God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1199 Return from Hell

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"This is the sect master you all look forward to returning day and night, a waste that even I can't take a hammer?" Shi Hao sneered.

"Who are you calling trash? Are you talking about yourself?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded from the haze of smoke, as if he hadn't woken up.

The thick smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and everyone saw the real situation in the smoke and dust at this time, only to see Feng Yixiu firmly catch the Barbarian King's hammer with one hand.

His right hand was embedded in the hard surface of the Barbarian King's hammer like a sharp dragon's claw, and a half-meter-deep hole appeared under his feet due to the impact of huge force.

But Feng Yixiu looked sleepy as if he hadn't woken up, not to mention that he didn't look seriously injured, not even a drop of sweat on his face.

"This... How is this possible!" Shi Hao was so frightened that his voice trembled a little, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

The weight of the barbarian king's warhammer has surpassed the limit of a third-order source warrior, reaching a terrifying 50,000 force!

He was able to lift this warhammer because of the increased power of the spirit soldiers, but Feng Yixiu is not the master of the barbarian king's warhammer, so how could he lift such a heavy warhammer! ?

Could it be that Feng Yixiu has broken through to the fourth-order source warrior?

"Absolutely impossible!" Shi Hao shouted angrily, holding the handle of the barbarian king's war hammer with both hands at the same time, wanting to lift the barbarian king's war hammer up again.

But no matter how hard he tried, the Barbarian King's hammer seemed to grow in Feng Yixiu's hands, and he couldn't lift it up again.


All the muscles in Shi Hao's body bulged like a horned dragon, and the already tight T-shirt uniform burst instantly, revealing the bronze-colored robust muscles.

The light yellow aura mingled around his body, and the terrifying aura erupted unsparingly. Gambling all the dignity of the powerful war spirit, he was bound to raise the barbarian king's hammer again.

Feng Yixiu felt a little bit of pressure, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said lightly: "This is a bit interesting... But I will let you see what real power is!"

After saying that, lavender dragon patterns slowly emerged on Feng Yixiu's skin, and the muscles of the entire right hand exploded suddenly.

The terrifying power of the dragon made Shi Hao feel utter despair. Now he only feels that what he is facing is not a human being, but a humanoid tyrannosaurus!

Even though Shi Hao had exerted all his breastfeeding strength, he still couldn't shake Feng Yixiu at all, he was as calm as an endless mountain.

Feng Yixiu used to be a person who moved real mountains, his strength has already surpassed the scope of ordinary war spirit masters, and has reached the level of monsters!


Suddenly, Feng Yixiu's body radiated a dazzling thunder light, and the strong electric current was quickly transmitted along the barbarian king's war hammer. When he was about to touch Shi Hao, he let go decisively.

The moment Shi Hao let go, Feng Yixiu took control of the Barbarian King's Warhammer, and an extreme fear surged into his heart instantly.

The phantom of King Shura appeared spontaneously under this stimulation, and the fear in Feng Yixiu's heart disappeared instantly, and Feng Yixiu also successfully obtained the full control of the Barbarian King's Warhammer.

Generally, if you want to use someone else's spiritual weapon, you must overcome the fear in the other person's heart. However, there are 10,000 kinds of fears in the hearts of 10,000 people. If you don't prepare for a long time, you cannot control it instantly.

If you forcibly use other people's spiritual weapons in battle, the most likely situation is to fall into extreme panic and be killed by your opponent, or even become a dementia for life.

But Feng Yixiu is a special case. With the heart of King Shura, he can say that all evils cannot invade, not to mention that this little fear is nothing compared to the ultimate fear.

I saw Feng Yixiu gently threw the barbarian king's war hammer into the sky, and the moment it landed, he grasped the handle of the barbarian king's war hammer. The heavy hammer in his hand was like an inflatable war hammer played by a child. .

Shi Hao was about to call back the Barbarian King's Warhammer, but found that the connection between himself and the Barbarian King's Warhammer had completely disappeared, as if it was really someone else's spiritual weapon!

"You...how can you use my Barbarian King's Warhammer without a nervous breakdown?" Shi Hao was a little suspicious of life.

He clearly remembered that it took him several months to conquer the Barbarian King's Warhammer, and he didn't know how many times he barely succeeded.

But Feng Yixiu took control of the Barbarian King's hammer in an instant. Is he still alone?

Feng Yixiu said indifferently: "I came back from the boundless hell, how can I be afraid of mere evil spirits!"

After saying that, he dragged the barbarian king's hammer and slowly walked towards Shi Hao, the substantive murderous aura mixed with the violent thunder made people shudder.

Shi Hao kept backing away in horror, until he was stopped by a pair of soft hands, and when he looked back, it was Chilian with a dignified expression.

Chi Lian has long lost the arrogance of before, looked at Feng Yixiu who was getting closer with a gloomy face, and said softly: "Don't panic... I'll help you!"

The crimson spiritual power gradually condensed in his right hand, and a crimson red lotus soft sword appeared in the palm of his hand, and the flowers, plants and trees tens of meters around her began to wither instantly.

There is no doubt that the Chilian Soft Sword has a very powerful toxin, it can be said to be a terrifying spiritual weapon that seals its throat when it sees blood.

Under Chi Lian's encouragement, Shi Hao's heart of resistance, which was about to collapse, recovered again, and a trace of fighting spirit finally appeared in his eyes.

A huge summoning circle appeared beside Shi Hao, and a black ape more than ten meters high appeared beside him. This is his complete battle spirit

, Taishan Ape King.

Han Xiao was also a little worried when he saw that the other party was going to join forces to deal with Feng Yixiu, but he was afraid that he would drag Feng Yixiu down if he made a rash move. A society, it’s really embarrassing!”

Chi Lian blushed even more when he heard the criticism from members of the Longmen behind him, and said angrily, "I'm going to bully the little with more today, what can a mere war spirit king do to me?"

The corners of Feng Yixiu's mouth rose slightly, and he slowly changed from pacing to striding. The speed became faster and faster, and gradually he could only see a series of afterimages, and the barbarian king's war hammer being dragged behind him sparked with lightning along the way.

"Let's talk about it after you take my hammer!" Feng Yixiu took a sudden step, and his powerful jumping force sent him to a height of tens of meters.

Holding the Barbarian King's Warhammer tightly with both hands, all the dragon patterns on his body burst into dazzling light, and at the same time the Thunder Sky Wheel behind him slowly emerged.

The purple sky thunder as thick as a bucket exploded in mid-air, and the violent thunder power gathered crazily on the barbarian king's warhammer, just like the god of thunder descending into the world.

Feng Yixiu's whole figure in the air is like a bow and arrow tensed, like an active volcano, which may erupt with terrifying power that will destroy the world at any time.

When Shi Hao looked up at the god-like Feng Yixiu in the sky, his eyes widened. I'm afraid he didn't even think that his Barbarian King's Warhammer would have such a powerful oppressive force!

But it is about the glory of Longmen, hundreds of members of Longmen are still watching behind him, no matter how scared he is, he is not allowed to escape.

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