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With the support of Feng Yixiu, the first elder staggered to his feet, looked at Belloc angrily, and said sadly, "You didn't say it, as long as I do as you say, you won't move me. granddaughter's?"

Belloc smiled evilly and said, "Hehe... I promised you, but the premise is that the plan goes smoothly, blame Feng Yixiu for playing tricks on me!"

Seeing that it was useless to ask Belloc for help, the elder turned around and knelt down towards Feng Yixiu, hugged his leg and cried, "Your Majesty... You must save my granddaughter! I beg you..."

Two couples suddenly ran out of the crowd of onlookers. It was the parents of the children who had been coerced into hostages. They were the same as the elders who knelt down in front of Feng Yixiu and kept kowtow. They wanted Feng Yixiu to save them. child.

Although they may be murderous demons in the eyes of ordinary people, when they face their children, they are like all parents in the world, and they have infinite love for their children...

Before Feng Yixiu could respond, Law Enforcer No. 7, who had been watching with cold eyes, walked to his side and persuaded him, "Your Majesty... No matter what, the elders have betrayed you, your magnanimity and impunity are already great. Gifted, you don't have to be threatened for saving her granddaughter, and the two civilian children and slaves are not worth mentioning..."

"Shut up!" Feng Yixiu roared, and immediately stopped Law Enforcer No. 7.

"As ordered..."

Law Enforcer No. 7 originally wanted to take this opportunity to please the new king, and wanted to give Feng Yixiu a step down, but he was scolded unexpectedly.

Immediately, he could only retreat embarrassedly, not daring to say another word, and the rest of the people who had this idea were too frightened to say a word.

The green ant's face was very pale, and he said, "Your Majesty... don't worry about me, kill him!"

Hong Zhuang even wanted to use action to relieve Feng Yixiu's predicament, but a trace of blood suddenly overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and her expression became extremely painful.

But before he could succeed, Belloc realized it, and then he grabbed Hong Zhuang's neck, preventing her from biting his tongue.

Just after subduing the red makeup, the green ant's mouth overflowed with a trace of blood, but how could they kill themselves so easily in Belloc's hands.

I saw that Belloc's eyes were quick to grasp the throat of the green ant, and the two palms like eagle claws firmly controlled the two of them, and they couldn't even speak.

"Tsk tsk tsk... This is the first time I have seen such a loyal and loyal slave. You said what kind of ecstasy soup did you feed them, and you are willing to bite your tongue and commit suicide without wanting to hurt you." Holding the throats of Hong Zhuang and Green Ant, they could kill them with just a little force.

"What do you want to do?" Feng Yixiu frowned, looking at Bie Luk coldly with murderous eyes.

Red makeup and green ants are ordinary people, their lives are as fragile as an ant in the hands of the blood spiritist, at least they can be easily pinched to death with a little force.

No matter how strong Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er were, they probably wouldn't be able to kill the three law enforcement officers at the same time while ensuring the safety of all the hostages.

If after killing one person, the rest of the people are frightened and do something crazy, the consequences will be irreversible...

"What do you want to do? Hmph..." Belloc snorted coldly, with a mad look in his eyes: "Well, you are so arrogant, you actually made Lao Tzu a gunman, so I can't go back anywhere now, I Let you kneel down and apologize to Lao Tzu!"

Hearing this, everyone in the entire square was boiling, and both the underworld generals and the ordinary people onlookers began to whisper.

Almost everyone is saying whether Belloc is crazy, not to mention how revered Feng Yixiu is as the king of Shura now, even an ordinary person will not kneel to the enemy for irrelevant people.

What's more, as long as Feng Yixiu is willing, he can take his life by raising his hand...

Just when everyone thought that Feng Yixiu would be furiously rejecting it, he still had the same expression and said lightly: "Okay! I promise you..."


This sentence immediately caused an uproar, and it exploded like a depth bomb among the people in the entire square.

Almost everyone wondered if they had heard it wrong, and they repeatedly asked around, and only after a few times did they dare to believe that they did not hear it wrong.

Not only them, but even Bellock had some doubts about whether he heard it wrong, and frowned: "I said that you should kowtow to me and admit your mistake, did you hear it clearly?"

"I heard clearly..." Feng Yixiu nodded and continued to ask: "What other conditions do you have to put forward together! As long as you are willing to let them go..."

Hearing this, Belloc was stunned for a while, and then let out a arrogant laugh: "Hahaha... This is your new king? A king Shura who kneels like an old man?"

Originally, it was a condition to humiliate Feng Yixiu casually, in order to avenge himself for being calculated, and he never thought that Feng Yixiu would agree.

If Feng Yixiu didn't agree, he was going to kill a hostage to scare him, but he didn't expect Feng Yixiu to agree so easily.

Belloc's wild laughter did not make Feng Yixiu's expression waver, on the contrary, those underworld generals couldn't stand it any longer, and they were ready to shoot while clenching their fists.

Hu Jiu'er turned them away with one look, and said, "Retreat! Don't let Ah Feng's sacrifice be in vain..."



The seven underworld generals headed by Orfina could only retreat unwillingly, but their eyes were still full of anger.

Now they are ashamed that there are people like Belloc in the gate of Hades, at least they still have their own bottom line.

They really can't do something like taking an unarmed woman or even an innocent young child as a hostage...

"Lord Sivir, this kid will definitely not let you go so easily, and he will definitely kill you before you step out of the Shura capital. I have a hostage in my hands, as long as you join hands with me, we will definitely be able to. Get out of the Asura Capital City safely, as long as we get out of the Shura Capital City, they won't be able to do anything about us!" Belloc looked at Sivir with a flattering expression, his expression full of madness.

He can be considered a good abacus, and now it seems that Feng Yixiu does not dare to do anything to himself, but he can't guarantee that Feng Yixiu will not do it to him after he leaves the city.

Any one of the seven underworld generals can easily crush him to death, and it does not require Feng Yixiu to do it himself.

But as long as Sivir is drawn over, it can be regarded as hugging the thighs. Belloc is also very clear about her strength, but it is second only to the super-powerful combat power of the Lord of the Underworld!

As long as Hu Jiu'er didn't act in person, the rest of the seven underworld generals would probably not be able to kill Sivir in his heyday.

Even if Hu Jiu'er really made a move, with Sivir's strength, as long as he doesn't fight with him and runs away with all his heart, he might still have a chance to escape...

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