God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1244 Desert Tornado

As the strongest vitality and defensive power among all the battle spirits, the Tiangang Zhushui turtle can't stand it. One can imagine what kind of destructive power this thing will produce after stabbing people...

For a while, the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow, the Colorful Jade Lin Python, and the Nine Nether Tigers could only be connected together with vines, not only to avoid being involved in the salon, but also to keep avoiding the bone spurs that constantly scatter.

"The tyrant of the desert is submerged in the ground, and the eagle eyes can't lock it. What should we do?" Shen Ruyu asked while driving the big summer dragonfinch to avoid the bone spur.

"This monster has no shadow after it sinks into the ground, and the Nine Nether Tigers have no entry point to attack..." Dongfang Xia Mo was also a little anxious.

Feng Yixiu's face was ashen, his eyes gradually turned to Tiangang Chasing Water Turtle, and he said lightly: "It seems that I can see Xiao Ba and Xiao Yao..."

Taking advantage of this gap, the two stars and tremors safely transported the Tiangang Zhushui tortoise to the area outside the quicksand pit and landed.

The current condition of Tiangang Chasing Water Turtle is not very good, most of the water in its body has been sucked away, as if it is an old tortoise.

The magic flower pattern behind Queen Blackthorn changed again, the light of Mu Gouyu became stronger and stronger, and the power of the wood element representing the power of life was gradually increasing.

Following Feng Yixiu's throwing out a few monster cards, Sen Luo's halo instantly covered Tian Gang Zhushui Yuan's body, and his shriveled body was returning to normal little by little, but the speed was still a bit slow.

After recovering a part, Tiangang Chasing Water Turtle immediately opened the Mountain and River Domain, mobilized the power of the few water elements in the air, formed a drizzle, and quickly replenished the lost water.

A small forest of black thorns around it grew stronger and stronger under the nourishment of the rain. With the two complementing each other, the Tiangang Chasing Water Turtle quickly returned to normal.

With the irrigation of rainwater, the forest of black thorns quickly formed a circle of forest of black thorns to surround the quicksand pit, and it continued to expand towards the center.

The range of the quicksand pit is also constantly shrinking, turning into normal land, and countless blackthorn forests full of vitality are constantly consolidating the fine quicksand.

The quicksand pit with a range of one kilometer gradually changed to a range of only 500 meters, and the range of the salon roll became smaller and smaller, and its power naturally decreased accordingly.

But the closer to the gravel pit, the expansion speed of the Blackthorn Forest became slower and slower, and a very miraculous scene appeared.

The black thorn vines at the front end are drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the vines rising up from behind are like a tide, and quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

This is a contest between the force of nature and the force of withering!


The heavy body of Tiangang Chasing Water Turtle has been standing at the forefront, setting up the wall of the sanctuary and advancing little by little. Although the speed is very slow, it is indeed advancing.

Countless forests of black thorns have gradually narrowed the range of the quicksand pit under the advancement of the Tiangang Zhushuiyi, and the plants that are relatively close to the Tiangang Zhushuizhu grow extraordinarily lush.

The withering power of the desert tyrant has an upper limit, but the power of nature contained in the forest of black thorns will continue to expand with the forest of black thorns!

Finally, the balance point was broken, and the black thorn wave, like a huge wave, began to devour the quicksand pit crazily, and the tornado disappeared instantly.

The quicksand pit within a kilometer range has completely turned into a black forest, except for a small sand dune rampaging on the ground. Naturally, it is a desert tyrant constantly fleeing under the ground.

Feng Yixiu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said lightly: "Want to run? How can it be so easy..."

After saying that, the two purple-gold demon cards 'Myriad Poison Spider King——Myriad Poisons' were thrown out.

The magic flower array behind the Black Thorn Queen kept changing, and the wooden Gouyu and the golden Gouyu emitted dazzling light at the same time.

Immediately, countless peripheral ten thousand poisonous vines submerged into the ground one after another, forming a large net under the ground!

In order to prevent it from being destroyed by the terrifying withering power of the desert tyrant, there are five layers inside and outside, enough to poison the desert tyrant to death before he escapes.

After the desert tyrant sensed the presence of the toxin, he became even more chaotic. He could only scurry around within the center of the Forest of Ten Thousand Poisons, but it was just a catch, it was impossible for it to escape from the ground.

With the shrinking range and the spread of toxic soil, the speed of the desert tyrant's actions became slower and slower, and he had no choice but to fight to the death!

Feng Yixiu obviously observed that a small sand dune was constantly turning into a huge sand dune, and it was still spreading. He immediately understood that this monster was about to die.

"Everyone be careful, the desert tyrant is ready to fight, let's raise the height a little bit." Feng Yixiu immediately reminded.

Shen Ruyu and Dongfang Xiamo both nodded, and Nine Nether Tiger and Daxia Longque also suddenly began to raise their heights.

At the same time, the extremely explosive Nine Nether Tigers were also preparing for the final blow, planning to instantly kill the desert tyrant who had just emerged from the ground.


There was a roar that resounded through the world, which contained endless anger and humiliation!

The desert tyrant suddenly jumped up from the ground, exposing his entire huge body to everyone's sight.

It opened a mouth full of blood, but the huge pincers were completely smashed off, and a transparent hole the size of a basketball appeared on its head, with pale golden blood still remaining, making it look rather miserable.

The Nine Nether Tiger is in the sky above the colorful Jade Lin Python, and above its head is a ghostly flower of the other shore, one of which is the word 'death' formed by the gathering of Nine Nether Qi.

in constant rotation.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the spiritual line produced by Yinhun Lishang is actually connected to the Queen of Black Thorns!

This point is still the suggestion put forward by Master Xuanji, and it has indeed achieved very good results after experiments.

What the Queen of Blackthorn lacks most is a steady stream of vitality and spiritual power, especially when the Blackthorn Forest is formed, it is inexhaustible.

This also provides great convenience for the use of Huangquan Golden Cicada and Immediate Death Comprehension, you can reach the strongest state without fighting!

Before the desert tyrant leaped out of the ground, Dongfang Xiamo threw out the monster card, and attacked the Leopard King with a shadow——Shadow Attack!

The shadow of the Nine Nether Tigers was projected on the back of the Colorful Jade Lin Python, and instantly turned into a huge shadow attack vortex.

I saw it sinking into it with lightning speed, and another shadow vortex appeared the moment the desert tyrant jumped out of the ground.


A tiger-claw-shaped streamer of dark purple that was more than ten meters long flashed, and with the roar of a tiger roaring in the forest, the body of the desert tyrant gradually shattered into six pieces!

The desert tyrant didn't even have a chance to scream, so he was chopped into pieces, and scattered scattered on the ground, motionless...

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