God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1229 Immediate Death Comprehension

The aura of the Nine Nether Tigers also became stronger and stronger. The toxins in the body seemed to have no effect on it at all, and it could not hide its effect at all.

This is one of the effects of Huang Quan's arming. He can make the war spirit after being armed feel no pain, and has the best fighting state.

Everyone was at a loss when they saw the changes of the Nine Nether Underworld Tigers, and no one knew what the purpose of that very permeating Bana flower on its head was.

However, they could feel that the vitality and spiritual power of the Nine Nether Tigers were rapidly decreasing, and the most puzzling thing was that its state became stronger and stronger.

This is simply an unreasonable thing. The lower the vitality and spiritual power of a general war spirit, the lower his combat effectiveness will inevitably be.

But the Nine Nether Tigers are an exception. On the contrary, the lower the vitality, the stronger the fighting power becomes.

Long Chen's fighting consciousness was very keen. Although he didn't understand Dongfang Xia's cards, he still said loudly: "Chi Lian, why are you still standing there?"

Only then did Chi Lian react, holding the red lotus soft sword in both hands and plunged into the ground, and said coldly: "The red lotus sword stabs!"

Immediately, a series of sword thorns stabbed out from the ground, each sword thorn was more than five meters high, and there was highly poisonous venom on it.

The venom bombs all over the sky gradually gathered together, and they all bombarded frantically towards the position of the Nine Nether Tigers.

But the Nine Nether Tigers had no intention of evading, because the Bianhua flower on its head had already fully bloomed!

A frightening, monstrous underworld energy rushed straight into the sky, like a beam of light leading to the underworld, and the violent power shocked everyone.

In the center of the fully bloomed stamens of the other shore flower, the dark purple spirit forms a word 'death' that is constantly spinning. This is the manifestation of the enlightenment of the fourth battle's spiritual skill, instant death comprehension.

The Nine Nether Tiger's total attributes had increased by four times the terrifying rate, and its size had grown from more than eight meters to ten meters, and its whole body was burning with a strange underworld fire.

The increase of all attributes is not simply the increase of one attribute, but the full increase of all the attributes of the Nine Nether Tigers, which naturally includes the battle spirit skill.

The soul connection line formed by Yinhun Lishang became thicker, constantly absorbing the vitality and spiritual power of the red chain snake with a human face at an accelerated rate to make up for the lost vitality and spiritual power.

The two have unexpectedly reached a delicate balance, the lifeline of the Nine Nether Tigers has always been maintained at 10%, and the side effects of the other shore flower have been perfectly neutralized.

"Huangquan Flowing Light Slash!" Dongfang Xiamo said coldly.

The Nine Netherworld Tiger waved its paw lightly, and a ten-meter-high purple-gold streamer slashed straight ahead.

There is a world of difference between this Underworld Flowing Light Slash and the previous Flowing Light Slash, the power is so powerful that the space is temporarily empty.

The series of red lotus sword stabs were easily chopped into pieces by Huang Quan Liuguang Zhan, and they still attacked the red chain with unabated strength.

The red chain spirit soldier was destroyed, unable to withstand such a terrifying attack at all, so she could only dodge to the side, but her arm was still scratched, and the spirit armor covering her arm was instantly broken, leaving behind a shocking scar. Wound.

Fortunately, she is Zhan Lingzun and possesses a spirit armor, otherwise this blow could at least cut off her entire hand by the roots!

The Nine Nether Tigers under the superimposed state of Huangquan Armed Forces and Immediate Death Comprehension are simply too terrifying, both in terms of speed and strength, they have greatly surpassed the limit of a perfect body!

When the venom bombs all over the sky were about to hit the Nine Nether Tigers, a black vortex sucked it in, and the speed was several times faster than before...

If it was according to the speed of the Nine Nether Tigers before, it would definitely be impossible to escape the simultaneous attack of the red lotus sword stab and the poisonous explosion at the same time, but now it is a piece of cake.

It took less than half a second from the appearance of the shadow strike vortex to the disappearance of the Nine Netherworld Tigers, and it could almost be said to have disappeared instantly.

Chi Lian was in a hurry, and immediately threw out his only defensive gold monster card, the Golden Scaled Python King——Golden Scale.

Immediately, all the scales on the human-faced red-chain snake's body turned into a dazzling golden color, which seemed indestructible.

She never thought that she would be able to block the full blow of the Nine Nether Tigers unscathed, but at least it would not be fatal in one blow, as long as she was not instantly killed, she still had a chance!

Unsurprisingly, another vortex appeared behind the human-faced red chain snake. Although the other party had already taken precautions, it had no effect at all.

The red-chained snake with a human face didn't even have time to turn around, it was cut into countless pieces by Huangquan Liuguang, and it completely turned into aura and dissipated...

It all happened in less than three seconds, and the Nine Nether Tigers dealt with the human-faced red-chained snake like chopping melons and vegetables, and also chopped the red lotus soft sword into pieces!

"This... How is this possible!" Chi Lian's mouth overflowed with a trace of bright red blood, and his face was full of astonishment.

The defense of the Red Chain Snake with a Human Face is at the SSS level, and she specially equipped it with golden armor, so even if she can't resist it, she won't be instantly killed!

Not only did Chi Lian not expect it, Long Chen was also stunned by the scene in front of him. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that the red chain snake with a human face would be instantly killed by one move...

Even with Qing Minglong's full blow, it is impossible to instantly kill the human-faced red chain snake armed with golden scales, at most it will only be seriously injured!

This is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is that the Nine Nether Tigers don't seem to be using all their strength, as if they were tearing everything in front of them into pieces with a random claw.

Could it be the extreme attack of the Nine Nether Tigers?

Has the hitting power surpassed Qing Minglong? !

"Impossible...absolutely impossible!" Long Chen shook his head violently, driving out all the distracting thoughts in his mind.

The instant the human-faced red-chained snake was killed, the spirit line formed between it and the soul-leading spirit line also disappeared, but a new spirit line appeared.

A lavender spiritual line was actually connected between the Nine Nether Tigers and Chilian, and the new soul-inducing Lishang was activated again...

The trigger conditions for Yinhun Lishang are very simple, as long as it is touched by the Nine Nether Tigers, it can be connected, or it can be connected if it is injured by Liuguang Slash.

Just now Chilian was injured by Huangquan Liuguang Slash, so naturally the trigger condition for leading the soul away from death has been met. It's just that the mark of the Nine Serenity is very hidden, it's on the back of the red chain, it's usually hard to find.

Chi Lian felt the life force and spiritual power disappearing rapidly in her body, and her back was soaked in cold sweat, this would really kill her!

Now she definitely didn't dare to get close to the Nine Nether Underworld Tigers, and she didn't dare to admit defeat directly, so she could only look at Long Chen with helpless eyes.

But Long Chen didn't speak for a long time, as if Chi Lian's life and death had nothing to do with him, instead he looked at Feng Yixiu with a smile on his face.

Feng Yixiu came out with a serious face, and said in a deep voice: "Long Chen, isn't the outcome of this battle clear enough? Why don't you admit defeat?"

But Long Chen spread his hands and said helplessly: "This mouth grows on her body, she won't admit defeat, you blame me?"

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