"You, you still underestimate me."

"I'm just thinking, after eating this fish, is there a chance to pull the big fish behind them into the water too.".

Body Chapter 516 The young model of the clubhouse is still going to the sea to work [reward]

Facing Lias's proposal to find other sisters, Qin Mo refused almost without thinking. Although part of it was because of Qin Mo's machismo, but more because of Qin Mo's attitude towards himself strength and confidence.

For Qin Mo, he has been at ease for a long time. Since the last time he stepped into the demon world, Qin Mo's power has been formed, and his strength has entered a stage of steady improvement. Sleeping and sleeping, there will naturally be a lot of divine power in the account.

All Qin Mo had to do was to use these divine powers to continuously strengthen his divine soul, divine fire, divine body, talent, divine skills, divine tools, gods, and demons, and he had nothing to do.

The main **** of light currently has three first-class gods with the strength of the gods. Among them, the sun **** is the old first-class god, and the strength is also the strongest. The rest that needs special attention is the holy light battleship. .

According to the information sent back by Rias, this battleship is a strategic war fortress of the main **** of light. Apart from the role of war, the biggest role is to shield the plane will of the main plane of the demon world, so that all the heavenly realms within the range of the battleship will be shielded. All units can maximize their combat power.

And Qin Mo's confidence in not looking for other help is that he also has a war fortress - the Star of Bethlehem!

This is the floating fortress found by Qin Mo on the "Magic Forbidden" plane. After so long of improvement and enhancement, it has become a trump card in Qin Mo's hands. At the same time, because of the existence of Index, The Star of Bethlehem has a special ability!

As for the three first-class gods, apart from the fact that the sun **** was a little tricky, the other two Qin Mo didn't care.

First-class gods are also divided into strengths and weaknesses, not to mention Qin Mo’s own strength, several of Qin Mo’s subordinate gods have reached the level of first-class gods. It may not be enough to deal with the sun god, but to deal with Dawn The God of He Chenxing is still enough. After all, Qin Mo’s subordinate gods are in double digits. Even if they can’t kill one out of five, they can’t hold it back? !

"Although there is not much time left for us for this kind of temporary raid by the Lord of Light, there are many opportunities. You go back and prepare, and keep in touch at any time 々々."

Qin Mo integrated and deduced the intelligence information obtained from Rias in his mind, and the preview pictures of the battle flashed in his mind. Qin Mo constantly challenged several important combat units in his mind. The position and timing of the shot will continue to reduce losses and expand the results.

This is a brand-new magical skill formed after Qin Mo's imaginary number kingdom was formed: [imaginary number deduction]!

The effect of this magical skill is similar to prophecy, but it is more scientific! That's right! It's science! Because of the information that this magical skill relies on! The more detailed and sufficient the information collected, the more accurate the deduced results!

And now Qin Mo has initially perfected the combat deployment by relying on the ability of [imaginary number deduction]. Qin Mo put this combat deployment directly into Rias's mind through a special spiritual connection, which ensures confidentiality to the greatest extent.

Rias nodded earnestly, then cut off contact with Qin Mo, and started to contact her demon family to arrange Qin Mo's deployment.

After Rias interrupted the magical communication, only Qin Mo was left in the health room with his eyes closed and the sound of lightly tapping on the table.

"You still have to buy insurance for yourself."

After a long time, Qin Mo opened his eyes a little tired. Imaginary number deduction is particularly powerful for the consumption of brain power and divine power. Even Qin Mo cannot deduce for a long time, so after feeling slightly dizzy, Qin Mo decisively gave up and continued. Deduction, but whispered to himself softly, the next moment, Qin Mo took out the sunglasses that had not been used for a long time.

"His Royal Highness, it's really been a long time! You want me to die!"

As soon as the sunglasses were activated, the voice of [Red Queen] Ai Xiu, who was a part-time businessman in the demon world, appeared in it, with a look of joy on his face, as if a fat sheep came to the door!

Hearing Aixiu's voice, Qin Mo's eyes twitched slightly. He knew very well that he was going to be slaughtered this time.

Chapter 516 The young model of the clubhouse is still working in the sea [Requesting a reward] -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Hearing Aixiu's voice, Qin Mo's eyes twitched slightly. He knew very well that he was going to be slaughtered this time.

However, there are priorities, and this time is not the time to bargain and care about, and immediately quoted what he needed without any nonsense.

"I need... within 24 hours, the sooner the better, and I don't want it after the time limit, can it be done?"

"No problem, but this kind of expedited order, you know the price, and there is no bargaining."

The things Qin Mo reported and the serious attitude immediately made Aixiu narrow his eyes, and the smile on his face became even brighter, he said calmly.

Qin Mo had already guessed the answer. After all, although what Qin Mo wanted was not uncommon in the demon world, the time requirement made Qin Mo only able to buy it at Aixiu, and he could also get information about it. confidentiality and will not be disclosed.

So Qin Mo nodded coldly, especially after Qin Mo saw the price listed by Qin Mo.

".~ Refreshing! Since His Royal Highness is so refreshing, I will give you a free gift, I am sure you will like it!"

For the customer who had been haggling for half a day each time, he suddenly completed the order this time. Aixiu immediately retreated, laughed loudly, and took the initiative to propose an additional gift, full of joy.

"When can I get what I want?"

"Up to 12 hours, more than count me!"

Qin Mo curled his lips and asked coldly, Ai Xiu immediately patted Yue Xiong's chest and assured him, and after the two confirmed the details again, the communication was interrupted.

On the other hand, Qin Mo began to issue orders to all the demons under his command through the power of the original sin mark. This time Qin Mo will do his best! Put out all your bets, a stud!

(Wang Qianhao) As the prince of the demon world, Qin Mo has never lacked gambling neighbors!

Win the clubhouse tender model, lose the sea to work!

"I don't even ask for a bargain. It seems that there is a big move. Do you want to raise on you?"

At the same time, the Red Queen Ai Xiu was also whispering to herself, looking a little confused. Although she had been betting on Qin Mo before and got good returns, in the final round, any The wrong investment may be lost, so she can't help but be cautious.

But in the end, a strange smile appeared on the corner of Aixiu's mouth, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

"It's really cheap for you, let the old lady see what skills you have!"

Ai Xiu muttered, and the next moment a drop of blood appeared from between her eyebrows and gathered in her palm, becoming a blood-colored villain, and then she was thrown into a space channel. .

Body Chapter 517: Heavenly Fortress in the Demon World 【Request Reward】

"Mr. Qin Mo, where are we going?"

The few magical girls didn't know anything about the upcoming war between the entire heaven and the demon world, and Qin Mo behaved normally in front of them without any difference.

It's just that in the early morning of the next day, Qin Mo asked Yong Shui Lianhua, Yuzhiyuan Meiyue, and Kagano Ai to ask for sick leave from the school, and on the grounds of secret training, they brought them into a deserted place in the wilderness. in the woods.

Feeling the grotesque surrounding grove, Tomoyin Meiyue finally couldn't hold back and asked first.

"Go to the Demon Realm."

"Demon Realm?!"

Qin Mo smiled and gave the answer, but the answer made the three girls present stunned.

"Yes, all three of you are magical girls with great potential, and your strength has reached a bottleneck. If you want to go further, you can only achieve breakthroughs through continuous killing, so I will take you to the demon world in person to increase Practical combat experience, after all, you will one day log into the Demon Realm to fight, so you should practice in advance."

"Yes! I will definitely work hard! 333"

Qin Mo's reason suddenly made Youzhiyuan Meiyue's expression a little excited, and nodded seriously at Qin Mo.

Eternal Shui Lianhua looked at Youzhiyuan Meiyue's energetic look, and her expression suddenly became a little depressed. As a girl with a delicate mind, she has already realized that the heart of her once best best friend is no longer with her. .

Immediately, Yong Shui Lianhua turned her gaze to the smiling man in front of her, her expression became complicated. She found that she could not resent Qin Mo no matter what, but instead had some strange thoughts in her heart.

Immediately, Qin Mo turned his gaze to Kagano Ai, whose brows were still slightly wrinkled, and said to her: "What's more, there is a lurking demon general in the plane, instead of guarding against the opponent's sneak attack every day, it is better to devote yourself to the demon world. Cultivation, and when you become strong enough, deal with him."

The silent Kagano Ai's brows were still furrowed, but she still nodded to Qin Mo.

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