God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 880: Dozen calls

Song Yun woke up early. He didn’t go back and just slept in the treasure pavilion after a busy day yesterday, because he knew that the next day would have to get up early. Those who came to sell antiques would definitely do Will come very early.

What Song Yun didn't expect was that he just got up and received a call from someone. After answering it, he couldn't help but scratch his own hair.

Zhao Weichu.

Song Yun has never dealt with this person, but he remembers this person, because this person is one of the people who attended the evening party a few days ago. He is a very famous collector in Ninghua City. Tang Miaomiao plans to attend the party. When he saw the list of people, he would certainly remember it.

Zhao Weichu called for only one purpose, that is, he has sorted out a lot of antiques and hopes to come and have a look.

"It seems that this news is spreading more and more intensely, and more and more people want to sell antiques to us!"

Song Yun patted his forehead. He has to sit in the Treasure Pavilion today. It is absolutely impossible to leave. For a while, he really couldn't find the right opportunity to find Zhao Weichu.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Tang Miaomiao walked into the Treasure Pavilion, and immediately saw Song Yun frowning, and he immediately clicked in his heart, not knowing what had happened.

Song Yun talked about the matter.

Tang Miaomiao knew what was going on after listening to it. At the end, he was worried that Zhenbao Pavilion would not collect the antiques after it had collected enough, so he was so anxious to sell the antiques.

"I can't leave Jumbo Pavilion now. Someone will come to sell antiques soon. I have to be here."

Song Yun knew very well that although Tang Miaomiao was good at appraising antiques, she was not as fast as her own. If there are so many people who come to Jumbo Pavilion to sell antiques, she will definitely not be able to cope with it. More importantly, Tang Miaomi The most important thing for Shen Xue right now is to deliver the antiques received to the previously booked customers as soon as possible, so that the funds can be withdrawn in the shortest time for the acquisition of new antiques. Once the capital chain is broken, After the rumors of the news spread, the great situation that was finally obtained disappeared immediately.

"There is no better way now, only to tell Zhao Weichu that we will go to his home at night."

Tang Miaomiao nodded. Song Yun absolutely can't leave Zhenbao Pavilion. He and Shen Xue have more important things to deal with. The antiques in Zhao Weichu's hands can only find time to pass at night.

Of course Song Yun knew that it would be better to go over now at this time, but there is really no way.

Tang Miaomiao's cell phone rang, and after receiving a call, he answered another call, and stopped after a dozen or so.

When Song Yun heard what Tang Miaomiao said, he knew that it was definitely from the people who attended the party that night.

"How to do?"

"Could it be that we can't sleep tonight?"

"It looks like we have to be busy all night long!"

Song Yun knew that he, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue didn’t have time to sleep at all tonight. It must be very urgent for so many people to call. They must buy all their antiques in the shortest time. No It can be procrastinated again and again, and there is absolutely no benefit if the procrastination is too long.

Tang Miaomiao didn't have a better way. Time is too tight, so he can only choose not to sleep all night, and put away all the antiques in Zhao Weichu and others' hands.

Shen Xue had just walked into the Treasure Pavilion at this time. After listening to the situation introduced by Tang Miaomiao, she sighed. This is really a trouble of happiness. Once the snowball rolls up and gets bigger and bigger, no one can stop it. .

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