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"Death... Anubis?!"

"I always thought that the existence of the god of death was a legend, but I didn't expect the existence of the god of death in the city of sin."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe I could see the legendary Death God..."


It's good not to mention the title of the wolf-headed person. This statement made almost everyone want to retreat, and their legs began to retreat involuntarily.

It seems that he sensed everyone's fear, and the terrifying aura of death on the wolf-headed man has restrained a lot, but it still makes people afraid to approach.

It seems that as long as you get close to him, you will be one step closer to death. This dangerous feeling makes everyone feel awe-inspiring...

Seeing everyone's performance, Anubis obviously felt a little disappointed, and shook his head helplessly.

However, he soon discovered the only two outliers among the thousand people. Only Feng Yixiu and A Chou did not show fear, but instead showed curious expressions towards him.

Feng Yixiu and A Chou walked towards Anubis very tacitly, but before they got close, they felt a powerful soul pressure coming. This soul force was full of silence and loneliness. It feels like life is starting to pass quickly!

Suddenly, the Jiu Ming Lingzhu appeared beside Hu Jiu'er out of thin air, wrapping Feng Yixiu and A Chou in it.

The violent nine-color light and the gray death energy began to collide violently, forming two invisible shock waves that were constantly pounding back and forth, and for a while, no one could do anything.

Feng Yixiu frowned, and under the clenched fists, a bloody light spilled out from his eyes, and the Shura Domain became a major weight to break this balance.

Under the blessing of thousands of resentful spirits in the Shura Domain, the nine-color aura completely dispelled the gray death energy in an instant.

Anubis took two steps back and exclaimed suddenly, "Sura Domain!"

As the patron saint of the city of sin, Anubis has a deep understanding of the Shura Domain, and also knows two ways to obtain the Shura Domain.

One of the most common methods is to obtain the Heart of Asura, and naturally one can obtain the ability of the Asura Domain.

Another lesser-known method is one that seems simple, but is the most difficult.

Because it is a paradox to kill and maintain a benevolent heart, and the difficulty is no less than directly capturing the heart of Shura!

Maybe this kid in front of me will really create that miracle...

"Lord Death, I have offended you." Feng Yixiu clasped his fists.

Anubis waved his hand and said indifferently: "Don't call me Lord Death, this title has disappeared for hundreds of years, and now I am just a rotten walking dead, you call me Senior is fine."

Feng Yixiu nodded and said solemnly: "Senior, you said that you are the guide of the 100th floor of the Asura Pagoda, so how can I enter the 100th floor of the Shura Pagoda?"

"Haven't you already passed the test? If you want, both you and this girl can enter the 100th floor Asura Tower." Anubis looked at the two of them and said seriously.

"Have you passed the test? When?" Feng Yixiu was a little overwhelmed.

"Anyone who can resist my death domain will be eligible to challenge the 100th floor." Anubis explained.

"So that's how it is..." Feng Yixiu said naturally to himself.

When the onlookers saw that Feng Yixiu and A Chou passed the test so easily, they were all itchy, and finally someone couldn't help but stand up.

"This doesn't look too difficult... I want to try it." A man with long hair in white stood up and frowned.

Suddenly, a stone stirred up a thousand waves, and almost a dozen people stood up, wanting to challenge the trial of the death field.

This has finally reached the ninety-ninth floor of the Asura Pagoda. It is a bit unwilling to let them give up now, and they have to fight for it no matter what.

Anubis didn't stop him when he saw this. He was just the guide of Shura Tower, and he was not obliged to remind those stupid people.

The easy success of Feng Yixiu and A Chou made them contempt, and with a team of 100 people, they became more courageous.

These ten people are also considered smart. They did not choose to fight alone, but approached Anubis together, with a very amazing momentum.

Anubis' face suddenly became solemn, and he said lightly: "Dozens of people challenged, and the strength of death energy has been increased by five times."

Immediately, the extreme gray dead aura became more and more intense, and it was like gray smoke, which directly filled the hundred people.

The powerful aura formed by the ten people was completely vulnerable in the face of this terrifying death force, and the gray death aura enveloped them like a dark cloud.

When the gray dead aura dissipated, everyone saw the dry corpses one after another. It could be seen that these people did not suffer from any external force to die, but died of natural aging!

For a time, everyone was so frightened that they were speechless, and the faces of the people who were just eager to try turned pale.

It is simply too terrifying, this kind of law-like power is simply not something they can resist.

It's no wonder that so many people have reached the ninety-ninth floor of the Asura Tower in history, but very few people have actually gone to the hundredth floor.

There are only two extremes to accept this extremely harsh test method, either successfully passed or

What direct death!

As expected of the god of death in the legend of the Dansha Empire, the power he possesses cannot be rationalized...

When everyone looked at Ah Chou and Feng Yixiu again, there was another emotion besides fear, and that was awe!

"Does anyone want to participate in the trial?" Anubis asked after looking around for a week.

For a time, everyone shook their heads like a rattle, with rejection written all over their faces.

Compared to Shura's Heart, his own life is more important...

"I'm doing this for your own good. Even I can't pass this test. Going to the 100th floor of the Asura Tower is also a death sentence. Rather than cheap them, it's better to cheap me." Anubis explained with a smile.

Although his face has been as calm as possible, in the eyes of everyone, he is still synonymous with the god of death.

"I confirm again, if no one wants to challenge, then I will send you out of the Shura Tower, and all of you will receive the honor of the Thousand Commander and be sheltered in the city of sin for life." In the hands of Anubis The scepter hit the ground heavily, making a dull loud noise.

Everyone looked at each other for a while, but no one dared to make a sound. From Anubis' words, they can tell that the 100th floor is more difficult, and now they can't even resist this death qi, so how can they challenge the more difficult 100th floor.

I have to say that their decision was very rational...

Seeing that no one dared to make a sound, Anubis shook his head in disappointment. Under the gentle wave of the huge staff in his hand, an ancient golden magic circle appeared under everyone's feet.

A dazzling golden light flashed, and the circular square that was still crowded just now became a little empty, and the entire ninety-ninth floor Asura Tower became only three people.

Anubis slowly turned his head back and looked at Feng Yixiu and A Chou: "I heard the King of Sin say that this session can be described as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, why are there only two of you?"

Feng Yixiu answered truthfully: "It stands to reason that there should be five people, but we killed those three."

"This..." Anubis' mouth twitched, thinking that this child is too sincere.

"Senior, are you really Anubis, the god of death?" Ah Chou asked very curiously.

In terms of seniority, she would not suffer at all by calling Anubis a senior.

After all, she is one of the great powers in the ancient times, and although she has lived for a long time, she is still a little immature compared to him.

Anubis smiled and joked: "Have you ever seen a second person who looks like me?"

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