God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1173 Thunder Sky Wheel

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Only Pharaoh knew what these light spots were, and he frowned when he saw the densely packed light spots converging towards Feng Yixiu.

These light groups are actually the power of faith, a very illusory but real power. The time and sky wheel of the Pharaoh and the sun and sky wheel of the Xuehuang Emperor are condensed by the power of faith.

The reason why Pharaoh was so surprised was not because of the number of faith light clusters, but because of the staggering quality of the faith light clusters.

The power of faith produced by the undead and people of each Shura king's capital is at least ten times that of the people of Dansha!

Even though King Shura now has a population of only tens of millions including the Gate of Hades, the power of faith generated is enough to reach the level of hundreds of millions!

This is almost the same as the power of faith received by the Pharaoh and the Xuehuang Emperor. It has to be said that it is a very terrifying statistic.

Only when the power of faith reaches the scale of hundreds of millions will it show its effect, but the difficulty of this is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Countless light clusters of faith began to slowly condense behind Feng Yixiu, and a purple-gold round sky wheel was rapidly condensing into shape, in which the violent purple-gold thunder force continuously exploded.

Although ordinary people can't see the belief light group, they can really see the sky wheel that is gathering behind Feng Yixiu, and they also know what the meaning of this sky wheel represents!

Only the descendants of the saints can absorb the power of faith. Ordinary people have no such opportunity at all. Feng Yixiu is now gathering the sky wheel behind him, which means that he must be the descendants of the saints...

After seeing the sky wheel behind Feng Yixiu, everyone became even more devout. In this way, a virtuous circle was formed, and the light of faith became more intense.

The sky wheel behind Feng Yixiu was finally fully condensed and formed. Behind the phantom of King Shura was a huge thunder sky wheel, with dazzling purple-gold thunder constantly flashing on it, and the dense thunder runes kept turning like flowing water.

Like the prelude to the approaching storm, the air around Feng Yixiu was constantly bursting with purple-gold thunder. The violent power made people dare not approach, and the huge roar made people tremble with fear.

Feng Yixiu excitedly felt the terrifying power brought by the Thunder Sky Wheel, as long as he is willing, it seems that he can mobilize the power of heaven and earth to bring down the rolling thunder!

The pharaoh subconsciously took a few steps back when he saw the thunder wheel. As one of the most powerful forces in nature, thunder can be said to be the most explosive existence.

Even Emperor Xuehuang's Sun Sky Wheel couldn't have such a powerful explosive power as Thunder Sky Wheel, but in terms of continuous attack, Sun Sky Wheel also had its own advantages.

All in all, the Thunder Sky Wheel can be said to be one of the top belief sky wheels. It can be seen that the power of the saint's blood that Feng Yixiu inherited is very powerful...

Now the pharaoh really regrets it very much. He wanted to borrow the thousand-year-old holy artifact to wash away his sins, but he didn't expect Feng Yixiu to get the Thunder Sky Wheel by mistake. His strength and potential have skyrocketed. A lot!

The Pharaoh was thinking about seeing Feng Yixiu display the power of the Thunder Sky Wheel, but Feng Yixiu didn't intend to show it in front of him. Instead, he let the Thunder Sky Wheel behind him dissipate together with the phantom of King Shura.

For a while, he was also confused. He had just acquired such a tyrannical power that ordinary young people couldn't wait to show it off, but Feng Yixiu did the opposite, and didn't give Pharaoh any Wang's opportunity to obtain information.

Feng Yixiu looked at the Pharaoh with a smile, and said with a big smile, "Thank you for the sacred artifact that the Pharaoh sent, not only helped me cleanse the crimes of King Shura's capital, but also let me get the Thunder Sky Wheel, you are really a good person what!"

The corner of Pharaoh's mouth twitched slightly. Although he had a smiling face, the smile was uglier than crying: "It's good that King Shura is happy..."

"This king is quite happy, but I think you look a little unhappy..." Feng Yixiu smiled, and then said in a deep voice: "I am not a person who does not keep promises. The king's capital and the Dansha Empire have formed a strategic alliance, and everyone is close to each other, if we, King Shura, are attacked, your Dansha Empire can't sit idly by!"

"That's natural, but we still have to go through the procedures that should be followed. I have brought the contract. After you complete the coronation ceremony, we can find a quieter place to have a good talk and try to send it to you after signing the agreement." Go to the World War Spirit Alliance for notarization." Pharaoh's preparations are very sufficient, even the alliance contract is ready.

The World War Spirit Alliance is the largest organization, and they organize the World Conference every time to discuss some important issues in the world of War Spirit.

For example, the solution to a certain large-scale attack by the blood mages is to focus on destroying the blood mage organization that has just emerged, and to join forces to conquer a certain monster that will grow into a terrifying existence in the future...

Of course, the Dansha Empire is an important member of the World War Spirit Alliance, and its every move affects the world situation. Therefore, the alliance contract must be notarized by the War Spirit Alliance before it becomes effective, and the terms of the contract will be maintained, and neither party must violate it, otherwise it will be severely sanctioned.

Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er officially completed the coronation ceremony, and were recognized by the Dansha Empire and all the surrounding small border countries, and became the justifiable King Shura and Nine-Tails Empress.

After the coronation was completed, the two came to the meeting hall together with the great elder. The pharaoh was a little guilty when facing the powerful aura of the three of them alone.

"I don't think I need to say any more about the conditions... the amount of congratulatory gifts sent today will be given to King Shura by the Dansha Empire every year in the future.

All provided, if King Shura is attacked, we will naturally not sit idly by. "Pharaoh said with a serious face.

When Feng Yixiu wanted to agree, Hu Jiu'er stopped him and said in a deep voice, "Wait a minute... help me put this on first."

Seeing that the Millennium Eye was in the palm of Hu Jiuer, even though Feng Yixiu understood the opponent's intention, he gently twisted up the necklace of the Millennium Eye, and put it on Hu Jiuer's neck carefully .

His movements were very slow, and the two looked at Pharaoh like two foxes looking at a poor little white rabbit...

The Pharaoh almost cried when he saw the Millennium Eye. This is a holy artifact that can see through people's hearts, and it is the most suitable for psychological warfare such as negotiations.

Before Hu Jiuer could speak, Pharaoh revised the number on the contract, and said with a look of lovelessness: "Three times, I will add three times more, this is my bottom line!"

Instead of being embarrassed after being seen through by the other party, Pharaoh chose to speak out the bottom line in his heart. This is equivalent to three-tenths of the annual income of the Dansha Empire. If it is given to Shura King Capital like this, it is estimated that Emperor Xuehuang will not be able to sleep for several months...

Feng Yixiu glanced at Hu Jiu'er, and after seeing the other party nodded slightly, he signed his name very quickly, then stretched out his hand and smiled and said, "Happy cooperation!"

Pharaoh signed his name tremblingly, held Feng Yixiu's hand tremblingly, and said with a wry smile: "It's a happy cooperation..."

After the signing of the alliance contract, the Shura King's Capital has officially become an equal existence of the Dansha Empire. This news has also spread to the ears of high-level officials around the world at the fastest speed. Naturally, some people are happy and some are worried.

When the senior officials of the Sun Moon Empire and the Beiyuan Empire heard the news, they were very angry, and their original plan to attack the Dansha Empire also ran aground.


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