God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1281: The Power of the Holy Spear

"The old man has studied some ancient books, and indeed he has a good understanding of Qinglong. According to legend, the thunder used by Qinglong can be the timely rain that saves people from fire and water, or the decisive thunder that destroys the world. Wei, according to ancient records, it is cyan, and its shape is very similar." The old chief explained very humanly.

Feng Yixiu didn't explain too much, and said lightly: "Maybe it's just a coincidence..."

Ye Tao also woke up slowly, and the first thing he said when he opened his eyes was: "Qingqing, Xuan'er, I'm here to save you!"

But no matter how hard he tried, his body was as heavy as lead. He could only barely sit up, but was forced down by Feng Yixiu.

"Your body has just recovered. Now you need to rest and rest. We will bring your sister and son back!" Feng Yixiu looked at Ye Tao seriously.

Ye Tao looked at Feng Yixiu's determined gaze, gradually calmed down, and said softly, "Thank you for your kindness."

Feng Yixiu put away his two battle spirits, ready to leave for the base camp of the evil dragon hunting group.

"What are you all doing? Noisy, is it itchy again?"

In an instant, a group of men in cyan suits came over. They all wore black masks on their heads, and their walking posture was very arrogant.

These are the elite team members responsible for guarding the Shenmu tribe. They are specially transferred by Long Yun from the Long family to prevent the Shenmu tribe from escaping.

"It's over... It's too late to run now..." The old chief looked at the approaching group of people with despair on his face.

A strong man over two meters tall seemed to be their team leader, and almost immediately noticed the unusualness of Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu.

Because the clothes of the two of them are completely different from those of the surrounding Shenmu tribe, it can be seen at a glance that they are not from the Shenmu tribe.

The captain was also puzzled, they had been guarding all the entrances and exits of the Shenmu Tribe, not even letting a fly in, how did they slip in?

"Hey! How did the two of you get in here? Why don't you tell the truth!" The masked man shouted at the top of his voice, and pointed at Feng Yixiu with the blood-stained mace in his hand.

Feng Yixiu slowly put Ye Tao on the ground, then stood up slowly, and said softly: "You bastards beat Ye Tao?"

The strong man glanced at Ye Tao on the ground, and found that his injuries were almost healed. He said angrily: "Boy, you'd better keep your mind off your own business. There is no good fruit to eat against our Long family!"

"Long Family? Hehe..." Feng Yixiu snorted coldly.

Shen Ruyu also stood up, turned around and glared at the people in front of her, angrily said: "Brother Feng, what nonsense are you talking about with animals, just kill them directly."

After saying that, a raging flame ignited in Shen Ruyu's palm, the phoenix tail imprint between her eyebrows emitted a dazzling light, and a huge Liangyi Burning Heaven Bow appeared in her hand.

At the same time, a holy demon angel appeared behind her, his movements were exactly the same as Shen Ruyu's, and he also started aiming at the leading captain in front of him.

"Yo hoo... This little girl looks really good, do you want to have fun with the old men?" The captain of the strong man's words were full of teasing, and he didn't take Shen Ruyu seriously at all.

Because he is at the level of the seventh-level war spirit master, how could he take the mere war spirit king seriously? Naturally, he regarded Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu as fish on the chopping board.

"Captain! You can't patronize yourself to be happy, don't forget us brothers!"

"Yeah, yeah... the most beautiful girl in this Shenmu tribe was taken away by Long Shao, and the rest are crooked melons and dates. It's hard to come across such a top-quality girl, you can't take it all by yourself! "

The rest of the men who followed the strong man echoed, and there were some obscenities and teasing voices from time to time.

Feng Yixiu couldn't help frowning, the Qinglong Holy Spear gradually condensed in his hand, and the murderous aura could no longer be concealed.

But before Feng Yixiu could make a move, the arrow in Shen Ruyu's hand was released with the sound of breaking the wind, extremely fast!

At the same time, the holy demon angel also released an arrow, and the two arrows continuously rotated and entangled with each other, with a gorgeous spiral tail flame.

As expected of the leader of these people, that brawny man escaped the Liangyi arrow at the critical moment, but his face was scratched and a deep bloodstain appeared.

But the team members behind him didn't have such good luck. The penetrating power of the Liangyi arrows was terrifying, piercing through the heads of five people in a row.

Even so, the Liangyi arrow still didn't stop spinning, making a sharp turn of 180 degrees, and shot towards the captain's head again!

"Captain, be careful!"

The rest of the team members immediately shouted.

Although the captain of the strong man was very big, his reaction was not slow, and he grabbed the arrow in front of him with his bare hands.

The Liangyi Arrow was constantly spinning in his hands. The huge propulsion force and intense temperature made him miserable, and he was pushed five or six meters away before stopping.

He actually forcibly changed the trajectory of the Liangyi arrow with great force, allowing him to penetrate his shoulder, and the Liangyi arrow completely dissipated.

"Hmph... I thought it was so powerful, but it seems that it's nothing more than..."

The captain of the strong man is also a face-saving person. He gritted his teeth and turned around slowly, but saw that Shen Ruyu had already set up three bows and arrows and was aiming at himself!

"What did you just say? I didn't catch

Chu, say it again..." Shen Ruyu's face was cold, like a noble angel.


The strong captain's cold sweat had soaked his back, and his throat moved involuntarily.

I saw his fingers move slightly, this is the action of summoning the magic book, but how could Shen Ruyu give him such a chance.

Three rounds of arrows shot out in an instant, and they moved in three completely different directions. They drew beautiful arcs in the air, and the final goal was the head of the strong man!

A book of monsters was only half condensed, and two arrows shot the headshot of the strong man at the same time, and he fell slowly into a pool of blood.

"My god... this is too fierce!"

Seeing that a strong man like the captain was instantly killed, the rest of the people scattered and fled where there was still the courage to resist.

Of course Feng Yixiu would not give them this chance, if Long Yun knew that he was still alive, it would definitely cause trouble!

I saw him chasing after a few volleys, and the Qinglong holy gun in his hand released a dazzling thunder light, which was very dazzling even in the daytime.

"Inverse Chaos Eight Styles Scattering Stars!"

Feng Yixiu was at a height of 100 meters, quickly dancing the Qinglong Holy Spear in his hand, and the blue thunder spears in the shape of a dragon's head frantically harvested life.

The gun rain like a meteor shower covered a range of hundreds of meters, and every thunderbolt would leave a huge deep pit on the ground.

At this time, the Scattering Star Yao he released is more than ten times stronger than that of the Domineering Dragon Spear, no matter in terms of range or power, it is simply unstoppable!

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