God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1048 Conspiracy

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"That ugly woman is just one person, can she be such a big threat?" the woman in black asked.

Qi Die chuckled lightly and said lightly: "You don't understand... I have experienced her horror, and I can never be her opponent."

"Then don't we have no chance at all?" The woman in black frowned.

"This is not necessarily true. After all, all the asuras in the past are human beings, and no monster has ever succeeded. I think the mystery is in the 100th floor Asura Tower. As long as we reach the 100th floor Asura Tower, everything will be solved. , as long as she doesn't join forces with Feng Yixiu, let's try not to provoke her now..." Qi Die said seriously.

"So our biggest competitor at the moment is Feng Yixiu?" The woman in black said solemnly.

Qi Die nodded and said lightly: "That's right... As long as we get rid of this person, the idiots at the Gate of Hades will not be afraid."

"Young Master, you will definitely succeed in obtaining the Asura's Heart, but the Master has great expectations for you," the black-clothed woman said.

"Mother, I won't let you down..." Qi Die's eyes gradually became deeper, and then she said in a deep voice, "How is the connection at the gate of the underworld?"

"We've been contacted, Amanda has come to us, and it shouldn't be long before they come."

"That's good, this time I will let that kid Feng Yixiu come back and forth!" Qi Die's eyes gradually became gloomy and cold, and the surrounding air became a little dignified.

"But how do you know that Feng Yixiu will come to our Flower of Evil first? What if she goes to the gate of the underworld first?" The black-clothed woman asked a little puzzled.

"Because he is a smart person, if it were me, I would never go back to the gate of the underworld, so he would definitely not go either!" Qi Die said seriously.

The Gate of Hades is the largest team in the Asura Tower. Although the head of the team, Amanda, is not as strong as Feng Yixiu, the team of thousands of people is not vegetarian.

Otherwise, the Seven Deadly Sins would not have watched the Gate of Hades sit firmly on the first place on the blood list, indicating that the Seven Deadly Sins were also afraid of the enormous power of the Gate of Hades.

After all, the spiritual power in the Asura Tower is the most precious resource. No matter how strong a person is, without the support of spiritual power, they can’t match the tactics of the sea of ​​​​people.

Feng Yixiu's sword-drawing style, as a slash with a huge range of sword energy, can only kill thousands of enemies before exhausting his spiritual power, and he can only drink hatred in the face of the siege of thousands of people.

The first time was that the Gate of Hades didn't know much about Feng Yixiu, so after beheading almost a thousand people, he didn't dare to launch a large-scale group attack.

But now Amanda has already played against Feng Yixiu, so she knows Feng Yixiu's bottom line, so she will naturally let her subordinates initiate the sea tactics without hesitation.

Feng Yixiu must know that the two will join forces, but he doesn't know which side will compromise. He now has two choices. One is to choose to go to the gate of the underworld. The worst result is that Qi Die has already gone to the gate of the underworld. Yixiu will face the siege of two major blood spirits and thousands of members of the Gate of Hades, not to mention the two masters of blood spirits, even facing thousands of elites of the Gate of Hades alone is estimated to be enough.

The best result is that neither Qidie nor Amanda are at the gate of Hades. Feng Yixiu faces thousands of members of the Gate of Hades alone, and he will not be sure to destroy thousands of Hades before Qidie and Amanda arrive. Gate members.

The best result of going to the Flower of Evil is that Amanda did not come, and Feng Yixiu faced Qi Die and the hundreds of Flower of Evil members alone, and the pressure would be much less.

The worst thing is that Amanda and Qidie are both in the base camp of the Flower of Evil, which is much better than going to the gate of Hades to face thousands of enemies.

Therefore, Qidie will conclude that Feng Yixiu will definitely come to the flower of evil. This is a naked conspiracy!


Sure enough, now Feng Yixiu is indeed on his way to the Flower of Evil Base Camp.

However, unlike what Qidie expected, Feng Yixiu went to the gate of the underworld before going to the gate of the underworld, and then went to the camp of the Flower of Evil with confidence after confirming that the other party's large army was not moving.

He thought it would take some effort to find the Flower of Evil's camp, but he didn't expect it to be surprisingly easy.

Feng Yixiu looked at the scattered cherry blossoms on the ground, as if guiding him on a path to the Flower of Evil Camp.

"Hmph... Qi Die, are you already so impatient?" Feng Yixiu looked at these obvious marks and frowned slightly: "You act a little like this, for fear that I can't see it?"

He can now be sure that the Flower of Evil is fully prepared, but he has to go!

Now his appearance is estimated to be hidden. If he doesn't take the initiative to attack, the other party will come to him sooner or later.

Compared with fighting encounters, Feng Yixiu is better at ambushes. After all, he can have enough time to use the thorns to set up the battle situation.

When he was about to approach the Flower of Evil camp, Feng Yixiu summoned the thorny enchantress and used the flower of thorns to advance deep underground.

In order to prevent the other party from being aware of it, Feng Yixiu deliberately let the thorny enchantress sneak at a depth of about 100 meters underground, and then used the thunder and lightning eyes to explore the situation on the ground.

It didn't take long for Feng Yixiu to come to the base camp of the Flower of Evil, and found the central tent in the base camp, which was the tent where Qi Die was.

As expected by Feng Yixiu, Amanda did indeed come to the camp of the Flower of Evil. Due to the distance, Feng Yixiu couldn't hear their conversation.

"Little devil,

Using this tent as a boundary, make a cage of thorns, the stronger the better. "Feng Yixiu used telepathy to communicate with the thorn enchantress.

The thorn enchantress began to sprinkle five full circles of thorn seeds with the tent as the boundary, that is, a full five-layer cage of thorns.

Afterwards, there were many thorns around the cage of thorns. If you dared to approach this place, you would be bound to be a hedgehog by the dense thorns.

The reason why Feng Yixiu didn't let the little demon walk in the thorns cage was because he knew that this level of attack could not help the two masters of Zhan Lingzun, so he simply saved some spiritual power.

Just when Feng Yixiu prepared everything and was about to launch an attack, he heard the howl like a ghost from all around.

This sound is very weak, and if you don't listen carefully, you won't be able to hear it at all. The sound can be said to be very miserable, mixed with the sound of knocking on wooden boards and the sound of eating flesh and blood, making people feel horrified.

Feng Yixiu listened quietly for a while, and judged that the sound came from underground, and then let Leidian's heart explore from upward to downward.

About 200 meters deep underground, Feng Yixiu finally found the source of the strange sound. The shocking scene made Feng Yixiu frown.

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