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Feng Yixiu shook his head and said lightly: "Don't worry, I don't think it's lively enough now, I want the scene to be more lively."

Hearing this, it wasn't just the first elder who looked puzzled, everyone was full of question marks.

Now that both the Gate of Hades and the Shura Kings have merged, it can be said that it is the most lively time since the establishment of the Shura Kings.

Whether it is the population or the elite combat power, it has more than doubled. Isn't this enough fun?

Feng Yixiu looked at Qiangwei and said solemnly: "Sister Qiangwei, you asked Xiaotian to bring a War Spirit Venerable prisoner, I have something to say."


Qiangwei didn't ask the specific reason, she turned and walked towards the dungeon very simply.

Then Feng Yixiu looked at Sivir again, and said softly, "Sivir, will there be a War Spirit Venerable alive in this Battle of Styx?"

Sivir bowed and said, "There are only a thousand prisoners alive, and only one War Spirit Venerable survived."

It can be said that the Dansha Empire paid a great price for attacking the gate of the underworld. There were only less than 1,000 people left in the entire 200,000 army.

These captives either sneaked out from the big team, or escaped from the mouth of Ming Kun with luck, but they were soon discovered by the black armored soldiers at the gate of Hades.

"Okay, then go and bring that War Spirit Venerable." Feng Yixiu ordered.

Sivir immediately walked to the gate of Hades behind him, and soon brought up a pale-faced War Spirit Venerable.

This Zhan Lingzun suddenly knelt to the ground the moment he saw Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er, and kept saying begging words for mercy.

He was one of the few survivors of the Dansha army who had witnessed the Battle of Styx, and naturally knew the power of King Shura and the Nine-Tailed Empress.

Besides, this is the capital of Shura King, but King Shura's territory, life and death are just a matter of his words...

Feng Yixiu ignored the prisoner's plea, as if he was waiting for something, and didn't speak until Qiangwei brought a War Spirit Venerable prisoner up.

"Let these two go!" Feng Yixiu wrote lightly.

"Let it go?!"

Almost everyone was surprised in unison.

Feng Yixiu nodded and said solemnly: "You heard right, not only let it go, but also send someone to bring the two back to the Dansha Empire safely."

Hearing that, although everyone was puzzled, they still obeyed Feng Yixiu's order and sent people to send the two to the Dansha Empire as quickly as possible.

The first elder looked at the backs of the two prisoners leaving, and said with some doubts: "This is the prisoner we finally caught, is it so easy to let go?"

Without waiting for Feng Yixiu to answer, Hu Jiu'er smiled and said, "Ah Feng, you are too bad, are you trying to kill the Emperor of the Dansha Empire?"

"Hahaha... Don't you think Jiu'er is very interesting?" Feng Yixiu laughed.

"It should be quite interesting..." Hu Jiu'er smiled sweetly, as if thinking of something fun.

"If the old emperor of the Dansha Empire is a wise man, I think he will send someone over to congratulate us on our coronation. If not, his life will not be better..."

While speaking, Feng Yixiu strode into the gate of Shura Palace, and Hu Jiu'er walked side by side with him.

The guards of the Shura Palace and the members of the Gate of Hades all followed them in an orderly manner, walking slowly towards the interior of the Shura Palace.


The capital of the Tsar.

The entire Dan Czar was also immersed in a joyful atmosphere, and everyone was as excited as if they had won a battle.

Even on the prosperous streets of the Tsar Capital, bright red banners have been laid out in advance to welcome the return of the Dansha army. The victorious army returns.

In the Dansha Palace, Emperor Xuehuang and his ministers were still singing and dancing, as if they were celebrating the upcoming victory.

"Your Majesty, nephew, toast to you, congratulations on your immortal hegemony!" Young Master Blood swayed and raised the gorgeous cup in front of him, as if he was drunk, with a clear blush on his face.

"Hahaha... What you said is pertinent!" The Emperor Xuehuang boldly picked up the cup in front of him, poured it into his mouth, and said loudly: "You can count as the victory of this battle. The first merit, when the time comes, I will not only let you inherit the position of blood marquis, but also let you be promoted to king!"

"Thank you Your Majesty for your grace!" Young Master Blood was also stunned for a long time. After reacting, he rushed out of the seat and knelt on the ground and kowtowed to express his gratitude.

When the ministers heard that Emperor Xuehuang wanted to confer Young Master Xue as the king, they all raised their wine glasses one after another.

"Congratulations, Young Master Blood! You are the youngest prince of our Dansha Empire!"

"Young Master Blood is a great hero of our Dansha Empire, and this prince's position is naturally worthy of..."

"In the future, don't forget us after the blood son becomes the king..."

For a time, all the civil servants and military generals were toasting the blood son. The weight of this prince was extremely heavy in the Dansha Empire.

The blood son has no strength by himself. If it is not for his royal status, he is just a playboy who is idle.

If it weren't for the fact that Emperor Xuehuang was in a state of drunkenness and was in a good mood, he would certainly not have promised the honor of Prince Xue so easily.

After the blood son returned to his seat, he clinked glasses and drinking with those high-ranking ministers in turn, and the whole person was a little flirtatious.

The entire hall was shrouded in an extremely strong smell of blood. If you look closely, you can see that everyone's wine glasses are filled with bright red wine.

These bright red wines are naturally not red wines, but blood baby wines that were sent from the Shura King not long ago.

These princes and ministers naturally know how these blood baby wines are made, but they don't care at all, and they still flock to it as if it were the nectar of the world.

There was only one person in the audience who didn't drink blood baby wine. He just sat on the throne not far from the Xuehuang Emperor's chair with a solemn face, and frowned when he saw the scene in front of him.

Emperor Xuehuang seemed to have noticed this person, slowly raised the wine glass in his hand, and said indifferently: "Pharaoh, on this great day, why do you think you are a little unhappy? Could it be that I see that I will soon be Do you feel a little uncomfortable after completing the domination?"

The pharaoh held up a glass of white wine and bowed his head respectfully in response: "Your Majesty, I always feel that the result of this battle has not yet come out, so it is not good to have a celebration banquet ahead of time, and I have heard that the blood baby wine is drunk for a long time. It will confuse the mind, I hope Your Majesty will drink less..."

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