"He said that he won't assign tasks to us for the time being, which proves that there are still things that need to be done in normal times. This advanced planet is so powerful.

"It can be said that the tasks they assign are definitely ones that can make the planet develop better. They must also have high-level opponents. The number of planets is small, and they all know each other."

There is no problem with Su Yao's judgment.

The gang has already sneaked into "Two Four Three", and it is not that easy to leave, but naturally understands what Su Yao said.

Of course he will do what Su Yao said. Now they just need to practice well in this animal suit.

Su Yao estimated that there must be tens of thousands of Spirit Veins here, but he couldn't figure out how many there were at all.

There are more than a dozen of them next to their Cave Mansion, and the two of them are actually the weakest in this area.

Strong people will definitely have more Spirit Vein, but in fact, on this planet, Spirit Vein is almost always shared, so there is no need to worry about some people using more and others less.

Su Yao sighed deeply.

This is the gap. If Blue Star wants to become such a high-level planet, I am afraid that it will never be possible in a short time. The most they can do is become China's.

To become high-level, they have to spend more effort, and at the same time, their personal strength must be strong.

By the way, Su Yao can also clarify the levels of extraterrestrial powerhouses on this planet. This is a very important point.

After the two practiced in the Cave Mansion for three days, they immediately planned to leave. At this time, the woman who had brought them to the planet came again.

"emm...Have your strength deteriorated?"

""Feeling weaker than before? When I received you, I didn't notice that the tasks given to your branch are the simplest. Why is it so difficult?"

The woman looked confused and frowned.

But fortunately, the question he asked has been answered by himself, and Su Yao and the guide don't need to say anything else to explain. In this case, the more you explain, the more likely you are to make mistakes.

"Forget it, come out with me. I have prepared some props for you two. See if you can use them."

Is this how higher planets treat career changers?

Su Yao was thinking silently in his heart. It seemed that he was very concerned about the strength of every job transferee...

That's right, after all, if the advanced planet wants to maintain its strength, it must make every job transferee stronger. Rather than just caring about one person.

Of course, the absolute king is also very powerful, but he also needs more career changers to help him. After all, who among the higher planets does not have a king?

The pile of props in front of him dazzled Su Yao. There was no doubt that they were too powerful.

All are Divine Level props, and some are above Divine Level, but Su Yao doesn't know how to describe them. Although the two of them looked calm, they were going crazy in their hearts.

This is the chance that fell from the sky. They came here without doing anything. There is no doubt that this is really good luck!

"Hurry up and choose. After choosing, you should go back and practice again. You two still need to work harder to reach the Xuanhuang level as soon as possible!"

Finally I heard the first term, Xuanhuang Level 1. It seems that this is the standard for classifying the levels of extraterrestrial powerhouses. .

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