God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1011 Heaven and Earth pale

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Before the sword was unsheathed, the fierce sword energy fluttered everywhere, and Feng Yixiu had to take a dozen steps back to avoid being hurt by the fierce sword energy.

I don't know if it was Feng Yixiu's illusion, but he felt that with Feng Qianjue as the center, the surrounding scenery began to turn black and white, and an unspeakable sense of chilling couldn't help but flood into his heart.

As if Feng Qianjue was the ruler of this world, even the clouds in the sky quickly began to gather towards Feng Yixiu, and the whole world slowed down.

"Drawing sword style, Zhankong!"

Although Feng Yixiu had been watching Feng Qianjue's movements with all his attention, he still couldn't see the movement of his sword drawing clearly, and could only see a slender arc of sword energy spreading out at a very fast speed.

The sword qi stretches for thousands of meters vertically and horizontally, but the seemingly powerless little sword qi cuts it off and encounters all obstacles!

No matter it was passing through all the flowers, trees, or boulders, it couldn't stop the sword energy even for a moment, and even the huge mountain that stretched for hundreds of meters was easily penetrated.


The Chaos Demon Sword in Feng Qianjue's hand completely returned to the blade, and a crisp and melodious sound of golden stone came out, and the whole sky regained its clarity again.

"Boom boom boom..."

When the blade was just returned to its sheath, all the flowers, plants and trees within a kilometer radius, along with the huge mountain covering hundreds of meters, were cut off at the same time, and they began to slide down one after another, and the incision was as smooth as a mirror!


Feng Yixiu couldn't help but swallow a saliva after seeing all this in front of him for a long time.

He swore that he had never seen such a terrifying swordsmanship in his life, and that just the might of a sword could have such a huge power to destroy the world.

Feng Qianjue threw the Chaos Demon Sword at Feng Yixiu again, and said lightly, "Did you see clearly?"

Feng Yixiu shook his head dazedly, and said in a daze: "I didn't see clearly..."

The speed at which the sword was drawn was too fast. Although Feng Yixiu was fully focused, and even used Thunderbolt's heart, he did not capture the exact movements of the opponent.

He was able to see that only the sword energy that was enough to make the world pale, and he could also feel the indomitable sword energy.

Feng Yixiu originally planned to accept his father's lesson, but what surprised him was that his father was not angry, but smiled and said: "I didn't see it clearly, my extreme ghost swordsmanship focuses on meaning rather than shape, it is not The general swordsmanship that can be learned by observing the movements can only be tempered by the perception of the heart and the repeated tempering of the will.”

"Ah?" Feng Yixiu scratched his head in confusion when he saw that his father was not angry, and frowned, "Then how should I practice sword drawing?"

"This is your own business, remember that the sword-drawing style focuses on power and intention, and put the murderous aura and the belief in victory in the sword in your hand. When you see the sword energy, it is the murderous aura, so the theory The more murderous you are, the stronger your power will be." Feng Qianjue said with a relaxed expression.

"Potential and intention? Murderous aura transformed into sword energy?" Feng Yixiu was even more confused, but he still had a vague understanding.

This sword-drawing style does not focus on the moment when the sword is drawn, but on the poised action before the sword is drawn, which can completely suppress the opponent with momentum and murderous aura.

Then the movements will come naturally, the only thing that needs to be done is to practice how to gather momentum and condense murderous aura...

Feng Yixiu closed his eyes naturally, the whole person seemed to be in a mysterious state, his body began to sink slowly, his left hand tightly held the scabbard, and his right hand gently held the sword of the magic sword. handle.

Feng Qianjue saw that Feng Yixiu had entered into the sword intent so quickly, the corners of his mouth could not help slightly tilt, and he also slowly released his momentum to guide Feng Yixiu to comprehend this mysterious realm.

Before the sword was drawn, the fierce sword energy began to circle around Feng Yixiu at a rapid speed, and the surrounding space gradually became colorless, but the range was indeed very different from that of Feng Qianjue.

"Drawing sword style, Zhankong!"

An extremely fast sword light pierced through the sky, extending a distance of only tens of meters. After cutting a huge stubborn stone in half, it turned into nothingness.

Feng Yixiu slowly opened his eyes, looking at the destruction caused by his sword energy around him, he couldn't help but feel good in his heart.

"Father... I succeeded!" Feng Yixiu said excitedly.

Feng Qianjue nodded and said lightly: "Yes, it's much faster than I thought, but you have to remember that there are no dead ends in the perfect state of Zhankong's sword qi, which means that it is a perfect full moon. , the reason why I left a slight flaw just now is because I am afraid of accidentally hurting you, you are only half a month old, it seems that you need more training."

"Oh..." Feng Yixiu said a little disappointed.

He thought that his father had used all his strength just now, but it doesn't seem like this now. Such a terrifying destructive power is still his situation when he is restrained.

If Feng Qianjue swings the sword with all his strength without any scruples, the power will be even more terrifying!

"But it doesn't matter, you still have a month to practice the sword-drawing pose again, and strive to achieve the full moon state." Feng Qianjue said solemnly.

"One month? But I'm going to fight Xiaodaohuang in three days." Feng Yixiu wondered.

"The time flow rate here is not the same as the real world. The time flow rate here is about ten times slower than the real world. That is to say, three days outside is equivalent to one month here." Feng Qianjue explained.

"If that's the case, then will I not

Is it ten times longer than others? "Feng Yixiu said with a smile.

Feng Qianjue flicked Feng Yixiu's forehead with a smile, and said with a smile: "You think it is beautiful, this is your magic soldier space, and it is also a kind of spiritual world, although it can make you remember and comprehend, But nothing has changed in your body, which means you can't meditate at all here."

"Hey...I'm just joking." Feng Yixiu touched his forehead and said with a smile.

He naturally knew that the magic weapon space was not beneficial to the cultivation of the realm, but this did not prevent him from practicing swordsmanship.

After all, swordsmanship focuses on comprehension and training, which is essentially a kind of spiritual training and memory, and does not require any changes in the body.

"In this month, I will make a hundred meteors fall. During this time, your mission is to cut these falling meteors into two halves. If any one fails, your spiritual sense will be severely damaged. It hurts, so it must be treated with caution." Feng Qianjue said seriously.

"Practice sword with Meteor?" Feng Yixiu was completely stunned, this was the most violent sword practice method he had ever heard!

If he couldn't cut the meteor in half, wouldn't he be smashed into minced meat?

Although this will not cause substantial damage to his own body, the suffering of the spirit is not weaker than the body being smashed into minced meat!

Thinking of this, Feng Yixiu couldn't help trembling all over his body, his facial features were all twisted into a ball, and he said in a trembling voice: "Will this be a little too violent? Is there no way to be a little gentler?"

Hearing this, Feng Qianjue frowned and looked at Feng Yixiu coldly without speaking, but her expression was inexplicably cold.

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