Feng Yixiu glanced around slightly, and found that there were indeed quite a few bound people hiding in the crowd, their mouths were also sealed and unable to speak, they must be the captives of the Mad Iron Hunting Group.

"Your spiritual weapon is indeed very powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, it always has its weaknesses." Feng Yixiu smiled, and then said lightly: "I think it will be impossible to use it beyond a certain distance..."

Hearing this, the man in Xuanyi's complexion turned ashen, and his relaxed expression instantly became extremely serious.

But it was only for a moment, after I realized it, I laughed and said, "Even if you know my weakness, so what? These people are loyal to me, and they will not run away. What can you do to me?"

Feng Yixiu snapped his fingers lightly, and Queen Blackthorn was summoned instantly, and said softly: "Since they won't leave, I'll just let them go, it's not easy."

A noble golden flower bloomed from the palm of Queen Black Thorn, and countless dark gold seeds floated out instantly, spreading the dark gold seeds within a kilometer range.


Two dark golden vines jumped out of the ground in an instant, tightly bound the ankles of the man in black, making him completely immobile.

Then a circle of dark gold vines grew around him, forming a solid dark gold prison, which moved towards the surroundings almost instantly.

The people around had no choice but to be constantly pushed away when the dark gold prison was not spreading much, they couldn't do anything about the dark gold vines at all, they could only watch helplessly as they got farther and farther away from the man in black.

The man in black didn't sit still, he slashed at the dark gold vines on his ankle with the broken short sword in his hand, the intense heat wanted to melt the dark gold vines little by little.

But just when the dark gold vines were about to be melted, the dark gold vines instantly turned into flame vines, and the man in black was completely stunned.

Before he could react, the flame vines were slowly stained with a light purple layer, turning into a highly poisonous flame.

Almost instantly, the man in black was enveloped in flames, and the violent toxin became more and more terrifying under the stimulation of the flames.

He obviously felt that the vitality in his body was disappearing bit by bit, and his consciousness gradually became blurred, and he didn't even have the chance to condense the magic book.

Just when the man in black was about to lose his hold, a snow-white long sword pierced through the air, cutting off the flame cage almost instantly.

Wherever the long sword passed, there was a piece of frost condensed. I saw that this frost sword exuded an extremely cold air, and instantly froze the man in black into an ice sculpture.

Feng Yixiu's face was livid, and he said in a deep voice, "It's not so easy to save people under my nose!"

A very thin beam of full moon sword energy spread out, and the target of the attack was the man in black clothes who had been frozen into an ice sculpture.

The Frost Sword emitted a ray of light, and with a light wave, it cut out a huge sword light tens of meters away, and a dazzling white light arose between the two collisions.

With a slight pick, the Frost Sword easily picked up the ice sculpture, and instantly disappeared in place.

When Feng Yixiu just opened his eyes, the man in the black robe had completely disappeared, and the rest of the dragon hunting group also fled in all directions.

But when he ran away, he didn't care about the captives who were caught before, and Feng Yixiu didn't chase after him.

Shen Ruyu slowly put the hand that blocked her eyes, frowned and said, "Do you want to chase?"

Feng Yixiu shook his head, and said softly: "Forget it...that man's swordsmanship is even higher than mine. It seems that the evil dragon hunting group is not so simple. I am afraid there is a bigger backer behind it."

"What is the origin of this evil dragon hunting group to invite such a powerful person?" Shen Ruyu frowned.

"Bang bang bang..."

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard the sound of knocking on the door behind them.

Only then did Feng Yixiu react, and immediately opened the door through the remote control.

Zhang Heng rushed out immediately, and said with some resentment: "I said Brother Feng, you don't let me participate in the fight, you are too mean!"

Feng Yixiu smiled and said, "Next time! By the way...do you know who the owner of the sword is?"

"I don't know about this. We only know that the head of the Dragon Hunting Group is Zhao Yue, the man in black that you taught me just now. I haven't heard of anyone else..." Zhang Heng scratched his head, Shen Sheng said.

Hearing this, Shen Qingci's eyes flickered for a moment, and there was a trace of bewilderment in his eyes, as if some bad memories sounded.

Si Fan was also very careful, and asked in a low voice: "Qing Ci, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Shen Qingci suddenly came back to his senses, forced a smile and said: "It's nothing... maybe I'm a little tired."

Si Fan patted the other party's shoulder lightly, and said softly: "Pay attention to rest, just leave the affairs of the chamber of commerce to me."

"Hmm..." Shen Qingci leaned gently on Si Fan's shoulder, showing a sincere smile.

Feng Yixiu pondered for a long time, and said solemnly: "The Dragon Hunting Group is not easy... In this case, you must not reveal your position, and don't confront them head-on before we come back."

Zhang Heng and Si Fan also knew the seriousness of the matter and nodded together.

"I will fix the Kuangtie as soon as possible, and move the position quickly." Si Fan said solemnly.

Several people quickly entered the Crazy Iron, and the prisoners outside were also rescued.


Dragon Hunters, Central Camp


The atmosphere in the tent was a bit tense, except for the man in white sitting on top, everyone else lowered their heads nervously.

Zhao Yue, as the head of the evil dragon hunting group, was supposed to be the one sitting at the top, but at this moment he was kneeling on the ground with sweat profusely, and he didn't dare to raise his head.

The slender fingers of the man in white gently lifted the wooden handrail beside him, making a rhythmic sound like a clock.

Suddenly, the rhythmic voice gradually stopped, and the man in white slowly opened his eyes, emitting a terrifying chill, making the entire camp extremely cold.

"You know... Our Long family has never raised useless dogs." The man in white didn't look at the man kneeling below, but played with a blood bead in his hand.

"Young master, forgive me! I didn't know that there was such a master in the crazy iron hunting group!" Zhao Yue fell to his knees on the ground, and he didn't know how to stop when his head was smashed.

"Did I tell you what happened just now?" The man in white clenched his fist violently, and the bloody beads in his hand burst instantly, exuding a bloody smell.

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