God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1223 There must be a reckless man

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The strong self-esteem was severely hit, and the belief in my heart began to shake...

At a certain moment, Long Chen had the idea of ​​retreating, but he regained his composure after a while. Even if he was an Ultimate War Spirit, wouldn't he be the King of War Spirit?

The three of them are Zhan Lingzun, and there are thousands of members of the Dragon Sect outside, so they are afraid that they will fail!

"Cousin, why don't we return the Yuanmen Lingfu to them..." Chu Mangtian cautiously suggested.

"Why? I snatched the territory with my ability, and if they have the ability, they will grab it back! So what if we have completed the extreme evolution, we are all Zhan Lingzun, are we afraid of mere Zhan Lingwang?" Long Chen said loudly road.

"Hahaha... I haven't seen you in half a year, you are still so annoying!"

Suddenly, a huge sound resounding through the sky exploded in the entire Yuanmen Lingfu, like thunder on the ground, waking up all the members of Longmen from their meditation state.

Everyone stood up as if they were facing an enemy, and all kinds of powerful war spirits were summoned instantly, but most of them were mature war spirits.

A group of four people headed by Feng Yixiu broke in from the main gate of Yuanmen Lingfu. Although there were only four people, the momentum made thousands of members of Longmen not dare to move.

I saw Feng Yixiu walked up to a boulder with his hands behind his back, as if strolling in a garden, and looked at the four "Longmen Lingfu" on it, and couldn't help frowning.

This is obviously just a short time after the engraving of the seal, it still looks like a brand new mark, and it is decorated with gold powder, as if it really regards it as its own place.

Feng Yixiu slowly condensed the Chaos Demon Sword in his hand, and with a slight flick of the blade, he easily chipped off a piece of the boulder in front of him, completely erasing the engraved words of Longmen Lingfu.

Han Xiao looked at these four words, as if thinking of the grievances of the past, covered his fists with bone gloves, and blasted a small stone that hadn't fallen to the ground into powder with one punch.

Feng Yixiu picked up the Chaos Demon Sword in his hand, and carved words on the boulder in front of him. His strokes were like dancing swords, quite like a master of swordsmanship.

But after a while, a three-pointed line of characters was carved out, and the words "Yuanmen Lingfu" appeared on the boulder again.

These four words seem to make people feel awe-inspiring sword spirit, and a desolate and overbearing sword spirit seems to make people feel great pressure...

During the whole process, none of the Longmen members dared to step forward to stop them. Because some of them recognized the person in front of them, it was King Shura who was in the limelight a few days ago!

Long Chen's eyesight is so strong, even though the two are separated by hundreds of meters, he still recognizes that the King Shura in front of him is Feng Yixiu. He has seen the Chaos Demon Sword before, so he can connect King Shura and Feng Yixiu at a glance up.

Long Chen's face, who was full of confidence just now, began to change. It was red for a while, then green for a while, and finally turned pale, and his back was soaked in cold sweat.

"Why didn't you tell me that Feng Yixiu is King Shura?" Long Chen squinted at Shi Hao and the others, and there was a bit of resentment in his words.

"You...you didn't give us a chance to tell..." Chi Lian whispered.

"I didn't even know that Feng Yixiu was King Shura. He didn't look like this when I met him just now..." Chu Mangtian quickly explained to Long Chen's sharp gaze.

"That's all...not one can be relied on!" Long Chen shook his head and sighed, shaking his sleeves.

"Master, what should we do now, is there still time to retreat?" Shi Hao asked cautiously.

"Retire? If we withdraw this time, where will we save the face of Longmen in the future? Can we keep our position as the number one society of Nulin Academy?" Long Chen whispered angrily.

Hearing this, Shi Hao, Chi Lian and the others all looked ashen, and it is indeed difficult to get off the tiger now.

It wouldn't be a big deal if they had withdrawn earlier, but now that people have come to the door, the meaning of actively retreating now is completely different.

What's more, the outside of the dragon gate is now full of Nulin students. Ever since Feng Yixiu left, Nulin Academy has not been this lively for a long time.

Feng Yixiu led the three of them slowly towards the depths of Yuanmen Lingfu, those members of Longmen obediently gave way, and no one dared to stop them.

"You're the ones! What did I raise you for?" Long Chen saw that thousands of people didn't dare to do anything to the four of them, and he, who had always claimed to be refined, couldn't help cursing swear words.

But still no one paid any attention to them. They would rather be scolded than be seriously injured or even lose their lives...

"Anyone who makes a move will be rewarded with one hundred thousand spirit crystals!" Long Chen really had no choice but to drive these Longmen members with profit.

Under heavy rewards, there must be reckless people. Sure enough, someone was dazzled by the huge benefits, and drove his battle spirit to rush towards Feng Yixiu.

Now that there is a leader, the rest of the people who are about to make a move also muster up the courage to rush towards Feng Yixiu, shouting while rushing, as if this can enhance their courage.

Feng Yixiu's footsteps never panicked at all, he continued to move forward at the same speed, and he didn't look at the violent person beside him at all.

Suddenly, a huge charming flower bloomed beside Feng Yixiu, the flower brighter than blood quickly began to bloom, and a wisp of light red smoke slowly floated out.

Afterwards, the entire land of Yuanmen Lingfu bloomed one after another bewitching and charming flowers, and a world of flowers was formed in a short while!

The reddish mist is used to confuse everyone

Mind, the members of Longmen who were still murderous just now were all stunned, as if they had fallen into a psychedelic state.

After only a moment of silence, there were messy voices, the voices of fighting one after another, and confusing words came from time to time.

"Are you out of your mind, why attack me?"

"It's over, it's over... My battle spirit is crazy, and it doesn't listen to my orders at all!"

"What the hell is going on? I feel that my body is a little out of my control..."

Feng Yixiu still walked towards the most central barrier with inconvenience. The barrier blocked the spread of the enchanting pollen, but it was still a clear space.

Looking at the blood red outside, Long Chen couldn't see clearly what happened, but when he heard those noisy noises, he knew that the situation was definitely not good...

"This... What's wrong with these people? Could it be that they are bewitched?" Long Chen frowned, and his nerves became extremely tense.

Now they can't see clearly what's going on outside, and naturally they can't see Feng Yixiu's whereabouts, and they don't know how they launched an offensive.

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