God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 971: The right choice

Zhong Mingyi didn't talk about antiques until the meal, and after the meal he sat and chatted together.

Song Yun didn’t say anything special. Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, and Shi Tiezhu were all seniors in the circle. You don’t need to talk more when they are there. He is just sitting quietly drinking tea, Tang Miaomiao Same with Shen Xue.

Song Yun was actually a little curious in his heart. When he came here tonight, he originally thought Zhong Mingyi wanted to identify antiques by himself, or something else, but until now, nothing has happened, but things like this are basically It is impossible to ask directly, Zhong Mingyi didn't speak, he didn't do anything, but in the end it proved that Zhong Mingyi had something to do with him.

"Mr. Song, I have a ruthless request, don't know if it is appropriate?!"

Zhong Mingyi was a little nervous when he looked at Song Yun's speech.


"I don't know what is going on with Boss Zhong??!"

Song Yun really felt a little bit curious about the first time. He didn't know what Zhong Mingyi was doing. He wanted to ask himself for help, so he used the words "relentless please".

"I have been playing antiques collection for several years. I bought antiques by myself. Sometimes I bought real ones, but more often I bought them fake. I won't talk about these things and just treat them as paying tuition. "

"Antiques are very fascinating, and the most exciting one is picking up leaks."

"I have bought a lot of antiques in the past few years, but I have never picked them up."

When Zhong Mingyi said this, he was even more nervous, and he could even hear his tone of voice.

Song Yun was taken aback, but he already probably understood what Zhong Mingyi wanted to find himself.

"Mr. Song, next time you go to buy antiques, can I follow along to see it? I really want to see what it is all about!"

Zhong Mingyi asked Song Yun to come here. In fact, the most important purpose is to see with his own eyes what the process of collecting leaks is. This kind of thing is very mysterious and exciting in the antique collection circle. I have heard a lot of stories, but I have See, never. Two years ago, he used to run around with some antique shop owners for the purpose of looking at the leaks, but this kind of thing has never happened, but I have hit the eye several times, and slowly died in this matter. Mind.

Song Yun's affairs slowly spread in the circle. After Zhong Mingyi learned about it, his already extinguished mind began to burn again, and the thought deep in his mind came out again.

After listening to Zhong Mingyi’s words, Shi Tiezhu, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng couldn’t help but laughed, but this kind of thing is nothing strange. Picking up leaks is originally the most mysterious thing in antique collection. Although Zhong Mingyi is a master in other industries, In the antique collection circle, I’m just a beginner level rookie. It’s not surprising that I haven’t picked up the leaks. In fact, many people have never picked up the antiques for a lifetime. I want to see and even experience the leaks. It is one of the most important desires of every person who plays antiques, and Zhong Mingyi is no exception.



"Boss Zhong, I originally thought that you came to Song Yun to get him to identify antiques for you. I didn't expect it to be such a thing."

Shi Tiezhu laughed, Zhong Mingyi's request was really unexpected.

"It’s absolutely not wrong to find Song Yun this kid. If you want to pick up the leak for a lifetime, you may not have a few chances like this. But for Song Yun, it’s as simple as drinking water. Looking for him, I dare to pack the ticket and it will be fine."

Zhu Deyuan vowed to make such a thing. In his opinion, there is only one person in the entire circle who can guarantee that he can do it, Song Yun.

If Zhong Mingyi wanted to see and miss, Song Yun was definitely the most correct choice.

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