God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 860: Have something to say

Song Yun looked at Tang Miaomiao and then at Shen Xue. His previous guess was not wrong at all. People like Sun Boyang have too much experience in life, and he immediately understood that there is absolutely no free lunch in the world, this one this evening. The party, at a glance, it is definitely not as simple as appreciating the story of Yuan Qinghua characters, there must be something else.

"Lao Sun, of course, our party tonight is purposeful. We want to discuss something with you."

Song Yun said his thoughts directly, it was just like what he said before, without any concealment, it was straightforward.


"You want to say something like this?!"

Sun Boyang froze for a moment. When he received a call from Tang Miaomiao, he had already guessed that something must be happening. He couldn't think of it, but the attraction of the story of Yuan Qinghua's characters is too great, so he endured it in the end. I can’t stop coming here. I thought it was a very troublesome thing. I didn’t expect Song Yun to say such a simple thing. The most important thing is that this thing is definitely good for him, or it is more profitable. Cons.

"You want me to buy the antiques we have, don't you want to collect the antiques too much?"

"My understanding is correct?!"

Sun Boyang looked at Song Yun, he was a little surprised, and he even wondered if he had heard it wrong.

"It's not wrong, it is exactly like this."

"Elder Sun, you have been playing with antiques for a lifetime. There must be some antiques in your hands. I don't want to keep collecting them."

Sun Boyang nodded. There is nothing wrong with Yunzhou dialect. He does have a lot of antiques in his hand. He doesn’t want to keep collecting. After decades of collecting, such antiques have indeed accumulated a lot, even There is a special room for stacking these undesirable antiques. He remembers that he has not been in that room for a long time. Some antiques are on the shelves, maybe they are covered with dust. There are many antiques like this. They were all collected in their early days. As the collection became more and more professional, their horizons became higher and higher. Naturally, these antiques would be inconspicuous, and they were still in the room, so they would never care about them. Song Yun even mentioned them now. I remembered that there was such a thing.

"It is actually a waste of antiques like this to keep in your hands. If you can take them out and continue to return to the market for circulation, it is definitely a very good thing.

Song Yun saw Sun Boyang's thoughtful look, and knew that his proposal must be interesting.

"Lao Sun, to be honest, our Jumbo Pavilion is now very short of antiques. There are so many people who ask us to buy antiques or entrust us to find antiques. The gap is getting bigger and bigger. In order to solve this problem, we are simply struggling. Brains, but even like this, the result is still not optimistic. What's more frightening is that more and more people are looking for antiques from us."

Song Yun was really helpless about this matter. Others believed in the name of Treasure Pavilion, and they couldn't say no at all when they called.



"I've heard about the things you are facing now at Jumbo Pavilion!"

"Other antique shops can't wait to be like you every day. You think that there are too many people looking for you to buy antiques. This is the first time I have heard of the idea of ​​doing antiques business like you."

Sun Boyang laughed, and then shook his head. The thing that Treasure Pavilion is facing now has almost spread throughout the entire antique collection circle. There are many people who envy and hate. You know, this is all living money.

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