God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1189 Absolutely crushing

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Feng Yixiu's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in the sky directly above the Qingzhelong. The muscles on his arms swelled, and the dragon patterns all over his body burst into light.

"Steel Slashing Style Breaking the Pole!"

A simple and unpretentious silver-white sword light flashed, and Feng Yixiu had already landed steadily on the ground from a high altitude, and slowly returned the Chaos Demon Sword to the blade again.

As the Chaos Demon Sword slowly returned to the scabbard, the head of the Qingyinglong behind him also slid down at the same time, and the heavy head fell heavily on the ground.

A moment later, the gigantic Cyan Hidden Dragon dissipated with a little bit of spiritual light. It was only a few seconds before Long Heng was seriously injured, and now he was injured by the death of the war spirit, and his face turned pale.

When Long Heng was about to stand up, Feng Yixiu slammed his head deep into the mud, with such a huge force that the opponent had no strength to fight back.

Although this Longheng is a seventh-level battle spirit master, he is only a third-level source warrior. Even Feng Yixiu does not have the power bonus of the dragon pattern. As an extreme third-level source warrior, he can stabilize his strength To suppress the opponent, let alone when the opponent is seriously injured, Long Heng can say that there is no room for resistance.

The onlookers saw that Feng Yixiu pressed Long Heng to the ground with a hammer, and the shock in their hearts could not be described in words.

It was too violent, and Feng Yixiu's combat power like a humanoid monster was unreasonable at all. He had firmly gained the upper hand without using the power of the war spirit. The gap between the strengths was really too big.

Before they met King Shura, they had always thought that King Zhan Ling would never be an opponent of Zhan Lingzun, but now they completely overturned his common sense.

As expected of a man who can unify the capital of the Shura king and the gate of the underworld, he is really terrifying...

Feng Yixiu looked down at Long Heng at his feet indifferently, and said in a deep voice: "You are not my opponent, as long as you apologize to that brother, this matter will be left alone, otherwise you will never get out of my shadow alive today. Golden cage!"

Long Heng tried to prop up his body with his own hands, but failed helplessly.

At this moment, he felt that what was holding him down was not a human foot, but a heavy mountain, which could not be shaken at all.

After struggling again for a while, he gave up struggling, but his mouth was still muttering: "Have you ever seen the officer apologize to his subordinates? Don't go too far..."

"Oh? Am I going too far?" Feng Yixiu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a rather evil smile, and said coldly, "Then I'll show you what's even more extreme!"

As soon as the words fell, the Chaos Demon Sword in Feng Yixiu's hand pierced through Long Heng's palm and nailed him to the ground.

The ice vines tightly bound Long Heng's wrist and ankle to the ground, and Feng Yixiu slowly let go of his feet.

The severe pain almost made Long Heng faint in an instant, but the extreme cold force on his wrist and ankle made him feel extremely awake, even if he wanted to, he couldn't do it.

Long Heng slowly raised his head, and found that the vines binding his wrist had turned into ice crystals, exuding a chilling aura.

If I remember correctly, Long Heng clearly remembered that the vines were dark gold in color just now, why did they turn into ice vines again?

It is already unbelievable that metal elements can be combined with wood elements, but it is even more terrifying to be able to switch attributes!

The Chaos Demon Eye on the Chaos Demon Sword suddenly turned wildly. It hadn't drank blood for a long time, so how could it let go of such a good opportunity this time.

For a while, Long Heng's blood was slowly absorbed by the Chaos Demon Sword, and bright red blood lines appeared on the Chaos Demon Sword, like living things.

Long Heng's face was turning pale at a speed visible to the naked eye. Feeling the weakening vitality, he finally started to panic.

"If you kill me, the Long family will never let you go. Do you know what the relationship between the Patriarch of the Long family and me is?" Even in such a situation, Long Heng still refused to give in, but threatened again.

The corners of Feng Yixiu's mouth raised slightly, he didn't realize it was a bit ridiculous, thinking that this Long Heng really didn't cry when he saw the coffin.

Slowly squatting down, Feng Yixiu's eyes gradually became cold, and the violent murderous aura was as suffocating as a huge wave, and he said coldly: "Then do you know who I am?"

When Long Heng looked at Shangfeng Yixiu, a kind of terror from the source of life could not help but surfaced in his heart. He seemed to be in the boundless sea of ​​blood. The phantom of King Shura in his eyes was gradually stained with blood red. There was a sea of ​​blood behind him!

This kind of substantive murderous aura cannot be pretended at all. Don't forget that Feng Yixiu fought all the way up from Shura's blood road, and there are tens of thousands of blood spiritual masters who fell in his hands.

King Shura is different from ordinary Shuras. King Shura can control his desire to kill, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have murderous intent.

When facing a real enemy, King Shura's killing aura is not comparable to that of ordinary Shura, the difference between the two is like clouds and mud!

Looking at Feng Yixiu's terrifying eyes, Long Heng had no doubt that Feng Yixiu would really kill him with a single knife, so he could only lower his head and tremble: "You are His Royal Highness King Shura, I was wrong... I'm sorry!"

Feng Yixiu frowned, held the handle of the Chaos Demon Sword with one hand, spun it around fiercely, frowned and said: "I asked you to apologize to the little brother who was slapped by you, why are you apologizing to me?" ?”


The pain and excessive blood loss made Long Heng almost faint. When Feng Yixiu touched the handle of the Chaos Demon Sword with his hands, the Chaos Demon Sword stopped absorbing blood.

But just as he was about to faint, the ice vines binding his limbs suddenly became hot again. When he looked over in the blink of an eye, the ice vines that were still crystal clear just now turned into flame vines again.

Long Heng is completely confused now, he wonders if he is hallucinating, how could a wood-type vine have anything to do with the flame?

But the scorching flames on his wrists and ankles made him accept this fact, and the severe pain from alternating hot and cold made him completely let go of his dignity.

If it continues like this, I'm afraid it won't be long, and my feet and hands will probably be abolished...

"Brother Lu Chuan, I'm sorry, I was wrong!" Long Heng finally couldn't hold back, and looked at the person he had just slapped by himself, a blush appeared on his pale face.

The brother who was named suddenly felt a little unreal. Long Heng, who had always been defiant, actually apologized to him?

This Long Heng always ignores Minister Shanbu when he sees him on weekdays, and everyone looks down on him except Marshal Huadong.

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