God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 921: Can't buy too much

"It's not that Song Yun can't buy antiques, but can't buy too many antiques!"

Jiang Guangming gritted his teeth. He already felt that his reasons were untenable at this time, but there was no retreat. He had to say his reasons, otherwise Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng would not let it go. Yourself.



"This is so ridiculous!"

"Jiang Guangming, don't you think that the reason you have said is simply nonsense?"

"Some people sell antiques and some buy antiques. Song Yun has money. If he wants to buy antiques, does he have to get your approval?!"

"Jiang Guangming, do you value yourself too much?"

Zhu Deyuan looked at Jiang Guangming in front of him as if he saw a monster. He really couldn't think of Jiang Guangming would say something like this.

Jiang Guangming’s face is hot, and if it’s unpopular, it’s like a slap in the face. There is no way to refute it. Buying and selling things is a matter for both buyers and sellers. Song Yun wants to buy more antiques. If someone is willing to sell, there is absolutely no reason to stop it.

"Old man Zhu, don’t speak so yin and yang. Jiang Guangming is not saying that Song Yun can’t buy antiques. It’s just that he bought too many antiques. If he buys all the mobile antiques here, he It will affect the entire antique market. We were worried that something like this might happen, so we thought about dealing with Song Yun."

Zhou Dongshan had no choice but to speak so clearly.


"You are absolutely nonsense!"

"How could Song Yun buy all of your current shareholders?!"

"It's impossible for something like this to happen at all, even Song Yun wants to do this. It takes how much money and how much money to do it. Don't you have any numbers in your heart?!"

"You are actually worried that Song Yun will buy all the antiques in the antique market, and you choose to deal with him. This reason is really ridiculous!"

Zhu Deyuan pointed to Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan with a look of shock. He did not think that it was a reason for this.

"Don't you think this will happen?!"

"What did Song Yun do in your Ninghua City, don't you two know?"

"If something like this is staged here again, do you think our antique market will be affected?!"

"You know, after Song Yun bought these antiques, they all brought them back to your Ninghua City and sold them all to your people in Ninghua Temple. Then your market will prosper, but our market is because The shortage of antiques has taken a hit."

"If Jiang Guangming and I can't see this matter, there is nothing to say. Since the two of us have already seen it, we must find a way to deal with it. Anyway, we will never allow Song Yun to be arrogant here. Buy antiques!"

Zhou Dongshan righteously said that this matter must be dealt with seriously in his opinion, and Song Yun must not be able to destroy his own antique market here.

Zhu Deyuan did not speak any more, looked at Zhou Dongshan, looked at Jiang Guangming, and laughed.

"Old Man Zhu!"

"We invited you and Old Man Xu here tonight, just to explain this to you clearly, and I hope you can understand us a lot."

Jiang Guangming looked at Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng. He didn't know why. He suddenly felt that the friendship between them for many years because of this matter seemed to have come to an end.


"You called us here tonight, is that just to explain to us what is going on?!"

"Doesn't your political purpose want us to persuade Song Yun not to buy antiques here?!"

Xu Desheng held his hands, as if watching a monkey performance, looking at Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan.



"If you can talk to Song Yun and tell him not to do this, this will be a good thing for everyone."

The smile on Zhou Dongshan's face is super invincible and embarrassing, which is actually the most important purpose.


"Song Yun is buying antiques here. First, it doesn't violate the laws and regulations. Second, it doesn't violate industry regulations. Now you really ask Song Ming to tell me not to buy antiques here."

"Blocking the way of money is like killing your parents. In this way, you two will have to bury the loess on your neck for the rest of your life. Do I have to explain to you what this means?"

"You two clearly want me to block Song Yun's way of making a fortune, Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan, what do you mean by that?!"

Zhu Deyuan stood up slowly while speaking, turned and left after speaking, without hesitation or pause.

"Everyone is old friends for so many years. I thought I could be old friends for a lifetime. I didn't expect to see your true colors until today."

"They are all people who have lived for decades, shouldn't you think about it before doing things?!"

Xu Desheng slowly put down the tea cup inside and left with Zhu Deyuan.

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