God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 857: People arrive

When Shen Xue saw that Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao stopped discussing this matter, she knew what she should do. In fact, this matter is very important to Xie Feng, but it is also important to herself, Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao. Treasures are just a source of antiques. To give up is to give up. It’s no big deal. There are so many auctions in the world. Abandoning Xie Feng’s one will not have much impact. It’s really just that a piece of cake.

"What are you going to do with those old men tonight?!"

Tang Miaomiao's attention was all on the party tonight, and Xie Feng's matter was immediately thrown out of the clouds.

"These are real old fried dough sticks, life experience is very rich, our thoughts must not be hidden in front of them."

Song Yun had already considered this issue, and Tang Miaomiao brought it up to discuss it at this time, and naturally immediately stated his thoughts.

Shen Xue and Tang Miaomiao nodded. Song Yun’s remarks are not wrong at all. The old men and women who attended the party tonight have been in the human society for more than 50 years, and some have been more than 70 years. There are too many people who have met before, and it is almost impossible to play any tricks in front of them.

"My approach is very simple, straight to the point, straight to the point, and directly express our purpose. This may be the best choice."

Song Yun really planned to do this. The thoughts or purpose of these people could not be kept away from others. At the same time, this matter should have been upright, there is nothing to evade. There is a saying, but it will give people a feeling of being upright and aboveboard.

Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue immediately agreed to this principle. Many things don't need to go round and round, and there is no need to conceal them. They can speak frankly and honestly. This is the best choice and best practice.

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue sat for a while to see that the time was almost up, they simply left Zhenbao Pavilion and rushed to the meeting place. After they arrived, there was still half an hour before the agreed time. Once again, I found that there were no mistakes or omissions.

Song Yun put the big jar of Yuan blue and white character stories he brought on the table in the center. Everything was ready, just waiting for the guests to come, or that Jiang Taigong’s boom had been erected and the fishing line without hooks had been set. Put it in the water, the next step is to see what kind of fish will be caught.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the doorway, a little rush, and a little mess.

Song Yun looked at his phone and found that there was still 10 minutes before the agreed time, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He knew that these people outside the door must be some of the guests he invited over tonight. , It seems that I can’t wait to see what the big jar of Yuan Qinghua’s character story looks like.

Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue stood up and walked to the door. They had discussed it before. The two of them were responsible for receiving this party tonight. In fact, they meant to show their respect for the seniors.

"Old man Zhu, old man Xu, I said, can you two be faster?"

"Why do you two go as slow as ants?"

"Could it be that you can't go faster?"

An impatient voice came from outside the door, the voice was very loud and full of breath.

"I said you old man, what's to worry about?!"

"That kid Song Yun must have come with a big jar of Yuan Qinghua characters story at this time. This is porcelain, and it is not a flying bird. Without wings, it will definitely not fly. There is no need to race against time. Anyway, you can watch it tonight. Enough!"

Zhu Deyuan's familiar voice passed, and a few seconds later three figures appeared at the door.

Song Yun saw that Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were walking in the back, and the one walking in the front was a short old man who had never met.

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