God-level Perspective

Chapter 3011 Six Punishment God

Chapter 3292 The Six Punishments God

"Get him!"

As these three words were passed from the mouth of the strong man from the Shura tribe, the 100,000 troops behind him suddenly came towards Ye Han like dark clouds. They really did not expect that in just one day, Ye Han would actually He conquered more than a dozen small races and forced these small races to make spiritual contracts.

In this way, behind Ye Han, there is a group of dead warriors who can only obey his orders. The Shura clan is absolutely unwilling to see such a thing.

Once Ye Han conquers thousands of small races, the nine upper clans will have to think twice before they want to touch Ye Han.

Moreover, once Ye Han subdues thousands of small races and then unites with the Evil Spirit Clan, it will be difficult for the two major clans, the Shura Clan and the Buddha Clan, to attack the Evil Spirit Clan.

Although it seems that the Evil Spirit Tribe is not helping Ye Han at the moment, no one knows what the Evil Spirit God is thinking. More importantly, these small races that Ye Han conquered were secretly supported by the Shura and Buddha tribes. By doing this, Ye Han was completely destroying the efforts of the Shura and Buddha tribes for so many years.

In an instant, seeing the Shura Clan's 100,000-strong army shrouding Ye Han like dark clouds, the Tianyi Clan breathed a sigh of relief. Now there was the Shura Clan coming forward, and there was also the Sixth Punishment Supreme God from Jiuli Tianxing. , if Ye Han resists, it will be tantamount to provoking the highest code of law in the Jiuli world.

To challenge the highest code of law in the Jiuli world is to challenge the nine gods.

"Prepare for war. Anyone who dares to take a step forward will be killed without mercy!" Ye Han had a cold look on his face and his voice shook the sky. Would he be afraid of the Shura Clan and Jiuli Tianxing? Now that he is doing it, Ye Han will not be afraid of anyone. Anyway, his purpose is to make the world chaotic.

Hearing this, the kings of the seventeen small races trembled, but they had to listen to Ye Han's order and had already made a spiritual contract with Ye Han.

Buzz buzz!

In an instant, the ten million troops behind Ye Han stood in front of Ye Han like a surging tide.

Seeing this scene, the Shura Clan's 100,000-strong army immediately stopped, with cold eyes. If they faced any small race alone, the Shura Clan's 100,000-strong army could completely destroy it, but now they have to face more than ten people. The power of a small race united.

"Bold, this god represents Jiuli Tianxing, and you dare to obstruct Jiuli Tianxing's law enforcement. Aren't you afraid of being exterminated?" The strong man from the Shura tribe looked at him gloomily.

"Six Punishment Gods, I couldn't help myself, I'm sorry!" The kings of the various races looked indifferent. If you, the Shura clan, had appeared a day earlier, how could such a thing have happened?

Hearing this, the God of Six Punishments was like an angry beast; "The God originally represents Jiuli Tianxing and hinders the law enforcement of Jiuli Tianxing. Have you ever thought about the consequences?"

"Hmph, you represent Jiuli Tianxing, who do you think you are?" Ye Han had a domineering look on his face, and the words he said made the God of Six Punishments suddenly increase his murderous intent; "Don't say you can't represent Jiuli Tianxing today, even if you are Shura God When it comes, God is still not afraid.”

"Qianya, you are looking for death!" The God of Six Punishments has a murderous intention; "Do you really think that this God would be afraid of these dog slaves behind you?"

One sentence immediately made the kings of all races look extremely ugly. Dog slave?

"I think it's not difficult to kill these 'dog slaves' you call them once they get angry." Ye Hanhan smiled coldly; "We are just the Shura clan, how can the gods be afraid of you, let alone I’m afraid of you, a loser, so let someone with some weight come out and talk to God.”

Ye Han's words made the God of Six Punishments even more angry like a wild beast. The kings of all races did not expect that facing the God of Six Punishments, who represented Jiuli Tianxing, Ye Han would still be so strong.

"Haha, I don't know if it's enough with the addition of my pagoda clan?"

In vain, in the void on the side of the Shura clan, another terrifying force came. The other party also led a hundred thousand troops and rolled in with an astonishing momentum.

"The Buddha Tribe!" The kings of the various races flickered, and their hearts were filled with bitterness. It must have been too late for these two races.

Ye Han looked at the person in front of the Futu tribe, and he smiled coldly; "Since you are an old friend here, God should have given you some face, but unfortunately, you still don't have enough weight."

Hearing this, there was no change in the calm face of the God of Seven Punishments. As a figure who was at the same time as the God of Qianya, he understood the other person. This ruthless man would not give anyone face, but what happened today, Shura The Futu tribe and the Futu tribe must work together to settle the situation. Once Ye Han is allowed to continue to grow bigger, it will cause serious trouble.

The Lord Seven Punishments said calmly: "Qianya, today is different from the past. It is no longer tens of thousands of years ago. Now our Jiuli world is about to invade the gods and demons. What we need is stability and preparation for the invasion of the gods and demons. Instead of provoking a war, if you provoke a war, you will be judged by Jiuli Tianxing. Jiuli Tianxing is in charge of the Supreme Code and represents the nine gods. Do you want to challenge the rules set by the nine gods? ?”

Ye Hanhan smiled coldly and said, "An Ting? This group of small races have repeatedly provoked my Evil Spirit Tribe for tens of thousands of years and wantonly massacred my Evil Spirit Tribe's people. I want to ask why Jiuli Tianxing didn't come forward to rule? Or are you talking about it?" Is this Jiuli Tianxing just a decoration?"

"That is an internal matter of the Evil Spirit Clan. As long as there is no war, it is certainly not easy for me, Jiuli Tianxing, to interfere."

"Huh, since you know this is an internal matter, what does it have to do with you Jiuli Tianxing to solve the 'household matter' today?" Ye Han said with a smile.

"Hmph, by provoking a war, you are ignoring the highest law. Qianya, let's catch you without mercy. Otherwise, don't blame this god for killing you on behalf of Jiuli Tianxing!" Liu Xingshang said coldly.

Hearing this, the God of Seven Punishments frowned. The ruthless man in front of him was not easy to threaten. Once he was angered, it would be like igniting a terrifying explosive barrel.

"Killing the original god, are you qualified?" Ye Han laughed angrily, and walked out step by step; "For tens of thousands of years, few people have dared to kill the original god. Since you have the courage, , This God will give you a chance today. If you can kill this God, that is your ability. If you cannot kill this God, then this God will have no choice but to kill you."

Hearing Ye Han's words, the eyes of everyone in the world flickered. Except for the people from the Evil Spirit Clan, everyone here naturally wanted Ye Han to die, especially those who were forced to make a spiritual contract. Seventeen small races, they hope that Ye Han will die. Once Ye Han dies, their spiritual contract will be automatically terminated.

"Hahahaha, you are an outdated old thing. How can it be difficult for God to kill you?" God Liuxing laughed wildly; "Qianya, God will make a judgment on you today on behalf of Jiuli Tianxing. If you can You will not be held accountable by Jiuli Heavenly Punishment for killing this god, and I, the Shura Clan, will not cause any trouble for you.”

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