God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 947: Worth the shot

The smile on Shi Tiezhu’s face has not changed at all, but in his heart he feels that this matter is a little weird. I have seen it a lot of times, but this is normal in the antique collection circle, an antique of tens of millions. Don’t say it’s ten times, even if it’s 20 or 30 times, it may not be able to sell in the end. The most important thing is that he found that when he came here to see this cabinet before, Ding Xuecheng was very enthusiastic, and even a little impatient. No, this is the first time this time I have spoken in this tone.

Is it possible to say that this is because Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, and Song Yun are here? !

Shi Tiezhu knew that it was probably because of this. Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, and Song Yun appeared here, and Ding Xuecheng probably felt a pressure.

"If this is the case, then this thing must be weird?!"

"Is there really something wrong with this cabinet?"

"But where is the problem?"

While muttering inside Shi Tiezhuxin, he couldn't help but glance at the cabinet placed in the corner.

"no problem!"

"This is the last time I have looked at this cabinet. If I plan to buy it, I will sell it tonight. If I don't buy it, then forget it!"

Shi Tiezhu nodded. Although he felt more and more suspicious in his heart, he didn't show any special expression on his face.


"Then this matter is settled!"

"I'll leave, you guys take a good look at this cabinet!"

"If you have a decision, call me. I'll come over again. I have a few friends who are drinking tea and chatting."

After Ding Xuecheng finished speaking, he turned and left.

Song Yun stood behind Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng. He didn't say a word, and from time to time he glanced at the cabinet in the corner.

Huanghuali’s Duobao Pavilion is more than 150 cm long, close to 60 cm wide, and slightly more than 200 cm high. From the outside, it looks very good. With its own powers, it is definitely true. antique.

"Is there really nothing wrong with this antique?!"

"Where will you live?!"

Song Yun frowned. He always felt that there was a problem with this antique, but for a while he couldn't see the problem, where it was.

"This Duobao Pavilion is good!"

"There shouldn't be any problems with appearance!"


"Old man Shi, I think if you can buy it, it should be a good choice."


Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng studied the cabinet in the corner for a long time. They were very suspicious of the whole thing in their hearts, but there was no problem with the cabinet in front of them. Whether it was workmanship or material, the proper one was Huanghualiduo from the Qing Dynasty. Baoge.

Duobao Pavilion is actually called Baibao Pavilion or Bogu Pavilion. To put it bluntly, it is a cabinet specially used to place antiques. This kind of furniture only appeared and rose during the Qing Dynasty. The most unique thing is that it has many lattices. , Through the horizontal and vertical heights, one after another staggered space is formed, which is different from the traditional horizontal and vertical, which creates a very special visual space.

"Anyway, I didn't find what was wrong with this!"

Zhu Deyuan watched carefully for half an hour, but he really couldn't find what was wrong with the Duobao Pavilion in front of him.

"I didn't find anything wrong!"

Xu Desheng also shook his head.

"According to your opinion, can I buy this cabinet?!"

Shi Tiezhu patted the back of his head. In his imagination, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng would persuade themselves not to buy this cabinet after seeing this cabinet. What he didn't expect was that the plot was not like this at all. Both Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng thought it was in front of them. There is no problem with the cabinet, and I think it is true. The conclusion like this is really unbelievable and unacceptable.

"If the price is right, I really can't figure out why not buy it!"

"This kind of well-preserved Huanghuali Duobao Pavilion of the Qing Dynasty is absolutely rare."

Zhu Deyuan was in the circle of antiques. He knew for a lifetime that antique furniture was different from ordinary antiques. Because it was caused by wood, it was very difficult to preserve. The furniture of the Ming and Qing dynasties occupied an important part in the history of Chinese antique furniture. Status, whether it is the material or the workmanship, is the pinnacle. The cabinet in front of you is very large, and the appearance is perfectly preserved. It is even more rare. In a sense, this kind of antique furniture is hard to come across. Please, as long as the price is not too outrageous, there is nothing wrong with buying it.

Xu Desheng nodded and agreed, his view was exactly the same as Zhu Deyuan, this piece of Duobaoge antique furniture is definitely worth buying as long as the price is right.

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