God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1090 Secret Operation

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"Your Majesty, I have lived a long life in the city of sin. I have never forgotten Your Majesty's entrustment. Now I finally have the opportunity to repay His Majesty's kindness. I wonder if Your Majesty's promise back then can be remembered?" Belloc asked cautiously.

Lord Ming frowned slightly and said coldly, "Are you negotiating terms with me?"

"Your Excellency dare not..."

Belloc was so frightened that he immediately lowered his head, not daring to look directly into the eyes of the Lord of the Underworld, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

The rest of the people who followed Belloc were also terrified and sweated, and immediately lowered their heads, for fear that the Lord of the Underworld would really be angry.

"Hahaha..." The Underworld Lord's brows gradually eased, and he bowed to help Belloc up: "Can you still know about your loyal deity? As long as this matter is done, the eight underworld generals will become the nine underworld generals in the future. , don't worry! I won't treat the meritorious servants badly..."

Hearing this, Belloc finally felt relieved and thanked him continuously: "Thank you for your grace, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

"This matter is of great importance. Tomorrow will be the big day for the gate of our underworld. Just in case, I will let the eight major underworld generals go together. I think it should be foolproof..." The underworld master said solemnly.

"The eight great generals will go together?" Belloc said.

"What? Is there anything wrong?" The Lord of the Underworld frowned.

"I don't think it's necessary... I think His Majesty's power is unstoppable, so why do you need the eight great generals to go together?" Belloc said with a smile.

In fact, he just didn't want the Eight Great Generals to share his credit...

"I am afraid that there will be a change at that time, and the eight great underworld will go, and the worst result will be able to retreat." As the master of the gate of the underworld, the underworld Lord has always been a cautious person.


"I've made up my mind, you don't have to talk too much! Hurry up and get ready!" The Lord of the Underworld waved his sleeves and said coldly.


Bellock was too frightened to disagree, and immediately got up.

Pluto Lord flipped the palm of his hand, and an ancient token appeared in his hand, and said lightly: "This is my Pluto decree, you go to the Eight Great Halls of Hades to gather all the Eight Underworld Generals, that is my will. , After all preparations are completed, secretly go to the city of sin!"

Belloc took the token with both hands, and said solemnly: "I will do it now, my minister!"

After saying that, all the group withdrew from the Pluto Palace, and only Pluto was left leaning on the throne, with excited eyes in their eyes.

"The city of sin has finally fallen into my hands..." Hades said to himself.

Belloc summoned all the eight generals at the fastest speed, and then under the unified command of the Lord of the Underworld, they secretly went to the city of sin together.

The guards guarding the city of sin saw that the person was the second law enforcer, Belloc, and knew that he was highly trusted by Feng Yixiu. Hearing that these people behind him were VIPs who came to participate in the coronation ceremony, they easily let him go.

There were only nine people who came to the gate of the underworld, and Belloc and others were only a dozen people. In order to avoid being suspected by too many people, everyone wore a white mask and could not see their true colors. .

The goal of their group was very clear, and they came to the Elder Hall almost immediately.

The Elder Hall of the City of Sin is the oldest group of people. Although they have no real power, they will generally seek their consent for major events.

Generally, major events such as the coronation ceremony are also their abbots. It is already late at night, and they are still in charge of tomorrow's coronation ceremony...


The door of the Elder Hall was abruptly opened, and a group of people from the Gate of Hades broke into it swaggeringly.

For a while, everyone in the Elder Hall stopped their work, looked towards the gate, and relaxed their vigilance after seeing Bellock.

"It turned out to be Belloc... The preparations for tomorrow's coronation ceremony are almost ready." The second elder smiled, and then after seeing the people behind Belloc, he wondered: "Who are these people?"

Belloc smiled slightly and said lightly: "These are the guards I carefully selected for tomorrow's coronation ceremony. I think tomorrow will be able to ensure that the ceremony is foolproof."

Hearing this, the first elder glanced slightly at the people behind Belloc, and his eyes gradually became colder.

As the oldest person in the city of sin, the elder elder can say that he knows the city of sin very well, even if he sees that the group behind Belloc is not the guardian of the city of sin.

Feeling the terrifying aura of this pedestrian, the Great Elder couldn't help but beaded sweat on his forehead.

"I don't think it's necessary... I've already arranged the guards for tomorrow, and I'm afraid it will be inconvenient to change now." The first elder declined very politely.

"Elder, that's not what you said, but the king said that I am solely responsible for the coronation ceremony..." Belloc wanted to argue.

Suddenly, a thin man behind Bellock pressed Bellock's shoulders, preventing him from continuing to speak.

A chilling Nether Qi burst out suddenly, and everyone seemed to have fallen into a cold pool of ten thousand feet, and their whole bodies began to tremble uncontrollably.

I saw a dark green ghost fire suddenly rose from his right palm, and he threw it to the person beside the Great Elder very casually.

But in the blink of an eye, the man didn't even have a chance to struggle or scream, and he was frozen into an ice sculpture.

The ghost fire into the general flame is completely different, not only does not have a trace of heat, but has

It is as cold and biting as Jiuyou Huangquan.


The thin man clenched his fist violently, and the ice sculpture instantly turned into powder, completely dissipating into nothingness.

This hand immediately stunned everyone in the Elder Hall, especially the people who recognized the ghost fire, showing a terrified look.

The person who was just killed in seconds was the third elder of the Elder Hall. Although his actual combat ability was not strong, he was at least a seventh-level Battle Spirit Venerable, and he was actually killed by raising his hand!

"Nether Ghost Fire... Are you the Lord of the Underworld?" The elder involuntarily took two steps back, his voice trembling.

The thin man sneered, slowly took off his mask, and said coldly, "I'm not here to talk to you about conditions. If you want to survive, just do as we say!"

"The gate of the underworld and the city of sin are also considered to be the same sect. It has always been that well water does not violate river water. I don't know what the Lord of Underworld wants to do?" The elder asked courageously.

Hearing this, the Underworld Lord frowned, and three groups of ghostly ghosts appeared behind him out of thin air, and instantly surrounded the Great Elder.

The Great Elder felt a chill in his body, and dark green ice crystals were slowly condensing on the surface of his body.

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