God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 891: Host and guest

"Old man Zhu, old man Xu, I said before you two come here, can we make a call a few days in advance so that we can think about how to entertain you."

A loud voice came from outside the yard, and then he walked into a thin old man with a small beard on his chin, a very typical goatee.

"Jiang Guangming, I don't need to tell you in advance for this kind of thing, I can come whenever I want."

"You don't need to think about this kind of thing. Anyway, you just have to bring out all the good things."

Zhu Deyuan saw it, and Jiang Guangming immediately yelled. They were all old friends for many years, and they were not very polite. They spoke straightforwardly.


"If you come here to have a bowl of porridge for you to eat, it is already incredible."

When Jiang Guangming spoke, he kept looking at Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao and Sun Xue, and his eyes stayed on Gong Yangqiu for a while.

Xu Desheng briefly introduced Song Yun and others.

"Are you Song Yun?"

"The most famous person in our circle recently is you."

Jiang Guangming was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the young people who followed Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were Song Yun, who was very popular in the collection circle recently.

"Mr. Jiang, you have praised."

"It's just some sleepy names, which are too exaggerated when others say it!"

Song Yun immediately said modestly, Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, and Jiang Guangming are good friends, and they are all seniors in the antique collection circle, and he must be polite.

"You are really too modest. Old Man Zhu and Old Man Xu mentioned you from time to time in front of me. The most important thing is that they said that you are very good at picking up antiques. I am really curious."

Jiang Guangming was indeed very curious whether what Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng said was true. Song Yun knew the authenticity of antiques at a glance. This kind of ability was simply shocking, and he couldn't believe it.


"Old man Jiang, don't you believe me?"

"It's better to see at a glance. If you don't believe it, let's make a bet on the spot. You can find two antiques for Song Yun to appraise."

Zhu Deyuan looked at Jiang Guangming with a smile. He certainly didn't believe it the first time I heard about this kind of thing. He planned to use this opportunity to let Jiang Guangming know what it means to have a person outside the sky.

"There will be a small party tomorrow. Some people will bring antiques. If you have nothing to do, how about joining in the fun?!"

Jiang Guangming’s heart moved. In the past few days, several people have been planning something, bringing some relatively high-end antiques, and want to sell them. He has seen those antiques but he is a bit undecided. Since Song Yun Here, it's better to take a look, so that you can see if Song Yun really has this kind of ability.

Song Yun nodded and agreed. Needless to say, a party like this is definitely not that simple. The antiques that will appear must be true or not. This kind of thing may be very troublesome for others, but for yourself. Said, it's just a piece of cake, there is no difficulty, there is no reason not to agree, maybe I can miss one by taking such an opportunity.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng came in a hurry and did not notify them in advance. Some of their old friends were not available tonight. Jiang Guangming, as the host’s representative, greeted them. They were all rich people, whether they were eating or drinking. Very detailed and very satisfying. The guests and the host enjoyed themselves. These four words are enough to describe this party tonight. They went to each house until late at night. When Jiang Guangming was leaving, he focused on tomorrow. Party.

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