God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1218 Honorary Elder

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"Elder Tang is usually such a serious person, how can he run without even wearing an elder robe? Could there be some special circumstances?" A student who was ignored by Elder Tang frowned.

"Let's follow up and take a look! I have a vague premonition that there will be some big news!" A female student beside her said with a smile.

For a while, Elder Tang was followed by a group of unidentified melon eaters. It seemed that even if one became a war spirit master, the nature of human beings who love to watch the excitement would not change.


Evolution Building, ninety-nine floors.

Outside the gate of the evolution base, it was still very lively, and everyone was curiously waiting for Feng Yixiu and others to come out.

"Why haven't Feng Yixiu and the others come out yet? Could it be that the evolution has failed and they are too embarrassed to come out to meet people?" Chu Mangtian sneered.

"I think the eighth achievement is a failure. If it was a success, it would have come out a long time ago..." The enchanting woman on the side also echoed.

"The failure probability of the pioneers' evolution is indeed very low. I think they may fail. Let's break up and give them a little face!" A tall and tall War Spirit Dynasty greeted everyone behind him. .

Just as the group of people were about to disperse, an old man with a disheveled white beard rushed up from the stairs, and he actually climbed up from the stairs!

"You little devils, get out of the way..." Elder Tang panted heavily, his face and neck were flushed, and after he calmed down a little, he frowned and said, "I'm sorry for delaying my important business." Not you!"

Immediately, everyone obediently moved out of the way. Naturally, they knew the identity of the person in front of them, and he was one of the elders of the Honor Hall of Nulin Academy.

Those who were about to leave just now were all stunned. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but they all knew that Elder Tang had a bad temper, so no one dared to ask questions.

Elder Tang flipped his palm, and a special pass for Fulin Academy appeared in his palm, and he quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor.

The special pass only has the right of passage, and does not have the right to use the instruments of the evolution base. This is also one of the privileges of the elders of the Hall of Honor.

"What's the situation? Why did Elder Tang come over suddenly?" Chu Mangtian was full of doubts, and a bad premonition faintly appeared in his heart.

Not long after this Elder Tang entered, another well-dressed elder ran up, beads of sweat were also filling his forehead.

Behind the white-robed elder there were many panting war spirits, including students from Fulin Academy and staff from the Evolution Building.

The elevator can't hold so many people at once, they can only climb the stairs one by one...

"Elder Zhao, what's going on here? Could it be that Feng Yixiu's hero medal was stolen, and you are here to arrest him?" Chu Mangtian knew that this Elder Zhao's temper was slightly better, so he immediately asked.

Elder Zhao glanced at Chu Mangtian, and said sharply: "It turns out that you are a boy from the Longmen... You can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately! How can you slander the highest honor of the Hero Medal at will... "

Chu Mangtian immediately lowered his head, and tremblingly said: "The student knows his mistake, but can I find out what happened here?"

As Elder Zhao walked towards the evolution base, he said softly: "It's a good time for you to catch up today. Our Nulin Academy has made a big splash. Not only did two brand new 4SSS Sovereign-level battle spirits appear, but also a A brand new Ultimate Sovereign Battle Spirit!"

"Ultimate Battle Spirit?!"

Chu Mangtian suddenly felt a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and he sat down on the ground suddenly, with incredible words written all over his eyes.

He is very clear about the meaning of the four words Ultimate Fighting Spirit, and he is still a complete Ultimate Fighting Spirit!

When the people crowded around heard the words "Extreme Fighting Spirit", they all gasped.

"Our Nulin Academy has an extreme battle spirit? Doesn't this mean that our Nulin Academy is about to rise again?"

"Yuanmen, right? I'm going to Yuanmen to sign up now, there should be time to go now, it will probably be full if it's too late!"

"Wrathscale Academy has not seen an extreme battle spirit for more than a hundred years. I didn't expect that it was the students from the outer academy who created a miracle!"

For a moment, many people frantically ran towards the elevator. When the elevator was full, they went straight up the stairs, for fear of falling behind.

"No, hurry up and tell the sect master this news now, or a catastrophe will really come..." Chu Mangtian thought quickly, stood up immediately, and forced his way through the crowd There is a way.

"Hahaha... I'd like to see the rest of the Three Holy Academy, who would dare to laugh at our Nulin Academy!" Elder Zhao was also in a good mood, almost walking with wind.


Evolution base, spiritual testing room.

"Yu'er, congratulations! You finally made Huo Huo an ultimate battle spirit." Feng Yixiu looked at Shen Ruyu who was a little dazed in front of him, and said softly.

"Sister Yu'er! I said that Daxia Longque must be the ultimate battle spirit!" Dongfang Xiamo and Han Xiao also echoed.

Shen Ruyu came back to her senses slowly, and said with a slight smile, "This is all thanks to Brother Feng. Without him, I wouldn't even dare to think about an extreme battle spirit..."

Feng Yixiu said softly: "That's because Huohuo has enough potential, otherwise I won't be able to do anything about it no matter how powerful I am."

While the four were celebrating excitedly, an old man with gray beard and disheveled clothes suddenly rushed in. He saw three war spirits

Eyes are almost swollen.

Feng Yixiu frowned, protected Shen Ruyu behind him, and said in a deep voice: "This is a secret base, how did you get in?"

Shen Ruyu didn't recognize it at first, but after careful identification for a while, she said weakly: "Are you Elder Tang of the Hall of Honor?"

"Hahaha... I didn't expect anyone to know me. I am Elder Tang from the Hall of Honor. Who is the owner of Ultimate Fighting Spirit?" Elder Tang said with a smile.

"I am the owner of the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow, what's the matter?" Shen Ruyu stood up slowly.

"You mean that the ultimate battle spirit next to you is called the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow?" Elder Tang said with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Yeah...my battle spirit is indeed named Daxia Dragon Sparrow, a mutant of the fire phoenix." Shen Ruyu replied truthfully.

"My God! It turned out to be a mutant of the fire phoenix, so it's no wonder!" Elder Tang stared at the big Xia dragon sparrow beside him with admiration, and then looked at Tiangang Chasing Water Turtle and Tiangang Chasing Water Turtle and The Nine Nether Tigers exclaimed even more: "This... this is simply a work of art!"

"Elder Tang, I don't know what's the matter with your sudden visit?" Feng Yixiu frowned.

Feng Yixiu has been away from Nulin Academy for half a year, so he doesn't know many people in Nulin Academy.

This Elder Tang's clothes are disheveled, he doesn't look like a decent person, Feng Yixiu also keeps his guard.

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