God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1231 King's Breath

"Whether it's a blood psychic or a battle psychic...it doesn't make any sense to me, I've long been free from the influence of evil thoughts." Feng Yixiu said coldly with his hands behind his back.

"You're just making excuses... If you have the ability, you can take away King Shura's phantom and don't use the Chaos Demon Sword. Let's have a fair fight again!" Long Chen said loudly.

"You call this fair? Long Chen, your skin is really thicker than the city wall, why don't you say that you tied your hands and let you beat them?" Han Xiao pointed at Han Xiao angrily, and said loudly.

When the crowd of onlookers heard Long Chen's words, they also talked a lot.

"No matter how you say this Long Chen is also a rare genius in the Long family, he is so shameless..."

"I already lost the second game, but I used the lives of my team members as a bargaining chip. I'm just a scumbag."

"I think Long Chen is clearly afraid of the master of Fengmen, otherwise he wouldn't have said such shameless words."

Long Chen's hearing is naturally excellent, even though the people who commented were far away from him, those words of criticism still reached his ears verbatim.

His face was flushed for a while, but in order to get the Azure Dragon Sacred Orb, he didn't care so much anymore, so he could only go all the way to the dark.

"Feng Yixiu, am I wrong? You are clearly using the power of a blood psychic. Our Nulin Academy is one of the four holy academies, a holy place that specializes in cultivating excellent war psychics, but you have been using the power of a blood psychic. The power of spiritual masters, do you think blood spiritual masters are stronger than war spiritual masters?" Long Chen said loudly.

Feng Yixiu smiled contemptuously, did not take the other party's words seriously at all, and said coldly: "Have you finished? Now you can suffer to death!"

However, Long Chen immediately said loudly: "I think you are not confident in the power of your war spirit master, right? If you admit that your state as a war spirit master is not my opponent, I will directly admit defeat, not only hand over the Lingfu Let, bet that the True Dragon Crystal Core will be given to you, what do you think?"

Feng Yixiu was about to make a move, but he was caught in a dilemma by what the other party said. Even if he was a blood mage, it didn't mean much to win.

On the contrary, he fell into Long Chen's trick and admitted in a disguised form that he was not as powerful as a war psychic than a blood psychic. This was a fatal blow to his reputation in Wrathscale Academy and even Huaxia.

Although everyone will not say it clearly, but I guess there must be such thoughts in their hearts. It will definitely not be a good thing in the long run. Three people become tigers, so we must guard against it...

After careful consideration, the phantom of King Shura behind Feng Yixiu gradually dissipated, his lavender long hair gradually turned silvery white, and the Chaos Demon Sword in his hand also became an Overbearing Dragon Spear.

I have to admit that when Feng Yixiu changed from the state of a blood psychic to a state of a war psychic, his aura was indeed a lot weaker, far from the power he had just now.

Just when Feng Yixiu was about to forcefully make a move, Shen Ruyu at the side grabbed his arm and said softly, "Brother Feng, let me play..."

Feng Yixiu was also stunned for a moment, and after half recovering, he said worriedly: "Yu'er, although Long Chen is hateful, he still has strength, I don't want you to take risks."

"Believe me, I'm not necessarily weaker than you now..." Shen Ruyu looked at Feng Yixiu with a smile on her face, and said with a sweet smile.

Looking at the confident flames in Shen Ruyu's eyes, Feng Yixiu finally realized that the Daxia Dragon Sparrow is an existence comparable to a real dragon, and it is also an ultimate monarch-level war spirit, so what should I worry about...

Feng Yixiu slowly let go of Shen Ruyu's hand, and said softly, "I believe in you."

Han Xiao and Dongfang Xiamo also clenched their fists and said loudly: "Sister Yu'er, come on!"

Shen Ruyu smiled slightly, and then resolutely took a few steps forward, the violent heat wave spread instantly, faintly checking and balancing Long Chen's aura.

"Hahaha... Feng Yixiu, are you afraid? You actually sent a woman to die!" Seeing Shen Ruyu coming forward, Long Chen's expression became even more contemptuous.

He knows Shen Ruyu's strength. Although he has always been stronger than Han Xiao and Dongfang Xiamo, he is definitely not as good as Feng Yixiu. He has always been the second most powerful of Yuanmen.

Feng Yixiu's strength has already surpassed the norm, and cannot be judged by common sense, even if it surpasses the opponent by a big realm, Long Chen is not sure of victory.

Although Shen Ruyu is very strong, she is still strong within the normal range. Logically speaking, it is absolutely impossible to be his opponent!

"It's still unknown who will win the deer... What's more, to deal with a scum like you, why do you need Brother Feng to take action, I alone is enough!" Shen Ruyu's beautiful hair fluttered under the heat wave, but her eyes were incomparably indifferent .

"Shen Ruyu, although I really appreciate you, compared to the Azure Dragon Sacred Bead, I still desire power more, so... don't blame me for being cruel!" The corners of Long Chen's mouth rose slightly, apparently becoming serious.

For a moment, the Qing Minglong above the sky slowly swam towards Long Chen's back, its powerful aura made everyone within hundreds of meters feel great pressure.


There was only a roar that resounded through the sky, and a fierce and domineering dragon's power spread rapidly, and all the war spirits within a hundred meters had a heart of surrender.

Many of the summoned war spirits began to tremble uncontrollably, kneeling on the ground involuntarily, and lowering their heads to the ground, as if worshiping the Qingminglong.

Although Tiangang Zhushuiyuan and Jiuyouminghu didn't kneel down, they obviously felt a great pressure, and their movements and thoughts were slowed down by half a minute.

This feeling is not dominated by subjective consciousness at all, as if it comes from a kind of fear from the origin of life, a kind of fear of

Yu Zhenlong King's original fear is unavoidable at all.

This is the bloodline combat skill unique to true dragons, the king's breath!

The scope of the King's Breath is extremely terrifying, but wherever the dragon's roar can touch, it will be within the scope of suppression.

However, Shen Ruyu chuckled lightly, and said lightly: "Blood suppression? My big Xia dragonfinch won't eat your tricks..."

The Devil's Tome emitting fiery flames suddenly appeared beside her, and a huge summoning circle appeared in the sky.


Before anyone saw him, he heard his voice first, and a roar like a dragon and an eagle blew away the raging flames, and a big summer sparrow with dazzling flames all over his body appeared in everyone's sight.

Da Xia Longque was not suppressed or affected by the king's breath at all, but used its own powerful aura to check and balance Qingminglong's terrifying aura.

All the Zhan Ling who were kneeling on the ground suddenly felt the pressure disappear, stood up from the ground one after another, and nodded their thanks to Daxia Longque.

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