Han Xiao immediately summoned his own spirit soldiers, and with the strength of Tiandou Futao increased, he barely lifted the golden gourd. After taking a sip, he almost choked to death.

"Cough cough cough..." Han Xiao coughed a few times, frowned and said, "This wine is too strong!"

The Panda Jiuxian carried the golden gourd on his back again, and said calmly: "This young man doesn't understand wine..."

Teacher Xuanji said lightly: "Xiaobao, you should go back and rest first..."

With a wave of his hand, the Devil's Book and the Panda Jiuxian disappeared in front of everyone's eyes at the same time.

Not long after the Golden Bamboo Panda disappeared, a group of people walked towards them.

"Master Fengmen, what did you do just after you came back? The threshold of Yuanmen's headquarters was almost broken, do you know that?" came a rather resentful voice.

Turning his head slowly, Lin Zhuojiu, Leng Fan and others walked towards him, the person who spoke just now was none other than Lin Zhujiu.

Almost all the cadres of Yuanmen came, including the two sisters Kong Qiluo and Kong Qiyun from the Ministry of Spirit, and Tie Li from the Ministry of Power.

"During my absence, thank you for your hard work..." Feng Yixiu smiled.

Seeing that none of these people left Yuanmen, Feng Yixiu also felt warm in his heart. It is very rare that they did not betray Yuanmen when Yuanmen was down and down.

"It's hard work, but it's not hard work. It's just that the people in Longmen are too much. It's okay when Teacher Xuanji is here. Don't be so arrogant after leaving. You don't know how we have spent these few months!" Lin Lin Zhuojiu smiled and shook his head.

"Hmph... Since I'm back now, you don't have to look forward and backward. Whatever Longmen did to you before, I will pay you back tenfold!" Feng Yixiu said loudly.

"Okay!" Lin Zhujiu said excitedly.

"Sect Master, our Yuanmen headquarters is almost overwhelmed, what should we do?" Leng Fan said in a deep voice.

"Anyone who has exited Yuanmen will be refused to enter. The rest will depend on their strength, and those with better strength will be admitted..." Feng Yixiu responded after thinking for a moment.

"Yes!" Leng Fan, who was in charge of this aspect, immediately echoed.

Xuanji looked at Feng Yixiu, who had the aura of a high-ranking person, and said with a smile: "Feng Yixiu, I haven't seen you for more than half a year, why do I feel that you are different?"

Feng Yixiu touched his nose with a smile, and whispered, "What's different...I'm not your cutest student."

"Hahaha... your mouth hasn't changed at all!" Teacher Xuanji smiled and patted Feng Yixiu's back, then said loudly: "Let's go! I invite you all to go out and have a good meal! "

"Hey... It's not easy for the teacher to be so generous, so I have to give Teacher Xuanji a good meal!" Han Xiao rubbed his little hands with a smile and said with a smile.

"Am I usually very mean?" Teacher Xuanji pretended to be angry.

"Mr. Xuanji...you know that's not what I mean..." Han Xiao was scared on the spot.

"Okay, okay...I'm serious about making a joke with you!" Teacher Xuanji patted Han Xiao's shoulder with a smile, then looked at Lin Zhujiu and the others, and said loudly: "Everyone is our own , don’t meet outsiders, come here together.”

"Teacher Xuanji is magnificent!" Lin Zhujiu said loudly.

Together, everyone came to the most expensive restaurant in Fulin Academy, Zhaixing Restaurant.

Feng Yixiu was drunk a lot under the enthusiasm of everyone, but he didn't mean to be drunk at all.

Since he absorbed the immortal dragon's blood, his physical fitness has become different from ordinary people. He drank more than a dozen people by himself, and his face was still slightly drunk.

After drinking and eating, only Feng Yixiu was left on the dinner table, Shen Ruyu and the two teachers were not drunk.

Most of Shen Ruyu's wine was blocked by Feng Yixiu, and Jialan Ziyu couldn't drink, so there was no possibility of getting drunk at all.

Feng Yixiu picked up the wine glass and looked around, frowned and said: "There is not a single drinkable..."

Then he looked at Lin Zhujiu, who was the only one who was still somewhat conscious, and showed a different smile.

"When did your drinking capacity become so good, you can compete with Xiaobao!" Teacher Xuanji had rejection written all over his face, and then waved his hands and said: "Don't look at me with such eyes , I really can’t drink any more, can you carry these people back alone?”

Feng Yixiu glanced around, then put down his wine glass, and sighed: "Since I absorbed the blood of the immortal dragon, my body is very different from ordinary humans, and I don't know that this is a good thing Still a bad thing..."

"Immortal dragon blood? Could it be that you sneaked into Long's house?" Teacher Xuanji looked puzzled, first looked around, and after making sure no one was eavesdropping, said in a very soft voice: "No... Long's house At most, you have a real dragon crystal core, and you shouldn't have dragon blood!"

"You may not believe it when you say it, but my father gave it to me." Feng Yixiu also said in a very soft voice.

"Your father? You saw your father, how could he have the blood of the Dragon Clan?" It's okay if you don't explain it, but after explaining it, Xuanji was even more puzzled.

"This is a long story...my father is not a human being, it seems that he is the founder of the Heavenly Fiends in ancient times." Feng Yixiu responded very seriously.

"The founder of the Heavenly Fiends?!" Xuanji was taken aback by Feng Yixiu's words, and most of the wine was awakened, and he exclaimed: "Could it be Emperor Molong?"

"Teacher, how did you know?" Feng Yi asked with a face full of astonishment.

"Oh my god... I have only heard the legends of the ancient times, the ink of the ancient times

Dragon Emperor can be said to be synonymous with invincibility, but isn't the legendary Molong Emperor already dead? Unexpectedly, not only did he not die, but he was successfully resurrected. "Mr. Xuanji's eyes were filled with inconceivable words.

This kind of explosive news can affect the entire world structure, and if it spreads out, it will definitely cause an uproar.

"What I saw was only the remnant soul state, but I don't know much about the specific situation. Now I can't contact him..." Feng Yixiu's eyes were full of loneliness.

"It's no wonder you have an unknown holy-level bloodline, so it doesn't seem so strange." Jialan Ziyu said in a deep voice.

Feng Yixiu shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "Teacher, you misunderstood, in fact, he is not my biological father..."

Teacher Jialan Ziyu asked suspiciously, "Isn't it your father? Didn't you just say..."

"He's just my adoptive father. As for my biological father, I don't know who it is now. Maybe I'm really an orphan..." Feng Yixiu whispered.

"Brother Feng, why are you an orphan? Haven't I been by your side all the time? Aren't my parents also your parents..." Seeing Feng Yixiu's depression, Shen Ruyu comforted her softly.

Feng Yixiu rubbed Shen Ruyu's hair with a smile, and said softly: "Silly girl, I'm not so fragile yet, you don't need to comfort me..."

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