God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1134 Explosion News

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The Great Emperor Xuehuang slowly opened his eyes, and seemed to be a little angry that he was disturbed to rest, but after seeing the person coming, he still held back his anger and frowned: "It turns out to be the old sword demon... You are not a The loser, what is it that you still need me to decide for you?"

The old knife demon pushed the blood boy beside him forward, and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, this time the messenger we sent to the capital of sin, the blood marquis, is dead! Even my favorite disciple, Xiaodaohuang Xueran also killed!"

"What?!" Emperor Xuehuang suddenly jumped up from the throne, the sun behind him was inexorable, and the scorching temperature made it difficult to approach, and then he was furious: "The king of sin dares to kill me and send it here. messenger? Is he tired of living?"

The blood son said sadly: "Please calm down your anger, in fact, it was not the King of Sin who killed my father and brother, but someone else!"

"There are other people, is it possible that the Lord of the Underworld and the King of Sin have begun to cooperate?" Emperor Xuehuang said with some concern.

The blood son shook his head and said solemnly: "It's not like this, the Lord of the Underworld and the King of Sin are all dead, and now the city of sin has changed to its original name, calling itself the King of Shura again, and the gate of the underworld is also the same as Shura. The capitals are merged."

"The Lord of the Underworld and the King of Sin are all dead? Aren't the gates of the underworld and the gates of sin at the same level? Why are they merged again? What is going on, please explain to me clearly!" Some of them couldn't bear the bombardment of the explosive news one after another, and some said anxiously.

This kind of entanglement has been going on for an unknown number of years, and no one has been able to break the balance, but it has only been a few days, and everything has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Due to the strict entry and exit of the Shura King's Capital, it was difficult to spread the news quickly, and the Emperor Xuehuang didn't even know what happened in the Shura King's Capital.

"It all starts with a boy from China. This person's name is Feng Yixiu. With his handsome appearance, he even made a dominance-level monster nine-tailed fox obey his orders. It was with the power of the nine-tailed celestial fox that he successfully killed the King of Sin and the Lord of the Underworld and took their place." The blood son said with a look of resentment.

Of course, Young Master Blood's goal is to try his best to humiliate Feng Yixiu, so that Emperor Xuehuang can send troops to attack the Shura Kingdom and the gate of the Underworld, so that he can avenge himself!

Moreover, he was not present when the Blood Marquis and Xiaodaohuang were killed, so he automatically attributed it to the more powerful Hu Jiu'er.

"So... this kid named Feng Yixiu has no skills, he is all relying on that nine-tailed fox?" Emperor Xuehuang frowned.

"Yes, that Feng Yixiu is just a hairy boy under 20 years old, and his strength is only in the realm of War Spirit King, so it's not a cause for concern at all!" The blood son agreed.

"Did that nine-tailed celestial fox get the inheritance of the Shura capital?" Emperor Xuehuang asked immediately.

"This... Nine-tailed Tianhu doesn't know why it has obtained the inheritance of Anubis, the god of death, and obtained the heart of the dead, so it is not restricted by the laws of the Shura capital, otherwise it will not be able to kill the Lord of the Underworld." said.

In the face of Emperor Xuehuang, even if Young Master Xue hated Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er, he would not dare to lie and deceive His Majesty the Emperor indiscriminately. That's a big crime to be beheaded, so you can only tell the truth.

"It's not easy to do this. As long as this nine-tailed celestial fox stays in the Shura capital, even I can't help her..." Emperor Xuehuang frowned.

You must know that the laws of the Asura capital can suppress the realm, but after stepping into the Asura capital, the realm will be suppressed to become the realm of the King of War Spirits.

Even if a battle spirit emperor entered the Shura capital, in addition to the battle spirit being the ultimate body, he would still have the huge advantages of spirit soldiers and spirit armor, but the highest realm could only be the fifth-rank and ninth-rank battle spirit king.

Hu Jiu'er can maintain the full strength of the Dominion-level Warcraft, and can almost be said to be completely invincible!

But the premise is that Hu Jiu'er must stay in King Shura all the time and can't take a step away, otherwise her advantage will disappear completely.

No matter how strong Rao Shihu Jiu'er is, without the home field advantage of the Asura capital, two or three powerful War Spirit Emperors can go all out to kill them...

This is what Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er are worried about. They can't stay in the Shura King's capital as a tortoise for the rest of their lives. It would be too embarrassing.

Moreover, the gate of the underworld is not within the territory of the Shura capital. If Hu Jiu'er takes over, it is inevitable that he will step out of the territory of the Shura capital. He often travels back and forth between the two places, and he will be ambushed by the Dansha Empire.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I finally found out a secret after a lot of hard work. Three days later, the nine-tailed celestial fox will go to the gate of the underworld to accept the ceremony. When the time comes, Feng Yixiu will stay in the Shura capital alone. But it's the best time for us to annihilate them in one fell swoop!" Young Master Blood said with a wicked smile.

"Oh? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..." Emperor Xuehuang frowned, as if he was thinking about something, and then hesitantly said: "Is that kid Feng Yixiu really so unbearable?"

The blood boy didn't explain, just clapped his hands lightly, and then a slave carried up boxes of blood baby wine.

Hundreds of boxes of blood baby wine piled up into mountains, almost covering the entire palace, exuding a fascinating and strange smell of bloody wine.

Emperor Xuehuang knew what was in the box when he smelled the aroma of the wine, it must be his favorite blood baby wine!

It is no exaggeration to say that the blood

The reason why the Great Emperor has been cooperating with King Shura all the time is that blood baby wine played a big role in it.

He also wanted to imitate the brewing of this blood baby wine, at the cost of killing hundreds of slave babies, but he never succeeded...

At this moment, seeing the blood baby wine piled up in front of him, Emperor Xuehuang's eyes lit up. If he didn't care about his supreme status, he would immediately rush down and drink a few cups!

"These blood baby wines were all given to you by Feng Yixiu?" Emperor Xuehuang said a little excitedly.

"That's right... I saw with my own eyes that all the blood baby wines were taken out, and there was not a bottle left. It can be seen that this kid must be afraid of His Majesty's Tianwei, so he is trying to please His Majesty!" road.

"It seems that this kid is really a waste of power, and it really is nothing to worry about..." Emperor Xuehuang said coldly.

"Not only that, the kid said at the time, if we had known that there were eleven war spirit emperors in our Dansha Empire, he would not have dared to kill my father and brother. Not to mention the hospitality of my good wine and meat, but also said a lot of good things to me, and finally sent me out of the Shura Capital in person!" said the blood son.

"How can this kid be the king of the Shura capital, is he really so humble?" Emperor Xuehuang questioned.

"Your Majesty, if I have a false statement, I will die without a place to be buried!" The blood son buried his head on the ground and said loudly.

"Hahaha... I didn't expect this king of Shura to be turned into a king by a waste. It really makes people laugh! Pass my order and call Yan Jun and Mo Ji." Emperor Xuehuang waved his hand and said loudly road.

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