"What can change people's beliefs is often not torture and torture, but something more interesting. Since you have made a decision, then I will respect your decision, and you can go back on it at will."

A trace of struggle flashed in Maya's eyes, but in the end she seemed to let go of everything and looked directly into Qin Mo's eyes, and the corner of Qin Mo's mouth twitched slightly.

Qin Mo stopped talking nonsense immediately, and took Maya into his arms. At this time, the rising sun was just right, and the golden sunlight was shining through the gap between the tall buildings of the fourth fortress. It's a great time to test Mayan beliefs!

Maya's figure is a standard royal sister's figure, with bulging front and back, and her short hair is even more unique.

Roughly tore Maya's tight-fitting mercenary uniform, without any warm-up, Qin Mo directly pressed Maya on Walter's sword and started charging.

For a creature like Sister Yu, it should be conquered in the most brutal way!

Maya's heart, body and beliefs are all changing from the initial screaming to the low-pitched cry.

This kind of thing is like taking drugs. People who have never used drugs will never know the short-lived happiness after drug use. In the eyes of normal people, drug use only produces pain and torture, but only the person involved can know the happiness. How addicting, no voice without practice.

At this moment, Maya is like taking drugs... and gradually sinks into the happiness brought by Qin Mo.

As for regrets...it's too late.

ps: I specifically asked here! Wife knight, can you accept it? Please leave a message in the unacceptable book review area! ! ! ! .

Body Chapter 116 The Lolita Warrior of the Dwarves

ps: The picture shows Lulu, the head of the dwarf clan

On the day after the fourth fortress was occupied, the coalition forces of the first, second, and third fortresses surrounded the entire fourth fortress. Under the circumstance of absolute superiority of troops, the fourth fortress was unstable because of Walter's disappearance. Naturally, it was quickly recaptured.

Maya continued to serve as the fortress chief of the fourth fortress, and the integration of the fourth fortress was soon completed.

Immediately afterwards, the four fortresses jointly issued a statement, announcing the rupture of the Seven Shield Alliance, and the four fortresses formed an unbreakable alliance, ready to attack the church, and the reason for the collapse of the alliance was because Walter and other mercenaries were sent to kill and intercept the signal for help, allowing Dark races attack and raid.

The sixth and seventh fortresses controlled by the church did not respond to this!

"What the **** are you doing! The Seven Shields Alliance is now broken? And they also formed a coalition to attack the church fortress? Did you get it wrong?"

The sixth and seventh fortresses did not respond, but the fifth fortress, which stood in front of the two church fortresses, exploded.

The fortress of the fifth fortress is the strongest and youngest axe warrior of the dwarves, Lulu.

The grumpy Lulu is in a fit of rage at the moment. She is not a military talent, but a warrior who is on the move, so she can't understand why everyone fought against the dark race and Walter's black beast mercenary group just a moment ago. Why did you turn around in the blink of an eye?

The dwarves are not a race that likes to use their brains. In addition, this matter itself is mixed with various forces behind the push, so I am afraid that only the dwarves of the fifth fortress in the entire Seven Shield Alliance have the truth about this matter. He didn't notice it, he was dumbfounded.

"Then what do we do? Give way or fight?"

"Of course it's a fight! The dwarves are not afraid! If someone knows that the fight hasn't started, I'll give way. They thought I was a dwarf Lulu! You can go there if you want! Ask me about my axe first!"

"The dwarves are fearless!"

Although the dwarves didn't know what the Seven Shields Alliance were doing, it didn't hinder their decision.

Now that the coalition forces from the first to fourth fortresses are requesting to lead the coalition forces through the fifth fortress, how could the grumpy dwarves agree, especially if they still have to pass through their own territory and attack the two fortresses behind them! This is impossible anyway!

Therefore, the patriarch Lulu took out the giant battle axe that was several times taller than her, smashed it on the ground, and roared loudly. With a wave, he roared.


The fifth fortress told Qin Mo their decision with practical actions, and at this moment, the coalition camp that had assembled before the fifth fortress was in the core camp.

Princess Prim was leaning back against Qin Mo and sitting on his body. Princess Prim's long burgundy dress shrouded all the scene, but she could still see that Princess Prim was constantly rising and falling. , her face was even more satisfied, and a water stain had already appeared on the ground of the two of them.

At this moment, Prim has become Qin Mo's demon family through the blessing of divine power. The reason why Qin Mo has not started to transform before is because the hidden demon family has never appeared. It has been exposed, and Qin Mo naturally has no worries in this regard.

And Qin Mo was extremely satisfied with Prim's attributes, and it was worth his effort.

【Prim Fairy Hot: SR】

[Race: People of Original Sin]

[Eternal Demon Family: Provides 500 Faith Points every day. 】

[Combat Strength: One Star]

【Management: Two Stars】


[Mascot Vase Princess: As a precious vase, it naturally has unique abilities. Carry it around, the hidden attribute luck increases, and the probability event increases significantly. 】

Chapter 116 The Lolita Warriors of the Dwarves [Second Update Request for Rewards] -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

[Mascot Vase Princess: As a precious vase, it naturally has unique abilities. Carry it around, the hidden attribute luck increases, and the probability event increases significantly. 】

【Seven Sins Special Effects】

[The Furnace of Jealousy of the Seven Sins: Designate a target as the object of jealousy, and the original sin of the other party will be detonated to the greatest extent. 】


【Introduction to Magic】【Introduction to Swordsmanship】

[There is no need to count on combat power, and management is no play. Although she is expensive as a princess of a country, she is actually just an over-pampered girl who wants to prove her worth. The symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning, and she is often used as a mascot. 】

Prim is worthy of being a vase princess, with the rank of SR, but her combat power and management ability are so weak that she can be blinded by her skills, but Qin Mo values ​​her not for these, but for her. Features of Princess Prim!

Although Prim's characteristics are useless at first glance, Qin Mo is very clear about the importance of luck, especially when he is inspired by the believers, even if he is a European emperor, he will not think that his luck is better. of.


Of course, that's not all, Prim finally gave Qin Mo another surprise.

【Lucky Vase】

[Tier: Weak and other divine power accessories]

[Lucky: Invest a bit of divine power and get an immediate lucky blessing. 】

An artifact that increases luck! Although there is only one attribute! But the effect is very powerful. After combining with her characteristics, it will definitely surprise Qin Mo!

And just when Qin Mo gave Prim the reward, Princess Alicia walked in. Seeing Prim's behavior, Princess Alicia couldn't help blushing, but she still pretended to be serious told Qin Mo the situation.


"The dwarves are not ready to give way at all, and they are in an offensive formation."

"As expected, let me go."

As for this result, Qin Mo had already expected it. Of course, in Qin Mo's original plan, the best result was that the fifth fortress agreed to give way, and then after everyone entered the fortress, they launched a strong attack and forcibly captured The fifth fortress and the dwarves.

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