The somewhat confused Koyuguang nodded almost subconsciously. It is not difficult to become a believer. Qin Mo's torture for so long has already made his majesty imprinted in Koyuguang's soul. The next step is difficult, and the next step is the one that truly proves whether Qin Mo's conjecture is correct!

"Do you voluntarily sacrifice everything for me, including your body and mind, even if it is to face death for me. And I will satisfy your inner prayer and save your sister."

"Yes, I do!"

Facing the previous question, Ko Yuguang gave a positive answer again, and this time it was extremely firm, because Qin Mo put forward her trading conditions!

Even though she knew that there was an abyss in front of her, she jumped down without hesitation. Even though she knew that the devil in the demon world was standing in front of her, she sold her soul without any scruples, because the status of her sister was more important in her heart than this world. More importantly, even if the world is destroyed, she will not hesitate to save her sister!

The firm belief makes Kodama's eyes shine with dazzling brilliance, and the seven sins engraving is rapidly taking shape!

ps: My heart is super tired, is it easy for me in the middle of the night? Now the backstage of Crab Words cannot be viewed independently, even if you want to avoid it, there is no way, you can only be passively reviewed, the mood is really not good at all, and there is no way to survive.

The point is that there is no one above. I miss the former editor who changed careers to make love action movies. Now he must be very happy doing what he likes. .

Chapter 84 Perfect help! 【Third shift for subscription reward】

Everything went according to Qin Mo's conjecture. Er Yuguang went from a passerby to a believer of Qin Mo very smoothly, and from a believer to a mad believer, and began to condense independently under the shroud of the seven sins and divine power according to his inner obsession. Seven sins engraved.

Qin Mo's bloodline is actually very strong. After his original sin godhead was formed, he found that within the scope of his divine power, everyone's inner sin would be released. Among them, the obsession was strong and devout, and he was even able to act according to his own heart. The original sin condenses the seven sins engraving.

Just like the previous Kaori Saeki and Kodama Hikari in front of her, the Seven Sins Engraving is the premise and foundation of the people of the original sin. According to Kaori Saeki's previous birth experience, as long as she can imprint the Seven Sins Engraving on her soul, then she will be able to do so. will become the new people of original sin.

"Very well, then I will give you my glory!"

Even Qin Mo was a little excited at the moment, it was time to prove the conjecture!

Immediately, Qin Mo raised his hand solemnly, entered all the 10 points of divine power accumulated in the past two days into the divine gift, and gently pressed it on Er Yuguang's head.


Immediately, Kodama 17 Light's body emitted a golden light, and a pale golden halo spread out even after a soft sound.

At the same time, the engraving of the Seven Sins was also rendered with golden divine power, appearing between Kodama's eyebrows, and it was completely formed!

Different from any previous Seven Sins engraving, the weapon at the top this time was a silver-gray shield, which was inconspicuous at first glance. Only careful observation could reveal the countless subtle incantations hidden under the shield.

Qin Mo didn't rush to see Er Yuguang's attributes, but always watched the changes in her soul.

Sure enough, as Qin Mo guessed, the Seven Sins Mark was first integrated into the divine power, and then with the fusion of the divine power and Eryuguang's soul, the Seven Sins Mark was branded on Eryuguang's soul. Gradually merging into one, this is more convenient and quicker than the method Qin Mo found before, which first broke the opponent's soul, and then used the power of the seven sins to make up for it, and finally imprint the seven sins.

As for the consumption of divine power, it is no longer a problem for Qin Mo now. With the large number of believers and dependents, Qin Mo now has more than fifty thousand Faith Points every day, which is five points of divine power!

Therefore, Qin Mo was so generous this time, directly using ten points of divine power.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Mo turned his eyes to Eryuguang's attributes with anticipation, and Qin Mo's brows suddenly became a twitch!

【Kodama Hikaru: R】

[Race: Humans/People of Original Sin]

[Eternal Demon Family: Provides 450 Faith Points every day. 】

[Combat Strength: Half Star]

【Management: Half Star】


[Tough Guardian: Release a weak aura of divine power, believers of the same faith in the aura will receive a certain degree of shield, and the strength of the shield is determined by the degree of belief. 】

【Seven Sins Special Effects】

[Seven Sins of Lazy Defense: Wearing any level of armor can get a 50% defense bonus. 】


Chapter 84 Perfect help! [Three-Update Request for Reward]-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.


[Guardian of divine power: Designate a target to obtain a divine power shield, immune to all attacks below the divine power level, and reduce divine power damage to a certain extent. 】

[The girl who has completely opened her heart to you is transformed into a demon. She gave up everything and only wants to protect the people she cherishes. With her present, you can give her your back with peace of mind. 】

Er Yuguang's rank is still R, which makes Qin Mo a little disappointed. Originally, Qin Mo thought that if he invested as much as ten points of divine power, he might be able to improve his rank. It seems that he thought too much, and perhaps the invested divine power was not enough. many.

However, it has been confirmed once again that the level of the family members born from divine power is directly raised to eternity, and there is no need to do exclusive tasks at all.

Due to the rank of R, the number of skills of Ko Yuguang is also limited, but her characteristics and special effects of the seven sins, as well as the one and only skill, still make Qin Mo feel that it is worth the money!

Eryuguang herself is Qin Mo's personal maid for Imari, the saint. According to the way that Qin Moshu has mastered the birth of the original sinner, Imari is destined to be a scumbag in the future. But her halo skills were destined for her to go to the battlefield. Originally, Qin Mo was worried that she would be hit by the arrow and then die. Now that she has Eryuguang, Qin Mo doesn't have to worry at all.

Sending Imari and Kodamako to the center of the battlefield is equivalent to three group buffs in an instant, one of ours increases defense, one restores blood, and one of the enemy randomly applies a negative state.

As long as Kodamako is equipped with a super-defense suit all day, she will stand in front of Imari, and then put a divine protection on Imari's body. Unless the gods personally take action, who can kill these two things?

And when Qin Mo turned his gaze to Er Yuguang's seven sins brand, he suddenly asked, "Try to see if you can visualize your armament."

Eryuguang was obviously still digesting the abilities that suddenly appeared in his mind, when Qin Mo opened his mouth like this, he subconsciously made a defensive action of raising his shield.

The next moment, a giant blue-gray tower-shaped heavy shield that was only a little shorter than her appeared in her hands!

【Lazy Immovable Tower Shield】

[Rank: Weak Divine Weapon]

[Inert defense: After the tower shield is embodied, you cannot fight with the shield, you can only defend passively. Any attack below the five-star strength cannot defeat the defense of the tower shield. 】

[Shield of Watching: Designate a target, activate the shield of Watching, and it will instantly pop out 340 in front of the opponent, entering a state of inert defense that cannot be moved. 】

[Kodamako's exclusive weapon, a weapon that was embodied after the pure power of the seven sins fused with divine power, sacrificed all attack power in exchange for incomparably powerful defensive power. 】

This is a rare tower-shaped heavy shield. Few people will use this kind of bulky shield. At first glance, this shield seems to be nothing but big, but as Qin Mo tapped the shield with all his strength, he suddenly felt The circle of silver with golden incantations rippled away like ripples on the water, and neither the tower shield nor the Kodama light moved at all!

After all, Qin Mo is also the combat power of Mao Four Stars. This blow actually made the scumbag Yuguang, whose combat power is only half a star, not even move. It is enough to see how strong this tower shield is!

The effect of the Watch Shield is even more excellent, it is equivalent to flashing to help people block the gun, slipping out of words, a perfect auxiliary position!

"From today, you are Imari's personal maid, and your mission is to not let her die before you die."

"As ordered!"

After having a clear understanding of Eryuguang's position, Qin Mo gave her an order. Imari had the protection of Ashaji and Eryuguang, and even if he met God, he could deal with it for a while.

Next, as long as Imari's strategy is completed, Qin Mo will have a second life! .

Body Chapter 85 Xuan does not save trouble, krypton does not change his life [four shifts! Add more rewards to 【evilkao】! 】

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