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The Blood Marquis thought that everything was under control, but he didn't expect Feng Yixiu to be a hidden master of swordsmanship, and he cut his proud eldest son in half with just one move.

Thinking of the time when I applied for a life-and-death battle with the King of Sin just now, I wish I could slap myself. Originally, my son still had a chance to survive, but he was ruined by himself!

The Blood Marquis stared at Feng Yixiu fiercely, his eyes could almost spit fire, and he had already made up his mind: "Feng Yixiu, my Dansha Empire and you will never die!"

I saw him stand up slowly, a violent murderous aura spread out suddenly, and his right hand began to quickly condense spiritual soldiers, ready to deal with Feng Yixiu himself.

Feng Yixiu felt this terrifying murderous aura for the first time, turned around slowly, and looked at the blood marquis in front of him with indifference.

If the Blood Marquis really did something to himself, he wouldn't sit still!

Although the blood marquis's cultivation base is amazing, he is definitely not an opponent in the outside world, but in a place like the city of sin, he is sure that he can make the opponent pay a heavy price.

Just as the eyes of the two sides met violently, the blood-colored scepter in the hand of the King of Sin hit the ground heavily, immediately dispelling the murderous aura of the Blood Marquis.

"Marquis of Blood, you asked to change the rules of the game. Could it be that you can't afford to lose?" The King of Sin said solemnly.

Although he supported Xiaodaohuang Xueran at the beginning, the main reason was that Feng Yixiu and Xueran had almost the same potential, and the Dansha Empire behind Xiaodaohuang became a key bargaining chip, which made him biased towards The King of Swords.

But now the situation has indeed changed a lot. Feng Yixiu actually killed Xue Ran in one move, which means that Feng Yixiu's potential is more than one grade higher than Xue Ran!

Moreover, Xiaodaohuang died in the capital of sin, and he naturally has a certain responsibility as the king of sin. It is estimated that there will be irreparable cracks in the relationship between the blood marquis and himself in the future. In this case, he might as well simply support Feng Yixiu.

"King of Sin, this kid killed my son, shouldn't I avenge him?" The Blood Marquis said with red eyes and gnashing teeth.

"Your revenge is your business, but you can't do it in the capital of sin, don't forget that this is my territory!" The Shura phantom slowly condensed behind the king of sin, and a powerful oppressive force made the blood marquis a little bit. Out of breath.

"You!" The Blood Marquis didn't expect that the King of Sin would tear up his face for Feng Yixiu and himself, and frowned, "You mean to stand on Feng Yixiu's side?"

"So what?" The King of Sin responded strongly.

"good very good……"

Under enormous pressure, the Blood Marquis finally gave up on condensing the spirit soldiers, and sat back in his seat with a dignified expression.

After the King of Sin controlled the scene, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Congratulations to Feng Yixiu for winning this competition. This king will fulfill my promise."

Feng Yixiu, under the signal of the King of Sin, came to him with a few treads, still straightening his back and refusing to kneel.

The King of Sin was not angry, but he smiled and said: "You kid really has the arrogance I used to have, and seeing you is really like seeing myself back then."

Feng Yixiu said coldly, "The King of Sin is overrated."

The King of Sin shook his head and said indifferently: "I knew how to hide my strength at a young age, just because of this nature, I couldn't do it back then, so don't be humble, you kid."

In his opinion, Feng Yixiu was deliberately showing his clumsiness three days ago, in order to make Xiaodaohuang careless, such a deep city, even he hadn't seen it before, could not help but make people scared.

Now he is also a little unpredictable about Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu chuckled lightly, but didn't say a word, why did he think so much, he just learned it in the past three days.

But he didn't explain it, because he knew that no one would believe him if he learned such advanced swordsmanship within three days.

The King of Sin slowly waved his scepter, still chanting words in his mouth, as if he was talking to the air.

Then a blood-colored mark slowly formed at the end of the blood-colored scepter, and the King of Sin placed the blood-colored mark on the position of Feng Yixiu's heart.

Suddenly, Feng Yixiuzhi felt like his chest was touched by a red-hot iron, and the intense burning sensation made him unable to help but retreat.

"Don't move, this is the Asura mark. Only with this mark can you enter the Asura Tower. If you don't want to waste it halfway, just endure it obediently." The King of Sin reminded coldly.

Feng Yixiu also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he could only stand there obediently and let the seal carving of the Asura mark on his chest be completed.

After a while, the light of the blood-colored scepter in the hands of the King of Sin gradually disappeared, but a clear blood-colored mark appeared on Feng Yixiu's chest, which was the Shura mark.

At this time, Feng Yixiu felt that the connection between himself and the city of sin had deepened, and he seemed to be able to feel the existence of the Asura Tower.

But what he didn't know was that in a corner of the city of sin, a person with the mark of Shura quietly lost his life.

The total number of Shura marks will not change, the Lord of Sin just transfers Shura marks from one person to another, and those who lose Shura marks will lose their lives.

The King of Sin slowly put down his scepter, lightly

Said: "Shurota will officially open tomorrow, I hope you don't let me down!"

I don't know if it was Feng Yixiu's delusion. He seemed to see that the King of Sin had grown a little bit older, his dark hair had turned a little silver, and his skin had loosened a lot.

"Thanks to the king of sin, I will definitely get the heart of Shura." Feng Yixiu said with a fist.

The King of Sin nodded with satisfaction, and his entire body slowly turned into countless blood bats, disappearing abruptly in front of everyone's eyes.

The Blood Marquis was about to attack Feng Yixiu the moment the King of Sin disappeared, but was stopped by Rose who had already prepared.

"Marquis of Blood, are you really going to do it here?" Qiangwei looked at Marquis of Blood with a cold expression and said coldly.

"This kid killed my son, how could this marquis just let it go? If you are acquainted, then get out of the way, and I won't let you clean up!" The blood marquis had completely fallen into madness and roared.

"Oh? Are you sure?"

Qiangwei smiled slightly, clapped her hands gently, and out of nowhere came eight burly men, who were the rest of the law enforcement officers.

Every law enforcer looked at Marquis of Blood with a playful look on his face, constantly shaking his wrist and neck, and stood behind Qiangwei.


The Blood Marquis felt the powerful pressure, his face was white with fright, and his body kept retreating.

Although he is confident that he can fight against Qiangwei alone, if he faces the ten law enforcers together, he may not be able to last a round.

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