God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 967: Do you want to buy antiques?

Song Yun, Zhu Deyuan, and Xu Desheng returned to the hotel in the evening. There is still a game arranged by Shi Tiezhu tonight, and they must return to the hotel earlier.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng returned to their rooms to rest.

Song Yun had been thinking about Tuning Antiques in his heart, and made a call to Tang Miaomiao, and found that he had returned from shopping, so he went to their room.

"What's matter?"

When Tang Miaomiao saw Song Yun come to him, he knew that there must be something, otherwise, he would have to pay the appointment arranged by Shi Tiezhu together. If there was nothing to do, he would never come to him at this time.

Song Yun talked about what he found while visiting the Antique Street with Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng today.

Tang Miaomiao nodded after listening. Shi Tiezhu's judgment including Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng was not wrong. The antique market is indeed in a downturn. The business of Zhenbao Pavilion is very good. This is totally a special case and does not represent the entire antique market. Happening.

"Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng proposed, can we consider hoarding some antiques?"

This is what Song Yun wanted to discuss with Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue.

"Do you think this is necessary?"

Tang Miaomiao was a little bit unsure.

Jumbo Pavilion’s business is booming now, and no matter how many antiques there are, it can be sold. Under this circumstance, it is definitely not an easy thing to judge whether it is meaningful to sell antiques.

"Shen Xue, what do you think?!"

"Do we need to stock up some antiques now?"

Tang Miaomiao glanced at Shen Xue who was sitting next to him.

"I don’t know much about the antiques market, but I can provide some suggestions. The auction market in the last two or three years has indeed been a bit sluggish. The number of antique transactions and the amount of transactions are compared to previous years. The difference is very large, and it gives the impression that the auction market is very prosperous. It is only because from time to time there are some heavyweight antiques being sold. People are often confused by the huge transaction amount. Most people simply don’t notice the difference. In some cases, for example, most antiques have not been sold, especially those with a set reserve price. Basically, they have not been sold. This shows that the problem is that the seller thinks the antique is very valuable, but the buyer thinks the antique is not worth the money. , The psychological expectations of buyers and sellers are very different. A direct result is that the number of transactions is very small. This is actually a very important manifestation of the downturn in the antique market."

"I don't know much about the sale of antiques in antique shops."

"As for whether we want to collect antiques or not, old fritters like Shi Tiezhu are doing this. I think we can stock up some antiques. Antiques are something that can be collected. The longer the time, the more expensive the price. If there is no expiration date, it is absolutely impossible to lose money."

After thinking about it for a while, Shen Xue immediately expressed her opinion. It is a very important decision for Zhenbao Pavilion to collect antiques or different antiques, and she must express her attitude.

Song Yun frowned slightly. Shen Xue knows the auction market very well. Her judgment is absolutely impossible to go wrong. In other words, the antique trading market is indeed completely different from the prosperity in her own impression. It is definitely at a low point. This is a situation that I have not noticed before. How should Treasure Pavilion deal with such a market downturn? This issue must be carefully considered. Shen Xue's statement is very reasonable, Shi Tiezhu In this way, people who have been in the antique market all their lives have been collecting antiques. They are not particularly experienced people. If there are no other better ideas, they can in fact copy the method of Shi Tiezhu completely.

"Sister Tang, what do you think of Shen Xue's opinion?!"

Song Yun thought for a while, feeling that he was still a little bit undecided, so he just listened to what Tang Miaomiao thought about this problem.

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