, and stood there blankly. She didn't move her face for a long time, and she couldn't see any expression.

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