God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1105 10 Ambush

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After being forcibly pushed into the changing room by Feng Yixiu, Hu Jiu'er put on new clothes and walked out.

"How is it, does it look good?" Hu Jiu'er turned around in front of Feng Yixiu and smiled.


Feng Yixiu was also a little stunned for a while, the gorgeous coronation royal robe perfectly set off the noble temperament of Hu Jiu'er, quite the demeanor of the queen.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and change your clothes?" Hu Jiu'er said with a smile.

"oh oh……"

Feng Yixiu hurriedly walked towards the changing room holding his coronation robe, but changed the robe in a moment.

Slowly walking out of the fitting room and looking at himself in the mirror, Feng Yixiu was also a little uncomfortable, and frowned, "Is this still me?"

At this time, Feng Yixiu was wearing a black royal robe with an ancient pattern embroidered with gold threads, which had a heavy sense of coercion and mystery.

As the saying goes, people rely on clothes and Buddha relies on gold clothes. The temperament of Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er has also become more solemn and has the majesty of a king.

"I think it looks pretty good, let's go quickly..." Hu Jiu'er took Feng Yixiu's arm naturally, pushed the door and walked out.

As soon as Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er entered the bloody castle, they saw that there was already a grand welcoming ceremony at the entrance, the main road had already been emptied, and a gorgeous golden carpet had been covered.

The two sides of the road were already surrounded by the people of the city of sin. The moment they saw Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiuer appear, they all consciously knelt to the ground.

The guard of honor composed of the huge Calamity-level beast Titan Dragon Elephant is also ready to go. This is the highest courtesy that only the king of the city of sin is qualified to enjoy.

Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er set foot on the first and largest Titan Dragon Elephant together. There is a very gorgeous and comfortable throne on it, which can overlook everything condescendingly.

The distance between the Scarlet Castle and the Palace of Sin is not particularly far away. According to the current speed, it is only half an hour away. Both are considered to be in the center of the capital of sin, but the closer you get to the Palace of Sin, you can feel the surrounding area. The more prosperous the building is.

While they were on their way here, those in the Palace of Sin were not idle either.

Although the Guilty Palace at this time seemed calm and cheerful, it was actually full of murderous intentions behind the scenes.

All the personal guards have all become the people of the gate of the underworld, and the underworld master has become the captain of the guard team, the person closest to the throne.

Everyone in the Elder Hall looked worried, with pale faces, standing beside the throne uncomfortable, and their eyes drifted in the direction of the Lord of the Underworld from time to time.

The first elder and the second elder both held a gorgeous crown in their hands, as well as two cups of royal wine, which were exactly what the coronation ceremony needed later.

Belloc walked over slowly, put his hand lightly on the shoulder of the elder, holding a bottle of transparent liquid in his hand, and said coldly: "Elder, is the king wine ready?"

"Ready... ready." The elder said in a trembling voice.

"Then I will trouble you to pour it in, don't forget that your granddaughter is still in my hands..." Belloc handed the water of the Styx into the hands of the Great Elder.

The elder took the water of the Styx River, opened the bottle cap with trembling hands, and poured the water of the Styx River into the King Feng wine tremblingly.

"That's right... Remember to find a reason to ask for the Millennium Scepter later and put it in the sealed box we prepared, understand?" Belloc said coldly.

"Understood..." The elder nodded helplessly.

With a white mask on his face, Lord Ming smiled and said: "The Great Elder doesn't have to be so nervous. You will still be the Great Elder of the city of sin at that time. You just need to cooperate obediently."

"Master Ming is right..." The elder smiled bitterly and agreed.

"Master Ming?" Lord Ming frowned slightly, and then sneered: "It's okay... Anyway, after today, I have to change my name and call me Wang Shang..."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The first elder can only be a flattering endorsement. Whoever lets his most beloved granddaughter be held as a hostage by others, he can give up his own life.

But only the granddaughter he loves the most is his weakness. He would rather die than hope for something to happen to his granddaughter...

boom boom boom...

A burst of heavy footsteps gradually approached, and without thinking, it must be the Titan Dragon Elephant team that is gradually approaching.

As the footsteps gradually approached, the people outside the Sin Palace fell to their knees one after another, and many people began to talk about it.

"Have you heard? Our new king is only under 20 years old this year, and his strength is only a fifth-level war spirit king. Do you think this city of evil will be safe in the future?"

"Who says it's not... I also heard that this coronation ceremony is not only the king, but also the queen. The most outrageous thing is that the queen is actually a demon woman. We have never seen a demon queen in the city of sin. Woolen cloth!"

"If it's just these, it's fine. I also heard that the new king also killed the blood marquis of the Dansha Empire. Isn't this obviously going against the Dansha Empire? With such strength, you dare to challenge the giants like the Dansha Empire. , I think it's simply courting death..."

"Isn't the city of evil in the future unsafe? I think we should get out of the city of evil as soon as possible, so as not to bring disaster to Chiyu!"


These are surrounded by sin

The residents near the palace are the elites of the city of sin, and the channels for obtaining information are not comparable to ordinary residents.

Of course, this also has the factor that the people of the gate of the underworld are secretly spreading information, deliberately guiding the public opinion of the people in the city of sin...

The Titan Dragon Elephant Guard of Honor slowly advanced, and slowly entered the main entrance of the Palace of Sin, but Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiuer's expressions were gloomy at this time.

They have heard the whispers of these people just now, and it seems that the current situation is extremely unfavorable for them.

When the eyes of the two met, the flames of anger burst out in their eyes. It seems that a victory is urgently needed to prove their strength and consolidate the kingship!

I don't know if it was deliberately arranged. After the honor guard entered the palace, the main door was not closed, as if the people were allowed to come in.

At first, someone with a little more courage broke in. After seeing that there was no one blocking it, many people who were surrounded by the outside also rushed in, and there were tens of thousands of people.

However, they didn't dare to approach blatantly, they could only follow behind at a very long distance, wanting to see the process of the ceremony of conferring the king.

After Feng Yixiu passed through the main entrance, he came to the large square in front of the main hall, where an extremely gorgeous throne had been prepared on the high platform.

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