God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 871: Shocking pie in the sky

Sun Boyang sent away Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue. When he stood at the door of the villa, he seemed to have lost his soul. He didn't move for a long time, let alone speak.

270 million? !

He actually sold so much antiques?

Sun Boyang couldn't believe that something like this would happen to him.

I have collected antiques for so many years, tens of millions or even more than 100 million antiques, and I have several pieces in my hand. If I sell all of my antiques, it is conservatively estimated that one billion or even two billion It's not a problem, but the crux of the problem is that these antiques can't be sold by themselves. The money is only theoretical money, and it is impossible to cash out at all. I don't feel how shocking.

At this time, I just sold some dispensable antiques, and his income was close to 300 million. Such a large sum of money really made it difficult for him to accept for a while. These antiques are not usually stored at all. In my own eyes, most or most of them are thrown there to grow dust, and now suddenly it has become a huge sum of money. It feels like being hit by a pie from the sky. This It is a great sense of happiness.

"Old man Sun!"

"What are you doing?"

"Why are you in a daze here?!"

Sun Boyang came back to his senses, and at first glance, he found that behind him, he didn't know when his old friend Zhao Weichu was standing.


"When did you come here?!"

"How could I not know?"

Sun Boyang was very curious, he didn't hear Zhao Weichu's footsteps at all.

"I have been here for several minutes. I saw you in a daze and called you for several times before I realized it!"

Zhao Weichu shook his head, not knowing why Sun Boyang was in such a daze.

"Do you have anything to do with me?!"

Naturally, Sun Boyang couldn't tell what he was thinking about just now. He was really embarrassed, so he simply changed the subject.

"I'm here to ask you if Song Yun is looking for you to buy antiques, or whether you have sold some unwanted antiques on your hand to Song Yun!"

Zhao Weichu came to Sun Boyang today because of this incident. At the party the night before, Song Yun was the first one to look for Sun Boyang. If this matter was true, then of course Sun Boyang would be the first one. Honestly, when he first started, he I don’t take this matter very seriously, but after going home, I think about it and feel that this matter is definitely good for me. Some unwanted antiques are in my own hands and have no meaning. If the price is right, you can sell it for cash to buy other better antiques. It will kill two birds with one stone. At the beginning, he thought Song Yun would contact him immediately, but there was no news after two days. I couldn't help it, but I was too embarrassed to find Song Yun directly, so I just came to my old friend Sun Boyang to find out what was going on.

In the face of his old friend, Sun Boyang had nothing to hide, so he directly told the experience of the past two days, including how much he sold.

"No way?!"

"Those tattered antiques in your hand, you sold so much money?!"

After Zhao Weichu listened, his eyes were as big as copper bells. Everyone was old friends for many years. They knew exactly what antiques each other had. Sun Boyang had a house full of unwanted antiques, covered with dust. I also knew that those antiques would be sold for so much money.

"Who said no?"

"In fact, even at this time, I still can't believe it, but the fact is the fact. The money is now lying in my bank card."

Sun Boyang smiled a little bitterly. This incident made him feel that he was still in a dream, and he felt a little unbelievable until now.

"No way!"

"It seems that I have to contact Song Yun's boy and sell him the antiques in my hand!"

After Zhao Weichu heard what Sun Boyang said, he couldn't wait.

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