God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1276 Holy Spirit Card

"I originally thought that the inheritance of the Holy Spirit was just a legend, but now it seems that it is not a legend..." Shen Ruyu said softly.

Feng Yixiu slowly picked up the holy spirit card emitting light blue light, and examined it carefully.

This is indeed different from ordinary monster cards, completely breaking away from the level rules of ordinary monster cards, but a special kind of card.

The general monster card levels are bronze, silver, gold, platinum, purple gold, black gold, diamond, epic, and legend.

This holy spirit card is equivalent to a legendary monster card, and it does not need to follow the general rules of using monster cards, as long as it accepts the inheritance, it can be used!

Ordinary war spirits are bound to war spirits, but the supreme holy spirit is beyond all of these. Even after the death of war spirits, they can still survive independently in the world, and even have their own holy spirit crystal core.

Feng Yixiu first glanced at the back, and it was completely different from all the monster cards. There was neither the totem of the ancient demon skull nor the totem of the eye of the abyss, but a brand new totem.

What is depicted on it is the four holy spirits of the ancient times, namely Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu.

The four holy spirits are located in their own positions, forming a circular totem of the four holy spirits, exuding holy brilliance.

Slowly flipping the holy spirit card to the front, what caught the eye was the Qinglong Holy Spirit that had just dissipated, but it was not in an old state, but in its most prosperous state.

The pattern in the holy spirit card is not static, but slowly swimming in the card, which looks quite majestic and domineering.

"Holy blue dragon—holy." Feng Yixiu put his eyes on the name of the Holy Spirit card in his hand, and read it out slowly.

"Holy weapon?" Shen Ruyu showed a confused face.

"Don't you know what effect this is?"

Feng Yixiu originally wanted to ask Shen Ruyu, after all, as a child of the Four Holy Family, he can be said to know the Holy Spirit best.

But looking at her confused face, it is estimated that she is not very clear about the effect of the holy spirit card.

Sure enough, Shen Ruyu shook her head in a daze, and said in a deep voice: "I only know about the inheritance of the Holy Spirit, and I have never seen it, let alone me, even my father has never seen it, how would I know?" ..."

"It seems that I can only test it myself."

After saying that, Feng Yixiu summoned the colorful jade lin python, and then wanted to use this holy spirit card.

He almost used up all the spiritual power in his body to inject it, but only let the holy spirit card in his hand emit a faint blue light, and the body of the holy blue dragon card was only a little bit illusory.

This is also a partial activation. You don't need to fully activate the Holy Spirit card to obtain the matching maximum aura for arming.

The method of using the holy spirit card is essentially the same as that of the monster card. It needs a battle spirit master to input enough spiritual power into the monster card to fully activate it.

This is also one of the reasons why high-level monster cards require high-level war spirit masters to use, because the quality of spiritual power of low-level war spirit masters simply cannot control high-level monster cards.

But obviously the holy spirit card broke this confinement. Although the spiritual power input by Feng Yixiu could not fully activate the holy blue dragon, the holy spirit card, it could release the corresponding power to arm it to the greatest extent.

But what Feng Yixiu didn't expect was that this blue ray of light bounced back in Xiaobailou's body for a moment, that is, he couldn't be armed.

The cyan light returned to the body of the holy spirit card again, as if nothing had happened.

"Ho Ho???"

Xiao Bailou was very excited at first, but when he saw the blue light recede, he became extremely disappointed.

"What... what's going on here?" Feng Yixiu was also confused.

Shen Ruyu also had black lines all over her face, she frowned and said, "This holy spirit card seems a bit arrogant..."

Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment, and said seriously: "I think I know why, you said that the inheritance of Qinglong must be used by the inheritor, and Xiaobailou has not yet completed the evolution of inheritance, so it is rejected by the holy spirit card, right? .”

"From Brother Feng's words, I think this is the reason." Shen Ruyu echoed.

"Our situation is very bad now. I am very worried about the safety of the Shenmu tribe and the Kuangtie hunting group. We must complete the evolution as soon as possible. Otherwise, even if we go out, we will not be the opponent of that guy Long Yun. "Feng Yixiu's face was full of dignity.

Shen Ruyu nodded in agreement, then looked at the dilapidated palaces around, frowned and said: "But now we don't have the conditions to evolve, not even evolution instruments..."

"As one of the main battleships in the ancient times, there should be a complete range of equipment, and there should be evolutionary instruments. Let's go out and find them."

After saying that, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu left the hall, and had to say that the battleship Shenlong was much bigger than he imagined, as if it was a small island.

While Feng Yixiu was looking for the evolution area, he saw corpses scattered all around, and the pile of skeletons made one's scalp tingle. Among them are not only the corpses of monsters, but also the corpses of this human being, which shows the brutality of that battle.

Although the Shenlong is very dilapidated now, Feng Yixiu can imagine how majestic this battleship was in the ancient war, but it is a pity that nothing can withstand the erosion of time and war...

Finally, Feng Yixiu found

A tall tower-shaped building with the words War Spirit Evolution Tower written on it.

"I finally found it, I hope the equipment inside is not broken..." Feng Yixiu pulled Shen Ruyu and walked towards the inside.

He first glanced at the evolutionary instrument on the first floor, which can be said to be the most crude instrument, and due to the corrosion of time, it is no longer usable.

Then he climbed to the highest floor of the tower in one breath, and a very simple evolutionary instrument lay there quietly.

Although the dust had already covered the evolutionary instrument, Feng Yixiu saw some familiar rune patterns at a glance, but because it was covered by dust, he couldn't see it very clearly.

Feng Yixiu didn't mind being dirty, so he took off his clothes and wiped the evolutionary instrument in front of him, finally seeing clearly the true nature of the evolutionary instrument in front of him.

This evolutionary instrument shows no signs of rust at all, but looks brand new. Apart from its quaint appearance, it can be said that there is no problem.

But these are not what shocked him the most. What shocked him the most was that this evolutionary instrument turned out to be a pure rune technological evolutionary instrument!

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