God-Level Koi! Royal Sister’S School Beauty Went Crazy And Called Daddy To Give It To Me

Chapter 4 Divine Level Talent! Divine Level Skills! A Match Made In Heaven! [410]

"No wonder Principal Nan said that."

Explosive Mage, SS Level potential profession!

In the Dragon Kingdom, and even around the world, blaster magicians have a mature career path from level one to level eight.

Explosive Mage, the mutated profession of a magician, is an all-powerful magician.

Compared with the stability of the power of traditional magicians' skills, the skills of blast magicians are extremely unstable.

With luck, the same Level 1 skill is as powerful as Level 10 when released.

Unlucky, my skill scrapes the monster.

The Lord eats a ‘pop’!

This leads to,

The blaster magician's equipment is almost exclusively used to increase 'good luck' or 'critical hit rate'.

Su Yao’s ‘Koi Possession’ just adds a ‘good luck’ aura.

the other side.

The confusion in Ye Hongyu's eyes quickly turned into uncontrollable shock.

"There is still a profession like Koi in this world. Even professions with attributes related to 'destiny' cannot improve good luck through data. Su Yao...

After the shock, Ye Hongyu felt quite complicated.

At this moment, she understood why the boss named her 'Red Fish'.

"Why are you looking at me with such complicated eyes?"

Su Yao was a little confused.

"Level 1 increases good luck by 1%, and Level 2 increases by 2%. If the skill level improvement effect follows this pattern... then Su Yao, congratulations, you will be the first newcomer in Dragon Kingdom to have a career with SSS potential this year."

Nan Baoguo couldn't hide the exclamation in his tone, looked at Su Yao with admiration, and nodded frequently.

"There are only a hundred SSS Level potential professions in the world after a hundred years of the universal era. Those who are still alive today have successfully reached level seven or above."

"Su Yao, did you know that more than 80% of the initial career potentials among the world's nine-turn elites are SSS Level?"

Nan Baoguo's words made Su Yao's heart instantly become hot.

Nine turns to the sky, the ceiling of human combat power.

Everyone is the pillar of the country!

In the Dragon Kingdom, there are six nine-turn Qingtian on the surface!

Second only to Yingjiang who has eight nine-turn Qingtian.

Su Yao's future points directly to Jiuzhuan Qingtian!

The envy in Gu Qianyu's eyes overflowed.

Even Ye Hongyu can't help but feel a little envious in his heart.

"Nine-turn Qingtian? I, Ye Hongyu, will also ascend to the ninth-turn, no! I will become the world's first ten-turn Divine Level powerhouse!"

Ye Hongyu's slender hands were secretly clenched at some point.


A dark yellow box with a heavy history appeared on the ground out of thin air.

"Epic treasure chest!"

Gu Qianyu was surprised and couldn't help but start stroking the mold.

Su Yao's Adam's apple moved, and a fiery gaze flashed in Ye Hongyu's black jade eyes.

Treasure chests only exist in Secret Realm.

Treasure chests will be refreshed at certain fixed and non-fixed locations in Secret Realm every once in a while.

Killing wild monsters also has a chance of popping up a treasure chest, but the probability is ridiculously low.

Black Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Ultimate, Epic, Legend, Divine Level.

The treasure chest is divided into nine levels, corresponding to Secret Realm one to nine.

An epic treasure chest, a product of the seventh-turn Secret Realm!

Extremely rare!

"Su Yao, add a halo to me."

Nan Baoguo rubbed his hands and said to Su Yao with a smile.

Su Yao: Huh?

Ye Hongyu and Gu Qianyu were also a little confused.

"Principal, do you want to open this epic treasure chest?"

Nan Baoguo nodded and said with a smile: "It will be opened sooner or later, come on Su Yao."

Su Yao hesitated.

The 1% good luck bonus is actually slightly equal to nothing.

"Principal, the 1% good luck bonus is the same as nothing..."

"Same as nothing?"

Nan Baoguo smiled, "Little guy, don't underestimate this 1% increase in good luck. It's already quite impressive."

"Increasing the rarity of good luck equipment is not much lower than that of immunity equipment. I spent most of my fortune to only buy five pieces."

"Five pieces of equipment, together, only increased my luck by 3%. Your 1% of luck is worth three pieces of equipment, so don't belittle yourself."

Nan Baoguo's explanation made Su Yao's eyes light up.

Su Yao had no idea about good luck skills or equipment before.

I didn't expect it to be so powerful!

"Yes Su Yao, otherwise how could the principal evaluate your SSS potential?"

Gu Qianyu's eyes became hot when he looked at Su Yao.

These days, who among the third and fourth ranks doesn’t have a few treasure chests?

The cold aura on Ye Hongyu's body has dissipated a little.

"The higher the level of the treasure chest, the higher the basic level of the items it will open, but the probability of opening epic-level items is only 3%, which is fixed."

"With the equipment I have, plus your 1% increase, there is almost a one-tenth chance of getting an epic item. The probability is very impressive."

Nan Baoguo, Gu Qianyu, and Ye Hongyu all looked at Su Yao.

Su Yao nodded heavily and was about to throw a [Koi Possession] skill halo to Nan Baoguo.

He gains 1 lucky point every second, and now he has 356 lucky points.

When he raised his hand, a voice suddenly sounded in his head.

[The host’s awakening of the only hidden profession Koi is detected. ]

[The occupation meets the requirements and the strongest talent system is successfully bound. ]

[Congratulations to the host for awakening the only Divine Level Talent: comprehensive increase (Level 1)]

Su Yao was shocked and immediately checked his attributes.

[Name: Su Yao]

[Occupation: Koi (only)]

[Level: 1 (0.00%)]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Spirit: 10]

[Constitution: 10]

[Equipment: None]

[Good luck value: 2561]

[Skills: Good Luck Comes (Level 1), Koi Possession (Level 1)]

[Comprehensive increase (Level 1): All skill effects are increased tenfold! ]

[Good Luck Comes (Level 1): Passive skill, as long as you are alive, you can continue to gain good luck points. The current skill level will gain 10 good luck points per second. ]

[Koi Possession (Level 1): Active skill. After being used, it can add a 'Koi Possession' halo to the team or target individual. The halo will continue to consume good luck points until the good luck points return to zero. The current halo good luck bonus is 10%! ]

The basic attributes have not changed, and a talent has been added:

Increase across the board.

The only Divine Level Talent!

All skill effects are increased tenfold!

This talent can only be described with the word 'terrible'.

Directly increase the 1% good luck halo to 10%!

The most intuitive concept is:

The probability of opening an epic item from the epic treasure chest in front of you has increased from 3% to 13%!

Coupled with the boosting equipment on Nan Baoguo, the probability of breaking out epic equipment once reached 16%!

Fortunately, with the ‘Koi Possession’ aura, the target cannot see the specific increase value.

Otherwise, Nan Baoguo will definitely go crazy!

Maybe he will have bad thoughts about Su Yao.

Su Yao activated the skill, and Nan Baoguo suddenly gained an aura BUFF.

[Koi Possession (gain halo): You receive the blessing of Koi and gain an increase in good luck for a certain period of time in the future. ]

Nan Baoguo took a deep breath and shouted in his Dantian:



The epic treasure chest shook left and right a few times.

Suddenly opened.


Dazzling, noble purple-gold light soared into the sky.


Epic items are out!

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