God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1227 Attracting the Soul

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"Regardless of being dead or disabled, from now on this trash will no longer be a member of my Longmen, our Longmen doesn't need such garbage, do you understand?" Long Chen shouted angrily.


Chi Lian bowed his head and dared not speak, walked halfway and turned back to Long Chen's side, but his body was trembling slightly.

Feng Yixiu frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Why is Shi Hao also a member of your former team and helped you win the North China Intermediate League championship, so you treat him like this?"

Long Chen sneered and said: "He's just a dog raised by our Longmen, would you be friends with a dog? If it's gone, I'll just get another one, what's so distressing..."

Feng Yixiu shook his head, and said with a sneer, "Now you have lost a game, this time it's up to you to send someone first."

Long Chen glanced at Chilian at the side, and said coldly: "Chilian, this battle is only allowed to win, not to lose, otherwise you should be clear about the consequences, right?"

"As ordered..."

Chi Lian never dared to look up at Long Chen, but his eyes gradually became cold.

Feng Yixiu immediately began to calculate in his mind, he had seen the red-linked spirit soldier, but he had never seen her war spirit, and he presumably was also a poison-type war spirit.

Poison-type war spirits are different from ordinary war spirits. This kind of war spirit has created the most examples of the weak defeating the strong, so it must not be taken lightly.

He was really worried about letting Shen Ruyu or Dongfang Xiamo play, so he almost took a step forward.

Chilian is definitely not his opponent. As long as this round is won, there is no need to start the third round...

Just when she was about to speak, Chi Lian said softly: "I'm a weak woman, are you a big man, are you embarrassed? It's fine to bully me once, but you have to bully me twice?"

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu's face turned red and then pale, and the other party purposely spoke loudly, as if to embarrass him.

Many onlookers who didn't know why looked at Feng Yixiu with reproachful eyes. After all, Chilian is also a well-known beauty in Fulin Academy, and there are many admirers and suitors.

Just when Feng Yixiu was in a difficult situation, Dongfang Xiamo and Shen Ruyu stood up almost at the same time, but Dongfang Xiamo spoke first: "Captain, don't meddle in the battle between women, leave the red chain to me!" All right."

Feng Yixiu said worriedly: "Sister Xia Mo, are you sure?"

Dongfang Xiamo frowned and said, "Is that why you don't believe in my strength?"

"Of course I know your strength, but the opponent's battle spirit is probably poison-type, so don't take it lightly." Feng Yixiu reminded in a low voice.

"Don't worry...it's not the first time I've fought against her, haven't I lived well? Now she's no match for me." Dongfang Xiamo responded confidently, and then strode towards Walked over with the other party.

Seeing that his scheme had succeeded, Chi Lian covered his mouth and smiled and said, "Hehehe...I didn't expect to send you out, aren't you afraid of being beaten by me?"

Dongfang Xiamo frowned coldly, and said in a deep voice: "This moment, that moment, I hope you don't end up in the same fate as Shi Hao!"

"court death!"

Chi Lian seemed to be poked in pain, the smile on his face froze instantly, and he swung the red lotus soft sword in his hand at an extremely fast speed!

Dongfang Xiamo didn't care at all, only to see that he was carrying the huge soul chasing sickle, Yingsha, and his body was gradually covered with a layer of black mist, slowly merging with his own shadow on the ground. It also became a shadow state.

This is the strength of Yingsha. She can be transformed into a shadow mode. As long as it is not the elemental attack of the light series, it will basically not cause any damage to her.

And the other party is a war spirit master of the poison department, so he didn't worry about the damage the other party's venom would cause to him, and he was more suitable than Shen Ruyu to deal with this red chain.


The red lotus soft sword emptied in one blow, and the strong force made a crisp sound.

"Could it be that you only know how to run away?" After Chi Lian missed, his face became very ugly.

Suddenly, a huge dark summoning circle appeared on the ground, and the figure of the Nine Nether Tigers gradually appeared in everyone's sight.

The elegant and domineering aura made all the onlookers gasp in amazement, and the lavender underworld fire revealed a fascinating and mysterious atmosphere.


The moment the Nine Nether Tigers appeared, they let out a deafening roar, and the domineering eyes were burning with lavender underworld fire.

Facing such a powerful aura of the Nine Nether Tigers, Chi Lian was not to be outdone, and immediately summoned his own complete battle spirit, the human-faced Chi Lian Snake!

The reason why it is called the human-faced red chain snake is not that it really has a human face, but that it has a strange woman's face on the pattern of the hood, which looks very ferocious and terrifying.

The Scarlet Chain Snake is also a monarch-level battle spirit, and it is the closest existence to the 4SSS level. Naturally, its strength cannot be underestimated.

"It's bloody!"

Chilian took the lead in ordering the human-faced Chilian snake to attack. It flicked its powerful tail heavily, and a storm of red venom mixed with sand and stones hit the Nine Nether Tiger.

The Nine Nether Tigers did not choose to take it forcibly, but saw a golden streamer floating from the ground, and instantly submerged into its body.

This is Dongfang Xiamo who is in the shadow state and is controlling everything, shadowing the Leopard King——shadowing the armed forces!

An inky black vortex appeared in an instant

Under the feet of the Nine Nether Tigers, its body gradually submerged into this black vortex.

The Venom Storm couldn't even touch a single hair of the Nine Nether Tigers, and it had too many ways to hide, making it unpredictable.

Chilian immediately reacted, staring fixedly at a black shadow behind the human-faced Chilian Snake, this must be where the Nine Nether Tigers launched their attack.

The red lotus soft sword behind her back had sunk into the ground at some point, and quietly ambushed in the shadow behind the human-faced red chain snake, waiting for the Nine Nether Tigers to throw themselves into the net.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the shadow strike vortex did not appear on the back of the human-faced red chain snake, but appeared directly in front of it!

The shadow attack vortex seemed to appear out of thin air, without any warning at all. A pair of breathtaking purple eyes stared at the human-faced red-chained snake from the abyss. The unsuspecting red-chained snake was caught in the fearful sight of Jiuyou Mingtong. The eyes slowly condensed the imprint of the tiger, and immediately fell into a state of extreme fear. state.

"This...what the hell is going on?" Chi Lian was completely dumbfounded.

Everything was so caught off guard, the shadow attack weapon could only be launched in a shadowy place, and there was nothing in front of the red-faced chain snake, how did the Nine Nether Tigers do it!

However, if you observe carefully, you will definitely find an extremely illusory human-shaped phantom on the ground before the appearance of the shadow attack vortex.

This is because the "Secret Art of Extreme Shadow" left by Dongfang Xiachu is working. With the deepening of cultivation, Dongfang Xiamo can completely hide his body shape, making his shadow infinitely tend to nothingness.

"Shadow Strike Flowing Light Slash!"

The Nine Nether Tigers, like a fierce tiger coming out of its hole, pounced on the human-faced red-chained snake who was still in a state of fear.

The sharp tiger's claws left a not deep and not shallow scar on the thick scales of the human-faced red chain snake, and at the same time left a mark of Jiuyou on the wound.

A lavender spiritual line appeared between the Nine Nether Tiger and the Human-faced Red Chain Snake, and it was activated to attract souls away!

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