God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 964: Real thighs!

Song Yun got up early the next morning. After checking the time, he found that it was still very early. At this time, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue were definitely still sleeping, and it was impossible to get up. The only possibility to get up was Zhu De Yuan and Xu Desheng, but considering that they were late for supper last night, they simply didn’t go to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. But what he didn’t expect was that after arriving at the restaurant, he found Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng two people are already sitting there.

"Song Yun, why did you get up so early?!"

Zhu Deyuan saw Song Yun and immediately waved his hand.

"got used to!"

"When I was in the village, because I had to work in the fields, I got up early and went to work in the city. I was even more used to getting up early. After more than ten years, it has become a very stubborn biological clock, unless it was the night before I go to bed too late, or I’m too tired, otherwise I usually get up early."

Song Yun sat down opposite Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, ordered some steamed buns, milk and porridge, and ate them while talking.

"What do you plan for during the day?"

Xu Desheng drank the white porridge in front of him slowly. He had supper last night. His appetite was not particularly good this morning. A little pickles and a bowl of white porridge are enough.

"There is no arrangement, there is no special arrangement next."

Song Yun shook his head. This time he came here to buy a large amount of antiques. There will be no need to worry about the shortage of antiques in the treasure pavilion for a long time, and he feels very relaxed.

"The two of us want to go to some antique shops, are you interested?!"

Zhu Deyuan talked about his arrangement with Xu Desheng.

Song Yun nodded as soon as he heard it. He knew that after Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue woke up, they would definitely have to continue shopping. If they stay in the hotel, they might have to be arrested as porters to avoid this tragic ending. The good way, of course, is to follow Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, not to mention that seeing antiques is my biggest interest.

Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, and Song Yun ate breakfast quickly, left the hotel immediately, went straight to Antique Street, Shi Tiezhu’s antique shop is on Antique Street, but today did not plan to visit him, but wanted to visit another antique shop. turn.

Song Yun soon discovered that Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng didn’t have any specific goals. They were really just walking around. They entered an antique shop to see if the antiques on the shelves were of interest. If they were interested, Let the owner take a look, if there is no interest, leave immediately and go to the next antique shop.

Song Yun followed Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, but did not speak at all. He just watched from the side. He soon discovered that Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng are really well-connected. If you walk into an antique shop, you may know Kai Antique. The owner of the shop, this is a very shocking thing. You must know that this is not Ninghua City but another site. From this, you can see the status and reputation of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng in the antique collection circle. .

Song Yun used to have no clear and direct knowledge of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng’s reputation and status in the antique collection circle. Now at this time, seeing Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng constantly greet and chat with many antique shop owners. Suddenly they have a kind of self. Underestimated the feelings of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng.

"This is the real thigh!"

"The real thigh in the antique collection circle!"

Song Yun kept muttering in his heart. It was really beyond expectation. He always thought that it was just two old men who were too ordinary to be ordinary. It turned out that this was not the case at all.

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