God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 934: Walk away

Jiang Guangming's face was pale, and the backlog of anger was finally uncontrollable.

"Song Yun!"

"How dare you talk to me like this?"

Jiang Guangming was so angry that if his eyes could kill people, he would have killed Song Yun thousands of times by this time.


"What's the problem with me speaking like this?"

"Mr. Jiang, you are indeed an old senior in our antique collection circle. I have never denied this. I have been emphasizing this point just now. But even if you are an old senior in the circle, you can never rely on your own. Just one sentence made me give up a lot of profits, right?!"

"What I have just said is very clear. If you can make up for my economic loss, I will give up buying antiques without saying a word!"

"What do you think of my proposal?"

Song Ding sneered, Jiang Guangming really felt that his face was bigger than the sky.

Jiang Guangming was speechless again. Song Yun's request was very reasonable. The purpose of buying antiques was to make money. There was no way to solve Song Yun's loss. Naturally, there would be no reason to ask for it. Song Yun stopped buying antiques.

"Is it impossible to discuss this matter?"

"Do you really have to buy antiques here?"

Jiang Guangming stood up slowly and stared at Song Yun.


"Mr. Jiang, do you really think that with your own words, you can make me give up and buy antiques here?!"

"Are you thinking too much?"

"I emphasize once again, if Mr. Jiang, you can make up for my economic losses, you can stop buying antiques here, if you can’t do this, then I’m sorry, I will not just stop buying here. Antiques, and I can tell you very clearly that starting from tomorrow, I will change to a larger place and continue to collect antiques. After all, the hotel is a bit inconvenient."

Song Yun is no longer polite at all. Jiang Guangming came here today to find himself, trying to use his position in the circle to force himself to agree to his request. If it is another person, maybe in order not to offend Jiang Guangming, think It’s better to do more than less. It is very likely that you will agree, but such a thing is absolutely impossible for me. I rely on my true ability to eat in the antique collection circle, and I don’t need others to show my face. .


"If you really insist on doing this, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Jiang Guangming knew that the negotiations between himself and Song Yun had broken down at this time, and immediately began to threaten.

"Mr. Jiang, are you sure you really want to do it like this?"

"Do you think you can really deal with me?!!!"

"Do you think you can deal with me by virtue of being a senior in the antique collection circle?!"

Song Yun sneered again and again, Jiang Guangming really went back more and more.

"The antique collection circle relies on the insight and ability of appraisal. This is not my own praise. Now in the antique collection circle, there are no people better than me. I really want to know what you can use. The way it looks can deal with me?!"

"Let others not sell me antiques?!"

"Do you think something like this will come true?!"

"Now there are so many people lining up to sell me antiques. If you think you can do it, then why don't you go out and tell those people that they don't sell me the antiques on their hands?!"

"If you can do this, or if after you speak up, those people don’t sell me antiques, naturally I won’t be able to buy antiques here, wouldn’t your goal be achieved? ?!"

"There is no need to chirp with me here!"

Jiang Guangming's face turned dark.

Song Yun's words hit him a few times like a hammer.

If he can speak, let others not sell the antiques to Song Yun. There is no need to come to Song Yun and say something like this. Yun now said that it is clearly a face-to-face slap.

"Another way is that you can tell others not to buy my antiques. If others don’t buy my antiques, of course I cannot collect so many antiques. You have to know that buying antiques will cost money and must If you spend a lot of money, if all these antiques I bought are thrown into my hands, even if I have the courage to do such a thing!"

"Mr. Jiang, do you think I am right in the end?!"

Song Yun's words once again forced Jiang Guangming to a corner with nowhere to go

Jiang Guangming suddenly discovered that he really had nothing to do with Song Yun. His biggest weapon was his identity and status in the antique collection circle. If Song Yun didn’t put himself in the eyes, he would be nothing. .

"Song Yun! Let's wait and see!"

"I will definitely let you go around!"

Jiang Guangming dropped a word and left angrily.

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