God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 914: Not worried at all

After Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue listened to Xu Desheng's words, they couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Is it impossible?!"

"Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan, want to deal with us?!"

Song Yun really found it a little unbelievable. He had dinner with Jiang Guangming last night. The most important thing is that Jiang Guangming belongs to the senior-level existence in the antique collection circle. He is just a newcomer, a younger generation, and nothing at all. Doing something special suddenly became Jiang Guangming’s thorny eye, and he rose to the level where he wanted to deal with himself.

"I have not figured out the reason for this, Old Man Zhu and I have yet to understand, but you must be more vigilant. I know Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan very well, knowing that they must do something like this!"

Xu Desheng waved his hand. Although there was no strong evidence, he believed that his judgment and Zhu Deyuan's judgment would never go wrong.

Song Yun nodded cautiously.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng are very familiar with Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan. Since they have made such a judgment, they must be vigilant.

Song Yun raised his head and looked at it. Zhou Dongshan and Jiang Guangming, who are not too far away from him, suddenly felt that the whole thing was ridiculous. They were eating together last night, and they became enemies in a blink of an eye. It became a little too fast.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng didn’t say much. They believed that as long as Song Yun was more vigilant, no matter what Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan came up with, they couldn’t get rid of them. There were thousands of tricks in the antique collector circle, but in the final analysis, The most important thing is the ability of identification. As long as there is no problem in identification, no matter how hard you dig the hole, you will not be able to pit it. Song Yun has the ability to go against the sky. As long as you are more vigilant, nothing will happen. It is Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng went to chat with other old friends.

"Song Yun, why do you think Jiang Guangming wants to deal with us?!"

Tang Miaomiao didn't doubt the words of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng at all. Jiang Guangming must be trying to deal with himself and Song Yun, including Zhenbao Pavilion.

"This happened really suddenly!"

"I feel a bit confused now, I don't even know what happened!"

Song Yun shook his head and smiled bitterly. He really didn't quite understand what was going on. After Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng came here, they immediately contacted Jiang Guangming. This meant that Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng had a relationship with Jiang Guangming. It’s very good. If you don’t look at the face of the monk and look at the face of the Buddha, how can you suddenly think of a way to deal with yourself? This thing is really not true.

Tang Miaomiao also found it incredible, just like Song Yun said, this thing turned too fast, completely beyond expectation.

"Anyway, we have to be vigorous at this time, we must be careful, and we must not be careless."

The expression on Shen Xue's face is very serious, although I don't understand why Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan suddenly wanted to deal with Song Yun, but one thing is certain, the way such old fritters come out will definitely make people hard to defend. , Be careful not to fall into the pit.

"I don't worry about this at all. Zhou Dongshan and Jiang Guangming want to deal with us?! It's not that I underestimate them, they really don't have this kind of ability!"

Song Yun shook his head and sneered. Zhou Dongshan and Jiang Guangming wanted to deal with themselves. Now it seems that this matter is already a fact, but if they think they can deal with themselves and Zhenbaoge by any means, it would be too naive.


"Why do you say this?!"

"Are you really so confident?!"

Shen Xue looked at Song Yun seriously and found that she was not joking at all.

"Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan really have nothing to do with us, don't worry about this!!"

Tang Miaomiao also looked relaxed, and didn't take this matter to heart.


"You two are too nervous, right?!"

"I feel like you are facing a big enemy, but you feel that the clouds are calm and gentle, what is going on?!"

Shen Xuexue's eyes widened, she looked at Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao incredulously, completely unable to understand.

"The most important thing in the antique circle is appraisal. Song Yun's appraisal skills are invincible in the world. No matter what method Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan want, they can only start from the antique appraisal aspect if they want to deal with Song Yun. Do you still think Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan's methods will be lethal?!"

Tang Miaomiao directly stated the key here.

Shen Xuele had already forgotten this matter.

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