God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 994: I'm really envious and jealous

"Old man Shi, this place is really very good. You still have such a house here. I really didn't expect it."

Zhu Deyuan nodded as he looked at it. At a glance, you can see that such a house is something that a large family can own.

"We actually have a lot of houses like this here, but they are very well preserved, not many at all."

"The place we are now is the best one of them."

"There was an old friend ten years ago. He liked ancient buildings very much, or he liked old buildings. He bought a place like this, and after years of repairs, it finally became what we see today."

Of course, Shi Tiezhu knows that the house in front of him is very good. When it is full, it costs a lot of money, and the subsequent repairs will cost more. It is truly repaired as old, just like an antique, the simplest one. An example is that the doors and windows used in this house are all bought from other old houses, and they are all from the same period. Just collecting such building materials does not know how much time and energy was spent, let alone Say money.

"It seems that your old friend must be an antique collector."

Xu Desheng knows that this must be the case. People who like ancient buildings usually like antiques and appreciate the beauty of ancient things very much.



"Old Man Zhu, Old Man Xu, I can hear you complimenting me. It feels like I have eaten ginseng fruit. No one is uncomfortable with 38,000 pores all over my body!"

Walking out of the room, an old man with white beard and hair, but with a very good spirit, his whole face was flushed like a child, with a smile on his face, he strode over.

"Li Fu?!"

"How could it be you?"

"You don't mean to tell me this house belongs to you?!"

"How can you, a big boss like you, know ancient architecture?!"

Zhu Deyuan was taken aback. He didn't expect that the house in front of him was actually Li Fu's. The two were old friends who had known each other for many years. If there was such a big move, he would have known it for a long time, and suddenly it appeared. Come, I can't believe it.

"Envy and jealousy!"

"You must be envy and jealousy!"

"Old man Zhu, you are a famous person in the antique collection circle. I admit this, but you can't devalue me to nothing!"

"Why am I a big boss?!"

"Why can't I have a house like this?!"

"Of course I have studied ancient architecture, and I am a real expert. My nature is just that you don't know anything!"

"You must not slander me, let alone belittle me!"

Li Fu strode up to Zhu Deyuan and patted Zhu Deyuan on the shoulder.

"I knew you old man would talk like this when he saw me!"

"I know even more that you old man will be very envious and jealous now knowing that this house is mine. In your heart, you must be thinking, why don't I have a house like this?!"

Zhu Deyuan was speechless, because everything Li Fu said was true, he did not believe that you paid for the house, and now it seems that there is no doubt that this matter is indeed Li Fu’s. If you come, it is absolutely super invincible envy, jealousy and hatred. What I think in my heart is that if I have a house like this, looking for some old friends to have tea and chat and play antiques is definitely the most wonderful thing in the world. Living in one Looking at antiques in a huge villa, although it is very good, it feels very beautiful, but if it is in an ancient building, this feeling is undoubtedly considered to be in the sky rather than the world.

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