God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1040: The Journey of Moving Mountains

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"Training? What kind of training?" Feng Yixiu asked with some doubts.

"You'll know then..."

After saying that, Feng Qianjue turned around and suddenly appeared a hundred meters away.

Feng Yixiu didn't ask much, and immediately chased after him. He was surprised to find that his father's almost teleportation speed had become more than several times faster. It seemed that he had not used full speed to take care of himself before.

After successfully absorbing the blood of the immortal dragon, the explosive power of his body has almost undergone a qualitative change. Previously, a volley could only advance a distance of more than ten meters, but now he can step out a hundred meters in one step!

This feeling of walking like flying made him feel inexplicably excited. Hearing the constant whistling of the wind in his ears, Feng Yixiu followed his father to a hilly area full of mountains.

"Father, why did you bring me to a place like this?"

Feng Yixiu first looked around for a while, and found that this place seemed to be an ordinary place, there were no powerful monsters, and there were no harsh weather conditions, and some were just ordinary mountains.

"I heard that in the history of human beings, there is a beautiful talk about the Foolish Old Man moving mountains. Although it is stupid, that spirit is worth learning from." Feng Qianjue smiled.

Hearing the words "The Foolish Old Man Moves the Mountains", Feng Yixiu's little heart skipped a beat. Did my father ask him to move these mountains away?

Feng Yixiu shook his head, what am I thinking! This kind of thing only appears in mythology, how can it really be done.

However, what Feng Qianjue said next really made him completely desperate, and he only heard him say with a serious face: "The next task is to move the mountains in front of you, not too far, and move to the front of the lake. That's it."

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu was completely dumbfounded, looking at the lake that his father was pointing at, there was a distance of several kilometers.

Not to mention moving it so far now, even if it is lifted up, I can't imagine it, is this really something that human beings can do?

Feng Yixiu expressed very doubts...

Feng Qianjue seemed to feel the confusion in Feng Yixiu's eyes, and did not explain it. Instead, he came straight to the tallest mountain, and Feng Qianjue looked extraordinarily small standing under the mountain.

I saw that he slowly stretched out his right hand, turned his fist into a palm, and stroked his palm lightly, and a sharp sword qi cut off the huge mountain directly from the root.

Then he turned his palms into claws again, and the hard rock in his hands was as fragile as tofu, and it penetrated easily.


Feng Qianjue's right arm burst into blue veins again, exaggerated muscles reappeared, and the entire mountain was lifted into the sky in front of this terrifying force, with a height of hundreds of meters.

When he fell again, Feng Qianjue still took it with one hand. The terrifying weight caused a crack in the ground under his feet, forming an explosive air pressure that swept away.


With a very neat and tidy rotation, the huge mountain in Feng Qianjue's hand was thrown out, and it happened to land on the edge of the lake several kilometers away, which was extremely accurate!


Feng Yixiu looked at his father's series of actions, and the whole person was frightened.

At this time, Feng Qianjue didn't look like he was blushing, and he seemed to have spare strength, which made Feng Yixiu feel a little scared.

In his opinion, his father's strength seems to have no limit. Whenever he thinks that his father's limit is like this, he can immediately refresh his understanding of the world.

"There are a total of 109 mountains here. Whenever you successfully move a mountain to the lake over there, you can challenge Hei Yao Xingyun once. If you fail, continue to come back and move heavier mountains. You can stop until you are successful..." Feng Qianjue said with burning eyes.

Although this method of strength training looks very stupid, it is the most effective method of strength training.

As the saying goes, great wisdom is like foolishness, and great skill is ineffective. Sometimes when you want to take shortcuts, you will take detours instead. This simple and rude method is the most efficient training method.

Feng Yixiu nodded blankly, although he felt a little weird, he still chose to believe in his father's training method.

He first patrolled the neighborhood for a while, and finally chose the smallest mountain to try first.

Although it is said to be the smallest mountain, it is also a real mountain. When Feng Yixiu really stood in front of this mountain, he felt so insignificant.

Feng Yixiu did not have the ability of his father to replace the sword with his palm, so he could only condense the Chaos Demon Sword, but when he took the Chaos Demon Sword in his hand, a doubt appeared in his heart.

Compared with before, his strength should have improved a lot, but the heaviness of the Chaos Demon Sword in his hand has not changed at all.

Feng Qianjue seemed to see his doubts and explained: "The Chaos Demon Sword is accommodating you, its real weight cannot be lifted by your current strength, so it adjusts its weight according to your current strength. ."

Feng Yixiu looked at the Chaos Demon Sword in his hand and said with a wry smile, "That's still wronging you. I hope one day I won't need your accommodation."

After speaking, Feng Yixiu began to subconsciously assume the posture of drawing a sword, and after a moment of charging, a full moon sword energy completely cut off the entire mountain from the root.

But Feng Yixiu didn't dare to imitate his father's actions, because he was afraid that he would be landed on a mountain from a high altitude.

Crushed to death.

The only way is to take the most simple way, that is, to carry the entire mountain behind him, and move forward step by step towards the goal.

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