God-Level Koi! Royal Sister’S School Beauty Went Crazy And Called Daddy To Give It To Me

Chapter 40 Xiao Longhui’S Determination And Actions To Hug His Thigh! Mo Jiaojiao: Su Yao Must Be Ca

For this skill effect, ‘Koi’ is worth SSS!

The three of them felt this way at the same time!

There are few pieces of experience bonus equipment in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

Each one is no less important than the Divine Weapon.

Each piece is one of the most important foundations of the great power!

This type of equipment can greatly increase the upgrade rate of career changers.

The same initial career, from one to three.

With such equipment, the time will be greatly shortened.

As time goes by, strong people will emerge one after another.

"No wonder the principal would not hesitate to let Su Yao be the captain, no wonder Teacher Gu would say that..."

Qin Xinyue's mind shook violently.

"So this is why Ye Hongyu asked Su Yao to be her boyfriend!"

Mo Jiaojiao's angle was completely different, and her silver teeth were almost broken.

She could imagine that if Su Yao became the Ye family's son-in-law, Sun City would become the Ye family's private territory within twenty or ten years.

"No, I have to grab Su Yao!"

Mo Jiaojiao clenched her pink fists, her fighting spirit ignited again.

Compared with the two women's intense thoughts, Xiao Longhui has already taken practical actions.

"Captain, please form a club. How about I join you with the entire 'Pure Love Warriors Club'?"

Xiao Longhui is much higher than Su Yao, but he doesn't think it is embarrassing for him to do this.

That's the experience drop bonus!

As long as I hold on to Su Yao's thigh, will I be promoted to the first, second or third rank in the future?

Seeing Su Yao silent, Xiao Longhui was a little anxious.

He glanced at Ye Hongyu and suddenly had a plan in mind:

"Captain, from today on, I am the 'witness and guardian of pure love' between you and Ye Hongyu. If anyone dares to speak rudely to you because of the school belle, I, the 'Black Scale Shield', will not be able to spare him!"

Su Yao finally understood why Nan Baoguo wanted Xiao Longhui to keep his mouth shut.

This is obviously a talkative person!

The words are even more secret than Wang Bao!

"Captain, please, accept me. I promise to be your most loyal guardian."

Xiao Longhui really wanted to cry.

This sentence made Su Yao's heart move, and he said slowly:

"It's not impossible, it depends on your performance."

Xiao Longhui was so inspired that he showed a military posture and military salute.

"Promise to complete the mission!"

Su Yao nodded somewhat dumbfounded.

A group of five people continued to move forward.

A few minutes later, a three-man team was encountered.

"The captain is here, get out of the way!"

Xiao Longhui roared, startling the three-man team that was spawning monsters.

"Damn! It's Xiao Longhui!"

"How come this idiot is on the tenth floor?"

The three-person team knew Xiao Longhui and used their skills to kill the cave spider and leave.

Xiao Longhui turned around and grinned at Su Yao.

This scene made Qin Xinyue almost laugh out loud.

"Not to mention, Xiao Longhui really looks like he has a weak leg."

Qin Xinyue's words immediately attracted several looks.

"Sorry, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue."

Soon, he encountered the second cave spider.

Xiao Longhui goes up and kills instantly!

[Kill 1 cave spider and you gain 423 experience points! ]

Three rays of light lit up among the team.

Su Yao, Ye Hongyu, and Mo Jiaojiao have all been upgraded.

[Name: Su Yao]

[Occupation: Koi (only)]

[Grade: 7 (21.22%) ]

[Strength: 128]

[Agility: 128]


[Physique: 128]

[Attribute points: 0 points]

[Equipment: Crazy Lion Armor, Sun Fish Bead (3 stars)]

[Good luck value: 593,850]

[Skills: Good Luck Comes (Level 7), Koi Possession (Level 7)]

[Comprehensive increase (Level 1): All skill effects are increased tenfold! ]

[Good Luck Comes (Level 7): Passive skill, as long as you are alive, you can continue to gain good luck points. The current skill level will gain 70 good luck points per second. ]

[Koi Possession (Level 7): Active skill. After being used, it can add a ‘Koi Possession’ halo to the team or target individual. The halo will continue to consume good luck points until the good luck points return to zero. The current halo good luck bonus is 75%! ]

Seeing that the [Comprehensive Increase] was still Level 1, Su Yao's mood was not disturbed at all.

[Comprehensive Amplification] is the only magical skill. Su Yao can only upgrade it after he reaches the Divine Level. He is not surprised at all.

"When your mental power exceeds 100, you can exchange it for 4-star Sun Fish beads. An additional 1% increase in skill effect is also an improvement."

Su Yao changed the 3-star Sun Fish bead to a 4-star one.

"Why didn't I lose two years of my life? If I had only two years of life, I would be in the same class as the captain."

Xiao Longhui looked up to the sky and sighed, feeling quite regretful that "I was born before you were born, but you are already old after you were born".

"I'll introduce you to a friend later. You two will definitely get along!"

Su Yao shuddered and walked towards the cave spider.

In addition to experience, equipment is also dropped.

Not one, but two.

"It's the spider web cloak and the dark blood spider armor!"

Qin Xinyue burst out, realizing once again how powerful Su Yao's 'Koi Halo' was.

This scene further strengthened Xiao Longhui's determination to hold Su Yao's thigh tightly.

The direct manifestation is that Xiao Longhui is more competent!

It also made Mo Jiaojiao more determined in her decision.

She silently moved closer to Su Yao, closer than the distance between Ye Hongyu and Su Yao!

An hour and a half later.

Mo Jiaojiao, Qin Xinyue and Xiao Longhui looked at the cave spider suit on the rock.

In less than two hours, a cave spider suit was created.


So exciting!

They had never experienced this before and it felt so unreal.

"Captain, sell this set to me. I'll pay you one million gold coins."

Xiao Longhui's eyes were filled with excitement. He didn't want too many cave spider suits.

"I'll pay you 1.2 million gold coins."

Qin Xinyue made an offer without hesitation.

Mo Jiaojiao glanced at Ye Hongyu. If Ye Hongyu didn't offer a price, she wouldn't offer one either.

The three of them had a tacit understanding, and none of them wanted to raise points or equipment.


Wouldn't that mean to offend Su Yao, the sweetheart?

Su Yao didn't want to take advantage, not to mention he was still upgrading.

"Buy enough for five sets, one set per person."

"Captain, be awesome!"

Xiao Longhui always pays attention to his own work.

Qin Xinyue and Mo Jiaojiao looked at each other and smiled.

"Thank you Captain."

"Captain is generous!"

Two hours later, a group of five people arrived at the deepest level of the tenth floor.

At this time, Su Yao's level has reached Level 9 and a half.

Upgrade while lying down and get equipment.

It's simply not too comfortable.

Along the way,

Xiao Longhui cleared the way and saw one kill every one in an instant, working very hard!

[Please note that you have entered the territory of the Catacomb Spider Lord! ]


The ground shook violently.


Spider web-like cracks appeared on the ground ahead.


The ground collapsed, revealing a dark and deep cave.

In the cave, eight fist-sized ‘lamps’, as dark red as blood, suddenly appeared.

Follow the 'light' and take the initiative to walk out of the cave.

A huge cave spider appeared in front of the five people.

Those 8 dark red ‘lights’ are clearly the eyes of the Catacomb Spider Lord.

[You discovered the Catacomb Spider Lord! ]

Su Yao looked at the huge cave spider and quietly retreated behind everyone.

"Killing the underground spider lord should allow me to level up directly, right?"

Another chapter added! Brothers and sisters, do you have any flower evaluation votes or anything like that? Please vote for some. It’s not easy to code, so I hope you will support me.

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